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The John-John love fest Itsdb 07/13/04
    Only in politics...taken from

    Kerry on Edwards prior to becoming running mates:

    *** ‘When I Came Back From Vietnam…I Don’t Know If John Edwards Was Out Of Diapers Then.’ “‘In the Senate four years - and that is the full extent of public life - no international experience, no military experience, you can imagine what the advertising is going to be next year,’ Mr. Kerry said. With a grin, he added: ‘When I came back from Vietnam in 1969 I don’t know if John Edwards was out of diapers then. Well, I’m sure he was out of diapers.’” (Adam Nagourney and Jim Rutenberg, “With Hopes Up And Elbows Out, Democrats Give Iowa Their All,” The New York Times, 1/19/04)

    *** “‘I think the American people want an experienced hand at the helm of state,’ said Kerry, who has spent 19 years in the Senate compared with Edwards’ five. ‘This is not the time for on-the-job training in the White House on national security issues.’” (Mark Z. Barabak, “Diverse States May Reshape The Democratic Race Today,” Los Angeles Times, 2/3/04)

    *** “Kerry took aim at Edwards’s lack of military and foreign policy experience while responding to Edwards’s comment that both candidates shared similar plans to rebuild Iraq. ‘Well, I think he would like it to be that way,’ said Kerry, a decorated veteran, ‘but I think I have 35 years of experience in international security, foreign policy, and military affairs, and I think that makes an enormous difference here. I think that the world is looking for leadership that is tested and sure.’” (Raja Mishra, “Edwards And Kerry Emphasize Contrasts,” The Boston Globe, 2/23/04)

    *** “The veteran senator also questioned the former trial lawyer’s pursuit of the presidency after less than one term in elective office. ‘And people call me ambitious?’ a Globe reporter once overheard Kerry asking an aide.” (Glen Johnson, “Once a Rival, Edwards Staying Close to Kerry,” The Boston Globe, 6/10/04)

    *** "If Mr. Kerry himself unswervingly took the high road, his spokeswoman, Stephanie Cutter, did not hesitate to rebut the criticisms by Dr. Dean and Mr. Edwards in the sharpest tones. Of Mr. Edwards, Ms. Cutter said: ‘If his intent is to remove special interests from Washington, why has he, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, taken more than $11 million from lawyers and law firms?’” (Todd S. Purdum, “With End Near In New Hampshire, A Day For Final Jabs And Last-Minute Pleas,” The New York Times, 1/27/04)

    *** “Mr. Kerry made clear … that if Mr. Edwards tries to tar him as a tool of special interests, he will respond in kind. ‘It seems to me there’s a huge amount of money that’s been compiled in his campaign from one particular area of our economy,’ Mr. Kerry said, referring to Mr. Edwards’s support from trial lawyers. ‘People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,’ Mr. Kerry told MSNBC.” (Josh Gerstein, “Kerry Advances, As Edwards Hangs On,” The New York Sun, 2/4/04)

    *** “A moment later, after the interview was over, in an aside that his aides insisted had not been intended for public consumption, Mr. Kerry mocked Mr. Edwards’s claim that he was the strongest Democrat the party could put up against Mr. Bush because he was from the South. ‘Edwards says he’s the only one who can win states in the South,’ Mr. Kerry said to a senior aide, David Wade, in a remark that was picked up by a reporter’s microphone. ‘He can’t win his own state.’” (Adam Nagourney, “For Kerry And Edwards, Sharp Exchanges Reflect A Crucial Day Of Voting,” The New York Times, 2/3/04)

    *** “An e-mail from a Kerry spokesperson reacting to Edwards’ trade/economic speech yesterday jibes, ‘Below is John Edwards MAJOR economic address, where he promises to reward work and to create opportunity. There’s one thing missing from this speech: TRADE. Apparently, cracking down on unfair trade practices and promoting fair and balanced trade was not a priority to John Edwards just eight months ago. Mr. Johnny Come Lately on Trade!’ Another Kerry e-mail actually picked apart Edwards’ proposals.” (NBC’s “First Read,” 2/20/04)

    *** KERRY: “On trade, there is no difference between what John Edwards would do today and what I would do today. And to listen to John try to carve out this - what I think is sort of a protectionist point of view in the past, actually is not documented by the record. John Edwards has been in the Senate for five years. He’s talked more in the last five weeks about trade than he has in the entire five years. The fact is that he didn’t vote in the 1994 election when he had a chance to vote about trade. He didn’t talk about it, against it, in his election in 1998 when he ran for the Senate. And he went to The New York Times last week and said that he thought that NAFTA, in fact, was good for the prosperity of our country.” (CBS/New York Times Democrat Presidential Candidates Debate, New York, NY, 2/29/04)

    *** “‘Edwards promised to run a positive campaign,’ one Kerry campaign statement read, noting that Mr. Edwards had voted for the China trade agreement. ‘But now Edwards attacks John Kerry and runs from his own record.’” (Adam Nagourney and David M. Halbfinger, “Kerry And Edwards Square Off As Dean Abandons Campaign,” The New York Times, 2/19/04)

    *** “Of the Senator [Edwards] nipping at Kerry’s heels, a senior Kerry advisor poses a counter query, ‘The question is how many times you can come in second before you realize you didn’t come in first?’” (ABC’s “The Note,” 2/18/04)

    *** “[Kerry] also took a rare jab at Edwards for suggesting … that the two men hold a debate in this state before its primary … ‘Sounds like a little grandstanding to me,’ Kerry said.” (Patrick Healy, “Even In Victory, Kerry’s Caution Is Seen As Risky,” The Boston Globe, 2/25/04)

    *** Kerry Accused Edwards Of Looking For Differences That Didn’t Exist. “‘I know he’s looking for some differences because you need them,’ Kerry chided Edwards at one point.” (Tom Raum, “Kerry, Edwards Find More Common Ground Than Differences In Debate,” The Associated Press, 2/27/04)

    Edwards on Kerry before becoming running mates:

    *** “[S]enator Kerry has consistently said that he can pay for all the things that he’s proposing and substantially reduce the deficit, I think I’ve heard him say cut it in half, in his first term. Well, The Washington Post … just analyzed his proposals, and its the same old thing. Here we go again. In fact, in fact, he overspends, in terms of being able to pay for all of his proposals, he overspends by $165 billion in his first term, which means he would drive us deeper and deeper into deficit. My point is very simple about all this. This is the same old Washington talk that people have been listening to for decades. They want something different …” (Sen. John Edwards, CBS News/The New York Times Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate, New York, NY, 2/29/04)

    *** “There are multiple differences on economics. One, the difference in our personal stories. Two, I’m the person who’s focused much more on what has to be done for the middle class. Three, I have not heard him talk about poverty. I doubt if it would be a priority.” (Jonathan Alter and Arian Campo-Flores, “‘I Talk About Things People Care About,’” Newsweek, 3/1/04)

    *** “Edwards, on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ was asked about Kerry’s explanations of his vote for the resolution authorizing President Bush to go to war in Iraq. ‘He’s not been clear to me,’ Edwards said. ‘I think he’s said some different things at different points in time. So I think there’s been some inconsistency.’” (Dan Balz and Paul Schwartzman, “Reinforcements Rally For Frantic Final Push,” The Washington Post, 1/26/04)

    *** “After Kerry delivered a lengthy response to a question about whether, having voted for the resolution authorizing war in Iraq, he felt responsibility for U.S. casualties, Edwards said, ‘That is the longest answer I have ever heard to a yes-or-no question.’” (Dan Balz and David S. Broder, “Edwards Challenges Kerry In Debate,” The Washington Post, 2/16/04)

    *** “First of all, if I can get the truth-o-meter out here again for just a minute. John Kerry, you are not the only one who has a plan to bring down the cost of health care. I have a very clear plan about how to do that.” (Sen. John Edwards, The Des Moines Register Democrat Presidential Candidates Debate, Des Moines, IA, 1/4/04)

    *** “Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina says that Kerry, after being in Washington so long, can’t bring about real change. And in a dig at Kerry’s background, Edwards says the concerns of poor Americans are ‘not academic for me. I’ve lived it.’” (Matt Stearns, “Kerry’s Big Link To Big Money,” The Kansas City Star, 2/8/04)

    *** “I’ve been looking forward to the time when this is a two-person race and people will focus on Senator Kerry and myself. It now appears that we’re very close to that place and maybe already there. And so this is the moment I’ve been looking for. I believe if that happens, the choice that I give voters, which is different than Senator Kerry, is somebody who comes from them, who understands the problems that they have in their life, who understands what the loss of a job means, who has both trade policy and tax policy that will work for all Americans and not just a privileged few. And I think there are real differences between us.” (CNN’s “Larry King Live,” 2/17/04)

    *** ‘The question is whether that change can be brought by somebody who spent most of their life in politics and in Washington,’ said Edwards, a first-term North Carolina senator who made his fortune as a trial lawyer.” (Ron Fournier, “Democrats Spar In N.H. After Iowa Jolt,” The Associated Press, 1/20/04)

    *** “The [Edwards] document, which aides confirmed was part of a 50-page packet they distributed earlier this month, instructs captains to describe Howard Dean as an ‘elitist from Park Avenue in New York City.’ It says John Kerry ‘can’t claim to change America because he has been part of the failed Washington politics for too long.’ (CNN’s “The Morning Grind,” 1/22/04)

    *** “‘In order to beat [President] Bush, we need a nominee who can win Southern states, not another New Englander or Washington insider who loses every Southern state,’ the [Edwards] memo reads, referring to both Dean and Kerry.” (CNN’s “The Morning Grind,” 1/22/04)

    *** “[Edwards] said: ‘The question is, who on the top of the Democratic ticket can go every place in America and campaign with the candidates and strengthen their ability to get elected?’ He added, ‘In Georgia, do you want John Edwards campaigning with you? Do you want Howard Dean campaigning with you? Do you want John Kerry campaigning with you?’” (David M. Halbfinger and Randal C. Archibold, “Ignoring Other Candidates, Kerry Turns Focus On Bush,” The New York Times, 1/22/04)

    *** "‘It’s one thing to talk about special interests,’ [Edwards] said. ‘It’s something else to do something about it.’ He emphasized he was not attacking Kerry, a Massachusetts senator. ‘It’s a difference between Senator Kerry and me.’” (David Espo, “New Hampshire Democrats Cast First Votes,” The Associated Press, 1/27/04

    *** “‘We want someone who hasn’t been there for 15 to 20 years, if you’re going to bring change,’ Mr. Edwards told reporters here, referring to Mr. Kerry’s service in the Senate. He added: ‘I don’t take contributions from lobbyists. He obviously does.’” (Adam Nagourney, “For Kerry And Edwards, Sharp Exchanges Reflect A Crucial Day Of Voting,” The New York Times, 2/3/04)

    *** “I voted against the Chilean trade agreement. I voted against the Singapore trade agreement. I voted against final fast track authority for this president. I voted against the African trade agreement. I voted against the Caribbean trade agreement. Senator Kerry voted for all those. (ABC’s “This Week,” 2/22/04)

    *** “Kerry and Edwards also sparred over international trade, with Edwards pointing out that he has voted against a series of trade agreements supported by his rival. ‘There is a difference here,’ he said. ‘There is a difference between Senator Kerry and myself. … What he’s saying now is different than what he did in the past.’” (Dan Balz, “In Debate, Kerry Touts Experience And Edwards Stresses Electability,” The Washington Post, 2/27/04)

    And today?

    Kerry: "This is the first time I've appeared anywhere without John Edwards in the last four days. I'm feeling this withdrawal"

    Have you noticed they can't keep their hands off of each other now?

Answered By Answered On
drgade 07/13/04
With these two, and many other liberals, truth is relative..... Relative to who you are speaking to..... Relative to what your goal is at the moment.... Relative to how much you can remember of your last "spin".

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