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    Does Sexual Morality For a Christian, Make Sense?


    Helpful facts that young people want to know
    MANY persons today feel that having sex relations outside of marriage makes sense. Young persons are increasingly prominent among these.

    Those who hold firm against this because of sticking to moral standards are often viewed with a measure of pity or even scorn as old-fashioned, weak, na�ve or unsophisticated. Are they? What do the facts show?

    Hello RubyGirl, Christian morality is one of the highest dividends that the "law of increasing returns" provide. !.They are a good conscience, that is kept healthy 2. Great sex with ones wife or husband, they get to know what pleases their mate and enjoyment continues to increase with the years. 3. Trust that can be of the greatest bond of friendship with a person, and unselfish giving of oneself, produce great intimacies. 4. The enjoyment of intimacies does not have to be confined to the bedroom. When one exercises true love, even the least of lustful expressions can stir intimate pleasures. COMMENTARIES:--on consequences of illicit sex or fornication--- "Young Peoples Questions! Answers that Work" 181 23 What About Sex Before Marriage? *** Nevertheless, "It is the exceptional young person who has not had sexual intercourse while still a teenager," concluded the Alan Guttmacher Institute in its 1981 report. "Eight in 10 males and seven in 10 females report having had intercourse while in their teens." *** yp 183 23 What About Sex Before Marriage? *** Recognizing such dangers, Dr. Richard Lee wrote in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine: "We boast to our young people about our great breakthroughs in preventing pregnancy and treating venereal disease disregarding the most reliable and specific, the least expensive and toxic, preventative of both gestational and venereal distress-the ancient, honorable, and even healthy state of virginity." *** yp 186 23 What About Sex Before Marriage? *** Dr. Jay Segal. After studying the sexual activities of 2,436 college students, he concluded: "Dissatisfying and disappointing first [sexual intercourse] experiences exceeded those that were fulfilling and exciting by a ratio of almost two to one. Both males and females recalled that they were greatly disappointed." Granted, even married couples may sometimes have their difficulties when it comes to sex. But in a marriage, where there is genuine love and commitment, such problems usually can be worked out. --The Price of Promiscuity *** yp 186-7 23 What About Sex Before Marriage? *** Some youths feel no guilt whatsoever about having relations, and so they go all out for sensual gratification, seeking sex with a variety of partners. Researcher Robert Sorensen, in his study of teenage sexuality, observed that such youths pay a price for their promiscuity. Writes Sorensen: "In our personal interviews, many [promiscuous youths] reveal . . . that they believe they are functioning with little purpose and self-contentment." Forty-six percent of these agreed with the statement, "The way I'm living right now, most of my abilities are going to waste." Sorensen further found that these promiscuous youths reported low "self-confidence and self-esteem." It is just as Proverbs 5:9 says: Those engaging in immorality "give to others [their] dignity." --Dignity or self worth is wasted so easily in the minutes of immorality *** yp 181 23 *** Nevertheless, "It is the exceptional young person who has not had sexual intercourse while still a teenager," concluded the Alan Guttmacher Institute in its 1981 report. "Eight in 10 males and seven in 10 females report having had intercourse while in their teens." *** yp 183 23 Recognizing such dangers, Dr. Richard Lee wrote in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine: "We boast to our young people about our great breakthroughs in preventing pregnancy and treating venereal disease disregarding the most reliable and specific, the least expensive and toxic, preventative of both gestational and venereal distress-the ancient, honorable, and even healthy state of virginity." *** yp 186 23 Dr. Jay Segal. After studying the sexual activities of 2,436 college students, he concluded: "Dissatisfying and disappointing first [sexual intercourse] experiences exceeded those that were fulfilling and exciting by a ratio of almost two to one. Both males and females recalled that they were greatly disappointed." Granted, even married couples may sometimes have their difficulties when it comes to sex. But in a marriage, where there is genuine love and commitment, such problems usually can be worked out. The Price of Promiscuity *** yp 186-7 23 Some youths feel no guilt whatsoever about having relations, and so they go all out for sensual gratification, seeking sex with a variety of partners. Researcher Robert Sorensen, in his study of teenage sexuality, observed that such youths pay a price for their promiscuity. Writes Sorensen: "In our personal interviews, many [promiscuous youths] reveal . . . that they believe they are functioning with little purpose and self-contentment." Forty-six percent of these agreed with the statement, "The way I'm living right now, most of my abilities are going to waste." Sorensen further found that these promiscuous youths reported low "self-confidence and self-esteem." It is just as Proverbs 5:9 says: Those engaging in immorality "give to others [their] dignity." *** yp 187 23 Paul H. Landis, a respected researcher in the field of family life, observes: "The temporary effect [of premarital sex] may be to strengthen the relationship, but the long-term effects may be quite different *** yp 190 23 *** . Sociologist Seymour Fisher says that a woman's sexual response also depends upon her having "feelings of intimacy, closeness, and dependability" and upon her husband's "ability to identify with his wife, and . . . how much confidence she had in him." *** yp 190-1 23 Interestingly, in a study of 177 married women, three fourths of those who had engaged in premarital sex reported sexual difficulties during the first two weeks of marriage. Furthermore, all who reported long-term sexual difficulties "had histories of premarital intercourse." Research has further shown that those engaging in premarital sex are twice as likely to commit adultery after marriage! How true are the Bible's words: "Fornication . . . take[s] away good motive."-Hosea 4:11. Paul H. Landis, a respected researcher in the field of family life, observes: "The temporary effect [of premarital sex] may be to strengthen the relationship, but the long-term effects may be quite different *** yp 190 23 . Sociologist Seymour Fisher says that a woman's sexual response also depends upon her having "feelings of intimacy, closeness, and dependability" and upon her husband's "ability to identify with his wife, and . . . how much confidence she had in him." *** yp 190-1 23 What About Sex Before Marriage? *** Interestingly, in a study of 177 married women, three fourths of those who had engaged in premarital sex reported sexual difficulties during the first two weeks of marriage. Furthermore, all who reported long-term sexual difficulties "had histories of premarital intercourse." Research has further shown that those engaging in premarital sex are twice as likely to commit adultery after marriage! How true are the Bible's words: "Fornication . . . take[s] away good motive."-Hosea 4:11. Sincerely, Thomas

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