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This section allows you to view common questions and answers that have been answered by Oldstillwild in Philosophy. Select an appropriate title from the entries below:

Question/Subject: Decriminalisation of Drugs
Should drugs (eg marijuana, cocaine etc) be decriminalised?...

Question/Subject: "what is it to be human?"
That thought gives rise to attitudes, which give rise to acts whi...

Question/Subject: Rules of religion
I guess a reason I claim no specific religion however I truly wonder how so... ...

Question/Subject: What is the worst evil?

Question/Subject: What is the "greatest good"?

Question/Subject: To what extent is happiness attainable?

Question/Subject: To what extent can the mind control the body?

Question/Subject: Are we improving or not?
What do you think?
Since the dawn of man, do you think that we are ev...

Question/Subject: Why are moral rules (un)necessary?

Question/Subject: The Law Of Equivalency:

The intent of the law of retribution was to ensure that the pu...

Question/Subject: How did morality originate?

Question/Subject: Should a person always be treated as an end?
.....(rather than a means to an end?)...

Question/Subject: Does Morality Hold Society Together??
Obituary 5-27-05 Chicago Tribune. Donte Thomas, 19


Question/Subject: inherent meaning
If all humans (B's) are mortal (A), (major)
and all Greeks (C's) are h...

Question/Subject: What is wrong with atomism?
... (The theory that everything is derived from atomic particles)...

Question/Subject: What are the drawbacks of being dishonest?

Question/Subject: Which vices (if any) are harmless?

Question/Subject: What is character
What is it to say, “ones own sense of character” and, is there individual chara...

Question/Subject: Why is anger the greatest evil?
The gift of justice surpasses all gifts, or does it?...

Question/Subject: Anger
Where does anger come from?
Exactly what makes us get angry?
Does it vary from person...

Question/Subject: Our concept of the perfect self
I have come to ask another quesion. If anger is caused by fear o...

Question/Subject: survival of the fittest
Psychologist Herbert Spencer coined the term ” survival of the fittest,&#...

Question/Subject: Researching a company by it's website address
I was trying to find out some info on a company,...

Question/Subject: Urgency
I'm 32. I walk on the streets , I attract men' eyes and attention. But I'm a sin...

Question/Subject: Bad thoughts
Dear friends,
How to cope with the horrible sensation of feeling observed and the...

Question/Subject: Do you agree with the great philosopher...............
Yoda, who once said, "There is no 't...

Question/Subject: The critic maintains
The critic maintains the very notion of a thing with no properties is absurd...

Question/Subject: What are your views on this quotation?
"Seven Blunders of the World"

1. We...

Question/Subject: Love and Selfhood
"Is the self that is conscious of being alive in the present meaningfully co...

Question/Subject: Love and Selfhood
"Is the self that is conscious of being alive in the present meaningfully co...

Question/Subject: Where does a personal decision originate?

Question/Subject: I am convinced,that the one and only most important talents of mankind is majorly overlooked by most...

Question/Subject: How would you justify morality to a sceptic?

Question/Subject: reality of evil in the world?
How do you conceptualize God’s relationship with the reality of evi...

Question/Subject: castles of abstraction… Pseudo-philosophy
Nicholas Rescher, in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy...

Question/Subject: How far is power based on mental activity?

Question/Subject: Does omnipotence entail predestination

Question/Subject: Wisdom
What is the ultimate source of wisdom? ...

Question/Subject: Does 'Consciousness' Exist?
To deny plumply that 'consciousness' exists seems so absu...

Question/Subject: Is intuition ever reliable?

Question/Subject: Christianity versus Philosophy
The False Divide Between Religion and Science by Alan Dershowitz....

Question/Subject: Pseudophilosophy and pseudoscience all rolled into one
How is it that those least in touch with r...

Question/Subject: What is your concept of an ideal society?
.........And to what extent do you think it could be im...

Question/Subject: paradigm-dependent or theory-dependent
If a paradigm is a type of theory, which it seems to be, w...

Question/Subject: approximation vs absolutes
To reject approximation and replace it with insistence on absolutes ca...

Question/Subject: Is any form of knowledge self-validating?
....... Can science, for example, claim to be the most ...

Question/Subject: "Quantum Theory"--------------------------
Is it necessary to know "quantum theory" i...

Question/Subject: Thought, we are in thought
Accordingly, just as we say that a body is in motion, and not that mot...

Question/Subject: What, mind you, would be a philosophy that could be expected to be transparent to uncultured minds a...

Question/Subject: The effect must have existed in some causal state.
It has been argued that,” Cause cannot be what...

Question/Subject: Back to Quantum Mechanics
At the end of the 19th century, physicists were claiming that nothing i...

Question/Subject: On which beliefs is science based?

Question/Subject: On which facts is religion based?
Thanks in advance for your responses. ...

Question/Subject: Every premise, in reality, is a conclusion.
Isn’t every premise in reality conclusion by previous...

Question/Subject: Philosophical expertise?
What is your opinion of a member of this board who first resorts to verb...

Question/Subject: how
how is belief in the real to be distinguished from belief in fiction?...

Question/Subject: But what of doubt; what is the role of doubt?
Belief, I believe as E. A. Poe claimed that, “Belie...

Question/Subject: Crimes against Humanity
Saddam Hussein has objected to being put on trial for Crimes against Huma...

Question/Subject: There goes my theory
Well, that pretty much shoots my theory all to heck.
I was wondering if p...

Question/Subject: Why are humans more altruistic than chimps?

Question/Subject: Logic Can Be Fun - Or Can It?
Read the following sentence.

"This statement is a lie"...

Question/Subject: Reliability of Memory
If memory is not to be trusted, what can courts of law rely on? How can the...

Question/Subject: WANT SOME WISDOM?

Thomas Merton wrote, "I will not permit myself to become emotionally...

Question/Subject: Said and Done
When all is said and done in one's life, what is your opinion about this, "Wh...

Question/Subject: How relevant is size to significance?.........
It is often argued that life is insignificant in t...

Question/Subject: Secondness of a mode of being.
100% pure doubtlessness is a property of habit and a habit is acqu...

Question/Subject: To what extent does language obscure thought?
For example, to define is to impose limits where th...

Question/Subject: Eastern and Western Thought
A Comparative analysis
Eastern and Western Thought

Question/Subject: Should drawing, music, and dance be considered language?
Dan (roseneds) in a comment on my...

Question/Subject: Should drawing, music, and dance be considered language?
Dan (roseneds) in a comment on my...

Question/Subject: “Knowledge Sir; everyone knows that.”
Where was I! Oh yes; the course of events, to which I bear ...

Question/Subject: no amount of thought will reveal this knowledge
“If a person does not attend to the meaning of t...

Question/Subject: in a word, 'crude' hedonism!
Well, What to make of that!
Should I be the one with that ...

Question/Subject: Dying

"I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round ...

Question/Subject: "person" and "human being"
Does the term, "person" and "human being" mean...

Question/Subject: Is a "theory of everything" a chimera?

Question/Subject: Limits of our we know what these are?
Keeping the topic of

Question/Subject: Language
Do men and women experience language differently?

I had the media on today, and ...

Question/Subject: How does first person experience arise?
Peirce seems to ascribe mind and thought even to the phys...

Question/Subject: What is the Natural State of Man’?
It seems to me to boil down to two Doctrines; the one of Optim...

Question/Subject: When and how do minds originate?

Question/Subject: What are your views on consciousness?

Question/Subject: What is consciousness?.....................
Is it a state of mind? How fundamental is it?...

Question/Subject: What is the meaning of hope....
in the lives of human beings.

Is hope always positive?

Question/Subject: What is Wrong with GodAlmighty Belief....
What is wrong with GodAlmighty belief? ...

Question/Subject: What is wrong with atheism?!

Question/Subject: Why do we have nipples?
Males have nipples, an organ which serves a purpose to females but is ent...

Question/Subject: Fallacy
What is the fallacy of many questions.


Question/Subject: miraculous and the providential
What is the difference between the terms miraculous and the provi...

Question/Subject: What is the evidence that God exists?
........ Amongst the reasons for my own belief are:


Question/Subject: Leopold Kronecker, German Mathematician
"God created the integers, all the rest is the work of...

Question/Subject: human knowledge
Is all human knowledge is derived from human experience....

Question/Subject: What is the foundation of morality?
...........................I believe human life is valuable b...

Question/Subject: What does “meditation” mean to you?
What does “meditation” mean to you? If you follow the teachin...

Question/Subject: What are your views on equality?
................... Individual lives are so different it is surp...

Question/Subject: Science versus Philosophy and Religion?
........."If we take in our hand any volume; of divinity,...

Question/Subject: When a Fact Is Not a Fact
Ken in the previous post brought up the subject of "Dogmatism" th...

Question/Subject: Speaking of Hume-
I wonder why anyone would believe there was not, a reality external to a mind. ...

Question/Subject: Beauty or Truth
John Keats (1795-1821) wrote at the end of "Ode on a Grecian Urn,"


Question/Subject: What is truth?...................................
Attempts have been made to explain truth as not...

Question/Subject: Creationism(Intelligent Design)
I saw a leading Evolutionist interviewed on The Colbert Report, a...

Question/Subject: What is mathematics?........................
It has been argued that both logic and mathematics a...

Question/Subject: Mathematics Geeks Rule the World
""Math geeks now rule the world -- at least according to B...

Question/Subject: Is beauty entirely in the eye of the beholder?
It would seem not, given facts like the golden rat...

Question/Subject: Bin Laden Makes Truce Offering
Bin Laden Makes Truce Offering On Latest Terror Tape

Question/Subject: Morality and Religion
Is morality (or the social contract) feasible without religion?


Question/Subject: What are your views on consciousness?
........ My own view is that it is a state of mind and cann...

Question/Subject: Hamas: Talks With Israel 'Not a Taboo'
A leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas on Mond...

Question/Subject: Is there evidence for collective consciousness?
... How could individual consciousness be related...

Question/Subject: What is mythology?
“Science,” writes Alexander Escobar, “is a mythology — just another way of und...

Question/Subject: Consciousness and language
.................................What are your views on the theory tha...

Question/Subject: What, if anything, can we learn from history?
Philosophers like Hegel and Marx have drawn philoso...

Question/Subject: Freedom of expression vs. respecting religious beliefs

Question/Subject: Hamas again...
Dear all,

Apparently this issue has been raised before, but didn't any ...

Question/Subject: What is the value of introspection?
.................... Recent discussions have highlighted the ...

Question/Subject: What are your views on the problem of knowledge?
.... In connection with our recent discussions I...

Question/Subject: is it wisdom...................
"He who is merciful when he should be cruel will in the end be...

Question/Subject: Pragmatism as Romantic Polytheism
Pragmatism reveals itself to be a romantic utilitarianism; or s...

Question/Subject: The Goal of Philosophy
Leibniz said, "The goal of philosophy is theology", i.e, to live a l...

Question/Subject: Philosophical argument.
Does anyone know the circumstances surrounding the first recorded, "Ph...

Question/Subject: Is philosophy dead?

Question/Subject: THE TIME:
It's 3 p.m. Central Standard Time in the MidWest over here in America. What time...

Question/Subject: What have philosophers achieved?

Question/Subject: Why is there something rather than nothing?

Question/Subject: feminized academy
Why is Academia so biased toward leftism? Is it perhaps femininity? Are the men...

What would happen to the United States if the Caucasian (whi...

What would happen to the United States if ALL minority...

Question/Subject: Closing of the American Mind
"Closing [The book, The Closing of the American Mind.] touched a ...

Question/Subject: Certainty
What, if anything, is certain? By certain, I mean a fact or statement that has always ...

Question/Subject: "Philosophy" of Suffering
How do various religions deal with suffering?


Question/Subject: "Philosophy" of Suffering
How do various religions deal with suffering?


Question/Subject: JUST WONDERING ...
... if Philosophy is useful?


After making a fool of myself for over four years at Answer...

Question/Subject: Superiority of the Christian philosophy.
And perhaps the truth of that is reflected in St. August...

Question/Subject: The Problem of Knowledge (continued)..........
What are your views on the following critique:

Question/Subject: The Problem of Knowledge (continued)..........
Taking in knowledge solely for the pleasure of doi...

Question/Subject: U.S. ports in the hands of a state-owned Arab company
"It is not as if they will fire all the ...

Question/Subject: Free at last!
“Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain, and...

Question/Subject: Hegel's Idea of Freedom
Can freedom be equated with rational self-determination?


Question/Subject: Pleasure and happiness.
................................It seems evident that pleasure alone is n...

Question/Subject: what we see is so determined
The world as immediately given to us is a mixture of sense perceptio...

Question/Subject: A Riddle
I posted this on the Christianity Board, but was disappointed in the answers, save one. ...

Question/Subject: Possibilities
“The planet shudders with the force of ten thousand earthquakes. A shock wave of di...

Question/Subject: How would you define evil?
......................... In theory there could be as many types of ev...

Question/Subject: Ethical Dilemma
Say a runaway trolley is heading down some tracks toward five workmen who will be...

Question/Subject: Evil (continued).........................
Opinions about evil range from its non-existence to its...

Question/Subject: How on Earth?
In this day and age, what possible argument can a person make for the opinion that ...

Question/Subject: What is your concept of a perfect world?
........ Please indicate how it could be implemented....

Question/Subject: Is tolerance bound to conscience?
In the small town of Rengasdengklok, Indonesia, ethnic groups l...

Question/Subject: Moral phenomenology.
What is the phenomenological difference between the virtuous and the non-vir...

Question/Subject: What is your concept of God?
..........................................regardless of belief or di...

Question/Subject: How did religion begin?
The study of the origin and development of religion is a comparatively ne...

Question/Subject: Do we have a Self and do we know what it is?
What of people who do not have an original thought i...

Question/Subject: When and why should emotion prevail over reason?
..... "Should" is not necessarily moral....

Question/Subject: Where does this desire to self-sacrifice come from?
Do you suppose it to be instinctual? Of cours...

Question/Subject: First Questions
How did it all begin? Not why (a subsequent question), but how?

Science ha...

Question/Subject: Essentialism
“Essentialism a belief in natural, immutable sex differences is anathema to postmo...

Question/Subject: in general......................................
Is it the scientist, or, the metaphysician who w...

Question/Subject: How plausible is materialism?
.............................Where are thoughts, beliefs, desires, ...

Question/Subject: Science and metaphysics..........................
Once again science is alleged to be more inform...

Question/Subject: Technology and Evolution
Is it possible that technology and evolution go hand in hand? Has techno...

Question/Subject: Philosophy of Science
Sometime ago I was involved in a discussion concerning whether scientists s...

Question/Subject: Science and the Origin of the Universe
IN view of the conversation recently about science and met...

Question/Subject: In what sense do facts, concepts and numbers exist?
Are they "real" in some sense other tha...

Question/Subject: Human Brain
Last night at dinner, we all got into a heated discussion about the capacity of the h...

Question/Subject: How do we know we are thinking?...............
Is it by inference or direct awareness? ...

Question/Subject: How do we know we are thinking?...............
Is it by inference or direct awareness? ...

Question/Subject: Does motion exist?
Suppose you intend to travel from point A to point B on a straight line. In or...

Question/Subject: What is the nature of explanation?
............ Are there different types of explanation which ar...

Question/Subject: Are we really in an Egocentric predicament?
........ This problem is related to the last question...

Question/Subject: Ethics in the Twenty-First Century
Is It Ethical to Use Enhancement Technologies to Make Us Bette...

Question/Subject: Three Years Ago
Three years ago on this Board there was a lot of discussion about what the US pol...

Question/Subject: Some things independent of God
Spinoza said, I believe, that God exists, but only philosophically...

Question/Subject: Science and Ethics
................................ Science and ethics are generally considered t...

Question/Subject: Is their a relationship between human nature and war?
Thomas Hobbes so says in Leviathan CHAPTER ...

Question/Subject: Metaphysics and Ethics......................
Aristotle believed fulfilment and happiness are the ...

Question/Subject: Time
Dear Sir

I would like you to ask you that what is the definition of and duration of p...

Question/Subject: Robots Full Members of Society?
New York Times International
SEOUL, South Korea


Question/Subject: music and concentration
What is the effect of music, at different levels of dissonance, on the st...

Question/Subject: The Argument from Ignorance...............
Is any explanation better than none? Provided an expla...

Question/Subject: The efficacy of prayer. Science and religion, encore!
"CHICAGO (Reuters) - A study of more tha...

Question/Subject: Is determinism compatible with the ability to do otherwise?
Is it possible that Memes are the ba...

Question/Subject: What do you understand by "an act of will"?

Question/Subject: Mind and Brain...............................
How did the mind and brain originate? Three possibi...

Question/Subject: Liberty, equality, fraternity?.............
"Of the three revolutionary ideas now written up o...

Question/Subject: You love golf too?
How far can you hit the ball?

Do you think I'll be able to hit the ...

Question/Subject: How did purposeful activity originate?.......
Scientific explanation is retrospective, i.e. backw...

Question/Subject: ‘Education is a progressive discovery of ignorance.’
— William Durant
What do you think motiva...

Question/Subject: Meekness...............................
meek = weak?

Xenophenon: meek = the wild horse tha...

Question/Subject: What is truth?
................................... Instead of saying "It is true we are alive&...

Question/Subject: Monotheism and Masochism
On Line dictionary of masochism:

1. The deriving of sexual gra...

Question/Subject: Nihilism
At a dinner party a week ago Saturday, the after dinner conversation drifted to politics...

Question/Subject: The Human Brain and Consciousness/Toughts
I have a question and it is basically a question of cla...

Question/Subject: Argument against Atheism
Here is a quote by C. S. Lewis in his book "Mere Christianity"(pag...

Question/Subject: how the Universe adapts to its environment.
Alfred Korzybski it is said explained: Plants adapt t...

Question/Subject: Glaucon- the myth of gyges
how does gluacon argue for the claim that the only reason people obey ...

Question/Subject: Are we the same persons we were seven years ago?
......... Since we no longer have the same cells...

Question/Subject: What is the Difference?
What is the difference between:

1. A professor of Political Scienc...

Question/Subject: Free Will
"I take it that what is meant by 'choice' is free 'choice' for it is obv...

Question/Subject: Atomism and holism.......
What is the philosophical significance of Aristotle's dictum that &#...

Question/Subject: Offshoot of Philosophy
"Today is Sigmund Freud's hundred and fiftieth birthday, and the bas...

Question/Subject: The Demise of Darwinism?......................
"The past five decades of research in genetics ...

Question/Subject: Scientific evidence is as muddled as Religion, and maybe more so.
The book Is God the Only Realit...

Question/Subject: Just society
By what reasoning might one justify that a society in which some people accumulate g...

Question/Subject: Proof and verification..................
It is generally accepted that human beings have a right ...

Question/Subject: Quandry regarding Anonymous
I would like the opinion of expert philosophers about anonymity on th...

Question/Subject: Puzzles
I was thinking, with the advent of sophisticated language(words for abstract ideas, say) ...

Question/Subject: Justifying
Can terrorism of any kind ever be justified?...

Question/Subject: What are you?...................................
"You, your joys and your sorrows, your memori...

Question/Subject: Science or Nonsense?

The other possibility is...

Question/Subject: DEATH:

Memorial Day is all about sacrifice and death. How WE approach death is goi...

Question/Subject: dream
i had this dream that my boyfriend was still in love with the mother of his kids. i was try...

Question/Subject: in doubt
is my boyfriend still in lve with the mother of his kids...

Question/Subject: Clarity and rationality
"SOME YEARS AGO, being with a camping party in the mountains, I return...

Question/Subject: Former Republic and Democracy
I tend to agree with Noam Chomsky that America is no longer a democ...

Question/Subject: Meaning of a Sanskrit language word

Please send me english word equivalent to Sanskrit...

Question/Subject: What is your religion?..........................
Leo Tolstoy proposes that everyone has a religio...

Question/Subject: moral justice …………………------=====
From whence arose the concept of moral justice?...

Question/Subject: non-sexual HIV contact
This may sound crazy, but I am concerned because I recently used a toothbr...

Question/Subject: How does one prove a negative?
Or rather, how does one prove that he/she is NOT what he/she is be...

Question/Subject: How do you interpret the term "conscience"?

Question/Subject: A Question on Morality
Good evening, experts,

I have been reading various opinions about ...

Question/Subject: To what extent is (a)theism intelligible?
..............We do not fully understand the mind but w...

Question/Subject: Stephen Hawking
Today in the news, there was a story that states that Stephen Hawking thinks huma...

Question/Subject: What is an idea?
Where does it come from?...

Question/Subject: Why you don't know what you're talking about
Saw this today and thought some of you may enj...

Question/Subject: Why is North Korea doing this now, going to test a long-range missile?
On February 10, 200...


Is English on its way to becoming the world's unofficial int...

Question/Subject: Dali on Memories ... ... ...

"The difference between false memories and true ones is ...

Question/Subject: Not sure whats going on
I am wondering if anyone sees anything positive happening in my love life...

Question/Subject: What is the solution to this predicament?
.........."We know that we are animals, parts of the...

Question/Subject: "Goodness"
I've decided to tilt at windmills and try to figure out what "goodness"...

Question/Subject: Atheists Wonder....
...whether Christianity has the resources going forward into the future to pr...

Question/Subject: Is God Belief Required for Objective Moral Values?
"Moral arguments for theism include attempt...

Question/Subject: ART:

It’s pretty difficult to come up with a good definition of art. A recent attempt ...

Question/Subject: Evil and psychopathy
.........................................."A psychopath is defined as hav...

Question/Subject: Peace in your life?
Do you have true peace in your life? I suppose not everyone would define pea...

Question/Subject: To what extent do we make ourselves what we are?
"Liberty, in other words, is not indeterminis...

Question/Subject: Sociology
William Golding wrote "Lord of the Flies " after taking part in the bloody D-Day ...

Question/Subject: Inventing an Emotion
I have been having a discussion with my wife, Susan, who insists that romant...

Question/Subject: Origins
Do you think that Art and religion come from the same human yearnings? Is religion a off-...

Question/Subject: Quality of Philosophical Arguments
The following quotation is taken from Russell's "Histor...

Question/Subject: What keeps criminals under control in a society?
What keeps criminals under control in a society?...

Question/Subject: Is a persons appearance a symbol of a persons moral character?
Is a persons appearance a symbol o...

Question/Subject: What was the origin of the genetic code?......
"One half of the modern system of coded chemist...

Question/Subject: Who is benefiting from the Middle East conflict?

Question/Subject: How can nuclear conflict be prevented?

Question/Subject: Why is Christian Fundamentalism Better than Islamic Fundamentalism?
Is Fundementalism in and of i...

Question/Subject: Talking Points: World War III
So the Right Wing agenda is couching the current fiasco in the Midd...

Question/Subject: Media Bias and the Problem with Talk Show Hosts
I listen to both Right Wing and Left Wing radio t...

Question/Subject: "War against Terrorism"...........................
It appears obvious that America, the UK ...

Question/Subject: Does moral subjectivism correspond to reality?
There are frequently discussions about moral i...

Question/Subject: Meaning of Life
"On the time scale of the history of the Earth an individual human lifetime is...

Question/Subject: What is a Palestinian?.............
What makes a Palestinian a Palestinian and not a Syrian, Iran...

Question/Subject: Why bother to discuss moral issues?
If goodness and justice exist only in the mind why bother to ...

Question/Subject: Why is it normally wrong to kill a person?
Would killing a person in normal circumstances cease t...

Question/Subject: Is infinity relevant to human life? If so, how?
It is often argued that the immensity of time and...

Question/Subject: What would be your reaction to the following?
"I cannot refute your argument but I know you ar...

Question/Subject: What is our best hope for a final explanation?
"Perhaps our best hope for a final explanation ...

Question/Subject: Are mental events reducible to physical events?
"At the present time the status of physicalism...

Question/Subject: MINIMUM WAGE:

"These unhappy times call for the building of plans ... that build f...

Question/Subject: RATIONALE:

Epictetus, a Roman Stoic, relates, " In order to live in a manner befitt...

Question/Subject: When should homicide by neglect be punished?
... If I see a person collapse in the street would i...

Question/Subject: What are your views on secular humanism?
..... To what extent is man "the measure of all thing...

Question/Subject: Gut feelings
Keifer Sutherland's character in the movie "Sentinel" has a great line. In...

Question/Subject: When, if ever, is assassination morally justified?
Would you have supported the plot to kill Hitl...

Are we good or bad? Should all laws, from the
Constitution down to the lowest level municipal...

Question/Subject: To what extent is Islam a threat to peace?
"Islamism is a reactionary ideology which kills equ...

Question/Subject: my best friend is very rude
She is my only best friend .We have ben friends for the last 5 yrs.Bu...

Question/Subject: LIFE:

Is all of life philosophical? (You might wish to include science and mathematics,...

Question/Subject: Why distinguish between "right" and "wrong"?
... If all our mental activity has physi...

Question/Subject: MINDBOGGLING:

Tell me somethin', guys and gals. Everything has a beginning and an e...

Question/Subject: DREAMSCAPE:

Is life a DREAM? Is death a DREAM? Are we living an ILLUSION?

Question/Subject: PETER SINGER:

Peter Singer may be the most controversial Philosopher alive! His belief...

Question/Subject: What is the source of voluntary behaviour?

Question/Subject: Where is cultural superiority to be found?
"In his book Late Victorian Holocausts, published i...

Question/Subject: How would you evaluate cumulative arguments?
Interpretations of reality such as materialism, idea...

Question/Subject: IQ and Personality
'People who are grouchy, grumpy, feisty and difficult to get along with in ...

Question/Subject: Science v Religion
"The true essence of 'science' as a particular activity is systematic...

Question/Subject: In what circumstances would you choose to die?

Question/Subject: mens health
what is the best way to stop smoking? ...

Question/Subject: STATE OF EMERGENCY
"PAT BUCHANAN is finally hip after all these years.

The man who is l...

Question/Subject: Nature's way
What are your opinions on the (sp) homeopathic way of living and healing? One of...

Question/Subject: Can there be science without evidence?
...........“Even if there were no actual evidence in favor...

Question/Subject: What is the significance of natural selection?

Question/Subject: Genocide, again.
Reprise to last month, and whether philosophers should be interested in (mere) w...

Question/Subject: What are the merits and demerits of pantheism?

Question/Subject: possible new roommate
my name is mary m. born 3/10/55
I am having to get a roommate

Question/Subject: BUSH:

President Bush made a statement at his news conference this a.m. that went some...

Question/Subject: What rights do animals have?

Question/Subject: What is morality? Is it limited to human beings?

Question/Subject: What is intelligence and how did it originate?

Question/Subject: The Cave man
I wonder, how where they really? Did they beat the logs on the heads of a woman whe...

Question/Subject: What would constitute evidence for a miracle?



Question/Subject: Metaphysical Naturalism
Sense and Goodness without God: A Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism

Question/Subject: TOE
The purpose of science is to understand reality. The ultimate goal of physics is to understan...

Question/Subject: Can a person transcend natural causes? If so how?

Question/Subject: Giant Human Brain Proves There is No God
"...consider the size of the human brain. If God exis...

Question/Subject: What is the self? How does it control itself?

Question/Subject: self
reaching into the body... sage.. love.... really feeling. minus food/but notwanting to eat....

Question/Subject: Sexual Harrassment dilemma

A friend of mine works as an associate minister at a church. She l...

Question/Subject: What are the criteria of insanity?

Question/Subject: Should you ever decide to act unreasonably?
If so when? If not why not?...

Question/Subject: Should you ever act against your conscience?
If so when? If not why not? ...

Question/Subject: Is there a war between the sexes in society?
"One cannot understand the psychology of women, a...

Question/Subject: What are the causes of sex inequality?

Question/Subject: THANKS, GUYS & GALS!

I'd like to THANK YOU for being the people you are and I hop...

Question/Subject: Loosing Grace
... I have always been known for my kindness, however with deep problems you loose ...

Question/Subject: Education, Darwinism, and Indoctrination...
Is it right to indoctrinate children with Darwin's...

Question/Subject: I love you thank you.
Is that not what we should say more often?

You wonder how people can...

Question/Subject: Should the state intervene in family life?

Question/Subject: What are the effects of false beliefs?

Question/Subject: Different Forms for the Mystery of God
From Salon dot com books Nov. 27, 2006 | "The debate be...

Question/Subject: What facts can be confirmed by introspection?

Question/Subject: What is a good site for English to French translation?
Can anyone recommend a good site for Engli...

Question/Subject: Need Opinions on using AVG versus Bit Defender antivirus
I am currently running WIN XP using IE...

Question/Subject: The PHILOSOPHY of a FRUITCAKE:

According to "The Joy of Cooking," by Irma Rombauer and...

Question/Subject: What are your views on the rights of robots?
Research compiled by the Outsights-Ipsos Mori partne...

Question/Subject: A Christmas thunderbolt for Richard Dawkins!
I’ve read your book, The God Delusion, which calls f...

Question/Subject: How can the risk of nuclear war be reduced?

Question/Subject: right angle:90`.why?
why a 90` angle is known as right angle? I mean why not any other angle(like...

Question/Subject: Can I reason support my claim?
my claim:

strategic planning does not create rigidity.

Question/Subject: PHILOSOPHY;

"The word ‘philosophy’ must mean something which stands above or bel...

Question/Subject: What do we know for sure about consciousness?

Question/Subject: God: The Failed Hypothesis
I know there are some Atheists who frequent this Board, so I would lik...

Question/Subject: Literature
At a time when films were made in color,Truman Capote required that the first film of ...

Question/Subject: Is the scientific study of religion possible?
If so, then is it worthwhile to pursue such a study...

Question/Subject: How far do your beliefs affect what you do?

Question/Subject: Can we assess whether beliefs are reasonable?
If so how?...

Question/Subject: COMPATIBILITY:

"We are birds of the same nest, We may wear different skins, We may speak...

Question/Subject: JUST WONDERING:

Is ATHEISM a religion or a philosophy?


Question/Subject: NAZI PHILOSOPHY:

"The Nazis were very male-dominated and anti-feminist. Nazi PHILOSOPH...

Question/Subject: Mind, matter or x?
In explaining reality there seem to be only three reasonable possibilities: mi...

Question/Subject: Is Metaphysics Pointless?
Given that all cause and effect proceeds by way of natural laws, why ou...

Question/Subject: Clearing up Tom's Lie
"Atheism is commonly divided into two types: strong atheism and weak ...

Question/Subject: Clearing up Tom's Lie
"Atheism is commonly divided into two types: strong atheism and weak ...

Question/Subject: Why do some practice this evil thing, or is it a justified practice?
If Proselytism is any attemp...

Question/Subject: the concept of everlasting life. ...........
I find the concept more bazaar, that humans are part...

Question/Subject: Is consciousness caused by brain processes?
..... If so, all our thoughts, feelings and decisions...

Question/Subject: On what principles is Christian theology founded
On what principles is Christian theology founded...

Question/Subject: Are there laws of Nature.......................
Are there laws of Nature; if so, it follows that ...

Question/Subject: What is the basis for reverence for life?
(Assuming that it has one!)...

Question/Subject: Speculation:

Henry David Thoreau relates, "Talk of mysteries! Think of our life in...

Question/Subject: Perfection:

Is there a TRUE interpretation of PERFECTION? (Subjective involvement sho...

Question/Subject: Religion as Adaptive
"To an evolutionary psychologist, the universal extravagance of religious...

Question/Subject: How would you explain the deepest emotions?
A friend of mine went into a coma and was apparently ...

Question/Subject: Do you think that mankind is living in its last days?
I do. Ever since the beginning of time, eve...

Question/Subject: time(contd) help:-(
Hello! My fav teacher,
many txs 4 ur kind reply......
Wonder if you can...

Question/Subject: What are your criteria of personal success?

Question/Subject: Can the Absence of Proof
Can the absence of proof be proof?

Proof of what?...

Question/Subject: Words and music -- three questions for consideration.
1. Which is more important in a song, the w...

Question/Subject: Reason for human height question

I'm 40 and I live in Arizona.

Something ...

Question/Subject: just asking
when is my birthday...

Question/Subject: Rumblings in the Secular Humanist Arena
This is a letter from Paul Kurtz today via e-mail. Note:...

Question/Subject: Philosophy
Is secular humanism considered "philosophy"?

I understand that various re...

Question/Subject: What is the factual basis of the Problem of Evil?
If evil is subjective and exists only in the mi...

Question/Subject: input and output markets
how would you decribe an input market and how would you describe an outp...

Question/Subject: Why question?
It is free will... What we are who we are is free will. Belief in a God, no belie...

Question/Subject: Quality
Quality has nothing to do with feelings, it is fact! A fact of a different color. You c...

Question/Subject: Is optimization by blind evolution credible?
"Stable systems are not very sensitive to disturb...

Question/Subject: It's official
The Iraq war is lost .

Question/Subject: It's official
The Iraq war is lost .

Question/Subject: democracy
where did parliamentary democracy found look im 11 and i can't find these answers in...

Question/Subject: Mouse Brain Simulated on Computer
From BBC on line:

Mouse brain simulated on computer...

Question/Subject: What single person has most affected your thinking and your worldview?

Question/Subject: How can we tackle "metaphysical probability"?
Not all metaphysical theories seem equally pr...

Question/Subject: How important are emotions and what role do they play in our lives?

From Hume, Rousseau, ...

Question/Subject: Whitney Houston
I just heard the song "I will Always Love You," by Whitney Houston on the r...

Question/Subject: re: download and run
When using a scan program a window comes up and asks if I want to download o...

Question/Subject: How to change from Using 2 clicks to 1 mouse click

I am running XP Home with IE 7


Question/Subject: Preparing for Interview
I applied for a work at home job. I probably will be doing customer servi...

Question/Subject: What are the eugenic consequences of an unassimilated immigration?


Question/Subject: very personal
what are the efects of masterbation?...

Question/Subject: Do you believe it right or wrong to use artificial insemination to prevent the transmission of sex l...

Question/Subject: is it bad luck to celebrate a birthday before the actual birthday?

My friend is celebrating h...

Question/Subject: Why are English actors in European films dubbed?
Why are English actors in European films dubbed?...

Question/Subject: The Road to Destruction in America?
"Today, as China looms large as a growing scientific and t...

Question/Subject: Sex
I wanna make my husband excited for Sex
please tell what all do i need to do for the same...

Question/Subject: how male anda female are equal in rights?
on what reason Human rights authorities claim that male...

Question/Subject: older and newer versions of java
Should I uninstall the older versions of java first before getti...

Question/Subject: The Oppressed
I note that two of the oppressed terrorists who had no opportunities in Britain wer...

Question/Subject: Do you agree with the "selfish gene" theory?
Why (not)?...

Question/Subject: Is the mind just a set of electrical currents?
Materialists believe the brain is the source of al...

Question/Subject: Does your cat have a conscience? Your dog?
Do you ever get the impression that your pet is "ac...

Question/Subject: Communication and Fantasy
From a philosophical viewpoint, what do you think is the reason for the...

Question/Subject: Has philosophy advanced human knowledge?
....... If so how?...

Question/Subject: To what extent has philosophy changed your life?

Question/Subject: Done but with errors
Sometimes when I'm browsing and a page loads, after its done loading I...

Question/Subject: Should I but in with this family issue?
Hi I don't know whether I should but in or not and hel...

Question/Subject: Some still want proof of global warming
but the reality is here for others?

Torres Strait ...

Question/Subject: What do you regard as the scope of science?

Question/Subject: How does truth fit into your view of reality?
... Does the fact that it is intangible mean it exi...

Question/Subject: Do the majority determine what is right or just?
If not what does?...

Question/Subject: The First Archer Principle
I couln't find out what the First Archer Principle is by a search o...

Question/Subject: Why are some legal systems superior to others? considered to be unjust?
Few people believe all le...

Question/Subject: What are the merits and demerits of democracy?

Question/Subject: Do you agree with Jefferson about honesty?
"The whole art of government consists in the art of...

Question/Subject: Where does genuine democracy exist?

Question/Subject: PERPLEXED

Question/Subject: What is the mark of a fundamentalist mindset?

Question/Subject: How can science influence moral decisions?

Question/Subject: Is decision-making a biological process?
... Please elaborate......

Question/Subject: What are your views on materialism?
............(The theory that everything is derived from matte...

Question/Subject: What are your views on dualism?
...............(The theory that mind and matter exist

Question/Subject: What are your views on metaphysics?

Question/Subject: What are your views on logic?

Question/Subject: What are your views on........ politics

Question/Subject: What are your views on............. ethics

Question/Subject: What are your views on......... aesthetics

Question/Subject: What are your views on........ mathematics
? (From a philosophical point of view!)...

Question/Subject: What are your views

Question/Subject: What is the most important question

Question/Subject: What are your views on.............. mysticism

Question/Subject: What are your views on......... history?
........ (e.g. Can we draw any philosophical conclusions...

Question/Subject: more on Spirit
Why is gravity a concrete term- or an abstract term?

Why is Spirit a concre...

Question/Subject: thought-objects ..................................
Are thought-objects purely subjective phenomen...

Question/Subject: What does a rational being consist of?

Question/Subject: How do you think the mind and body interact?
....(Probably the most difficult question in psychol...

Question/Subject: historical perspective............................
It is impossible to understand present events ...

Question/Subject: universal good .....................................
Is there a universal good and if so, what is...

Question/Subject: What is rational is real.
true or false, and why...

Question/Subject: What explains the insatiable lust for power?

Question/Subject: How fundamental is the will to power?
............... "Physiologists should think before putti...

Question/Subject: What do you think of the Boltzmann brain?

Question/Subject: How reasonable are we?
..............................."Reason is, and ought only to be, the sl...

Question/Subject: Is there genuine academic freedom in the US?

Question/Subject: What are you?
.......................................... One answer is that we are highly complex...

Question/Subject: "P
Is physical reality is an illusion? Why (not)

Question/Subject: Philosophers
What do you want to achieve in life as a philosopher? Have you been successful so fa...

Question/Subject: Why do persons and things exist?

Question/Subject: existing and living
What is the difference between existing and living? Were you living or existi...

Question/Subject: The power of believing
Do you believe in the power of believing? Does it work for you? Please giv...

Question/Subject: The traits of philosophers
What are the traits of philosophers? If they view things and situation...

Question/Subject: Consciousness
Is consciousness just awareness of ourselves and our environment?...

Question/Subject: Consciousness
Is consciousness just awareness of ourselves and our environment?...

Question/Subject: What are your views on creativity?

Question/Subject: The ultimate possibilities...
There seem to be only three:

1. A void
2. Chaos
3. Ord...

Question/Subject: The miracle of life...
Richard Dawkins has stated that "natural selection is the only theory s...

Question/Subject: Are we the only intelligent beings?
The Drake formula provides a means to estimate the number of ...

Question/Subject: Would non-human persons have rights like us?
(assuming that they exist)...

Question/Subject: Would it matter if we discover that ETs exist?

Question/Subject: Is interplanetary war inevitable?
............. (assuming that other intelligent beings establish...

Question/Subject: What are your views on the future of humanity?

Question/Subject: Is total scepticism intellectual suicide?
If there are no unassailable truths all our knowledge a...

Question/Subject: Intelligibility of the universe?
Near the end of our last discussion, Tony claimed:

Question/Subject: Is it reasonable to believe other minds exist?
We take it for granted there are other minds apart...

Question/Subject: A mathematical interpretation of reality?
........ It is possible to regard reality as either pos...

Question/Subject: Simplicity versus complexity.................
It is always tempting to oversimplify but often it ...

Question/Subject: Do you believe the mind is located in the brain?
If the mind is located in the brain it cannot ex...

Question/Subject: When is a fact not a fact?

Question/Subject: What are your views on the value of life?
. How valuable is life? What is the basis of its value...

Question/Subject: Are there limits to what random events can achieve?
According to neoDarwinists both the origin an...

Question/Subject: Could the laws of nature be different? If not why not?
It is sometimes suggested or implied that ...

Question/Subject: Can the laws of nature explain the whole of reality?
Many people believe that everything can in p...


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