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Patriot Act Hypothetical excon 08/28/04

    Hello again, Wingers:

    Let me pose this outrageously hypothetical question. Let's say that a very liberal contingent was running the country. Let's say that this liberal contingent perceived that there were certain "undesirable" people on the far right. Let's say that rightly or wrongly, some group you belong to, or some magazine you subscribe to, got you put on a government watch list. Let's say the FBI visited you because it "heard" you were going to the Democratic Convention, and wanted to innocently ask you about it.

    Let's say that during this administration, we got attacked. Let's say that this administration asked for the power to investigate and deal with "wrong" wherever they find it. Would you be opposed to giving that government the Patriot Act?


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 08/29/04 8:44 am:

      And, let me add this. It's easy to spout slogans, and suggest that you and your family's doors are wide open, when you know (at least you think you know) that that in not likely to happen (at least not to you, as things presently are).

      But, if the feds pulled up in front of your house, and did a number on you - because they wanted to, because an enemy snitched on you, because you have too much money, because you're a Jew, a Catholic, in the real world (where I live - and you don't), you wouldn't like it one bit.

      Now, tell me that you would.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 08/29/04 9:05 am:

      I'm not done.

      Here's the flat out truth. The only way to guarantee that the feds won't search you, is to make sure that they can't search anybody (without due process, as your Bill of Rights calls for).

      You right wingers slay me. You always have a list of people who shouldn't enjoy the same rights you do. It's interesting, you're never on that list.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 08/29/04 9:17 am:

      And, I'm still not done.

      If you think it's ok to even have a list, someday you will be on it. That is a no-brainer.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 08/29/04 9:21 am:

      Nope, not yet.

      Before you protest about a list, let me tell you who's probably on yours:

      Exconvicts, dope smokers, illegal aliens, homosexuals and people whom the government thinks are bad.

      The rest are guesses, but not bad ones: Commies, liberals, poor people, blacks, homeless people, Muslims, Mexicans. Am I close? Come on. You can tell us.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 08/29/04 9:50 am:

      I'm done.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 08/30/04 9:53 am:

      Well, I guess I'm not done:

      Elg, I know that you read my remarks, and you still answer with the same BS that say's you're doors are wide open.

      They're not. Nobody's are. I know it, and you know it. Me thinks, you prevaricate, are a hypocrite, and afraid to argue with me in public. Instead, you still throw around slogans.

      Thank God, I'm not one of your students.


Answered By Answered On
elgin_republicans 08/28/04
If, if, if - if it rained money, we'd all be rich.

Not one person in the United States of America has been unjustly tried and convicted based on anything in the Patriot Act. If I am wrong, please forward his or her name to me.

As to your question - yes, investigate anything I do, my family does, or my neighbors do. Then, if and when you find evidence of law-breaking, throw our collective asses in jail.

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