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These are answers that IQGuru has provided in Homework Assistance

henriyaz asked on 10/05/06 - another sub-goal prob;-( seems 2 me..tricky:-(..can u pls help me pls!

1) David buys 10 lemons at 25 cents a lemon, he buys 1/2 kg sugar at 2$ per kg. He made 20 glasses of lemonade, that sold for 50 cents per glass. How much profit does he make?

2)But this one's more complex! hope u can pls help me how to work out pls!

5 bottles of soda water& 2 bottles of orange drinks cost $9.00. 5 bottles of orange drinks& 2 bottles of soda water cost $9.90. What is the price of each?( hint what do you get if you add both quantities together)

txs alot,

IQGuru answered on 10/10/06:

Hi again:

1) 20 x $0.50 = $10.00 income; less $2.50 for lemons less $1.00 for sugar = $6.50 profit.

Write down the two given totals:
A) 5 water + 2 ogange = $9.00
B) 2 water + 5 orange = $9.90

Do as recommended in hint and add these:
7 water + 7 orange = $18.90.
Notice that this is same amount of each!
So find total of one of each (Divide by 7):
1 water + 1 orange = $18.90/7 = $2.70

Similarly (multiply last by 2):
2 water + 2 orange = $5.40

Now SUBTRACT this from either of the givens:
Method A:
3 water + 0 orange = $9.00 - $5.40 = $3.60
1 water = $1.20

Or Method B:
0 water + 3 orange = $9.90 - $5.40 = $4.50
1 orange = $1.50

Warm regards,

henriyaz rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

henriyaz asked on 02/28/06 - fraction help?

hi..I am quite confused about my son's math q. only one which's wrong:-(.
Can u plz help me as usual step by step...

John had $ 25. He bought a drink for $ 1 1/3 and a sandwich for 3 1/6. How much money was left with him?

many txs

IQGuru answered on 03/01/06:

Hi again!

Dollars cannot be paid in one-thirds or one-sixths because 100 pennies will not evenly divide into either thirds or sixths!...
So in any SEPARATE case priced in either thirds or sixths, you would have to pay EACH to the next highest penny. Thus your answer depends whether the drink and sandwich are purchased at two places or at one place!

For exampole (If purchased in TWO places):
$1 1/3 = 133.33 cents = ~ 134 cents paid.
$3 1/6 = 316.67 cents = ~ 317 cents paid.
Total = 451 cents.
Thus John would have:
$25.00 - $4.51 = $21.49

But if both items are purchased simultaneously, the extra penny must be paid only ONCE (not twice as above) because the total given overage is less than one penny:
$1 1/3 = $1 2/6.
$3 1/6 = $3 1/6.
Total = $4 3/6 = $4 1/2 = $4.50
Thus John would have:
$25 -$4.50 = $21.50

Warm regards,

henriyaz rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

fuzzybritches15 asked on 10/17/03 - keyboarding

I am lefthanded and am having difficulty mastering the keyboard. I lack rymthm. How do you develop rymthm? I am having extra trouble with the calculator keys.

IQGuru answered on 10/17/03:

You already have an excellent answer from Voiceguy.
Here are a few other ideas:

Forget the keypad for the time being;
learn to type numbers from the top row first.
Typewriters don't have keypads.
So the whole world used to do numbers without a keypad.
So can you, ESPECIALLY since you are lefthanded.
Personally, I am NEVER use my keypad!
Only accountants or non-typists really need that silly thing.

Learn to use your mouse with your RIGHT hand.
You should be able to master that within two days.
I am righthanded, but use my mouse with my left hand,
to better suit my own desk arrangement!
So then, if you ever do get that auxiliary keypad to use with your left hand,
if will be much faster to simultaneously use your mouse with the right hand.

Please RATE all your answers here.
Warm regards,

fuzzybritches15 asked on 10/17/03 - keyboarding

I am lefthanded and am having difficulty mastering the keyboard. I lack rymthm. How do you develop rymthm? I am having extra trouble with the calculator keys.

IQGuru answered on 10/17/03:

You already have an excellent answer from Voiceguy.
Here are a few other ideas:

Forget the keypad for the time being;
learn to type numbers from the top row first.
Typewriters don't have keypads.
So the whole world used to do numbers without a keypad.
So can you, ESPECIALLY since you are lefthanded.
Personally, I am NEVER use my keypad!
Only accountants or non-typists really need that silly thing.

Learn to use your mouse with your RIGHT hand.
You should be able to master that within two days.
I am righthanded, but use my mouse with my left hand,
to better suit my own desk arrangement!
So then, if you ever do get that auxiliary keypad to use with your left hand,
if will be much faster to simultaneously use your mouse with the right hand.

Please RATE all your answers here.
Warm regards,

fuzzybritches15 asked on 10/17/03 - keyboarding

I am lefthanded and am having difficulty mastering the keyboard. I lack rymthm. How do you develop rymthm? I am having extra trouble with the calculator keys.

IQGuru answered on 10/17/03:

You already have an excellent answer from Voiceguy.
Here are a few other ideas:

Forget the keypad for the time being;
learn to type numbers from the top row first.
Typewriters don't have keypads.
So the whole world used to do numbers without a keypad.
So can you, ESPECIALLY since you are lefthanded.
Personally, I am NEVER use my keypad!
Only accountants or non-typists really need that silly thing.

Learn to use your mouse with your RIGHT hand.
You should be able to master that within two days.
I am righthanded, but use my mouse with my left hand,
to better suit my own desk arrangement!
So then, if you ever do get that auxiliary keypad to use with your left hand,
if will be much faster to simultaneously use your mouse with the right hand.

Please RATE all your answers here.
Warm regards,

dapromise asked on 09/17/03 - Speed - the fastest one?

Here is a question:
Is the race always on by the fastest person or vehecle? What are the factors what affect winning a race? Please explain.


IQGuru answered on 09/17/03:


Only shorter 'sprint' type human races,
or individually timed events like a quarter-mile stockcar race,
are likely to be won by the fastest person or vehicle.
Otherwise, skill and strategy may be the deciding factor.
For example, in the Indianapolis 500,
a more skillful driver may be able to successfully block a faster car from passing.
A marathon runner may do the same.


dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 09/09/03 - Motion & Forces

hi! i'm pretty confused by this question because it doesn't really make sense to me and I can't exactly link it to motion & forces off the spot.

Q. What does it mean when somebody says that he or she is the fastest? how do we measure whom or what is the fastest? What does it mean when somebody says, "I won the 200 meters on Field Day?" What would you do to get these answers?

thank you very much!

IQGuru answered on 09/09/03:

Hi again.

These questions all pertain to human running speed (velocity).
Human speed is normally measured either in feet per sec or meters per sec.
Velocity = distance divided by time: V=d/t.

Notice that humans are not machines,
instead they get tired,
so their average speed decreases as distance increases;
i.e., their average speed for a short sprint will be higher than their average speed for a marathon.

"Fastest", as used in this context,
would thus refer to the shortest time,
in some particular timed running event,
where all contestants run the same distance.


Jim.McGinness rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 09/01/03 - Scienctific Methods

Why is it important to use the scientific method (or something like it) when you do an experiment?

IQGuru answered on 09/03/03:

The scientific method is the process of controlling the conditions and accurately measuring the results,
such that others may duplicate the experiment, under identical conditions,
in order to achieve similar results.

It is thus necessary to accurately document both the conditions and the means of measurement,
such that others may duplicate the results.

Warm regards,

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

TheGanoobies asked on 04/21/03 - sites needed please

Could someone please tell me a few sites that might describe President bush as a strong minded leader that takes charge and gives orders... I need this for a comparison essay. I am told to compare Him to Higgins in the play Pygmalion. I am going to use my textbook for the info I need on Higgins. Thanks!


IQGuru answered on 04/21/03:

Hannity at is all you will need. IQ

TheGanoobies rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 03/26/03 - War in Iraq!

hi IQGuru! i guess this would be a homework question in this category, but it isn't, really. i just couldn't find another category to place it in, i hope it's ok. i have to do this one paragraph thing analyzing the following political cartoon that can be found here:

i don't exactly understand it...actually i don't get it at all! can you give me some ideas? thank you!

IQGuru answered on 03/26/03:

That 'cartoon' is subject to several interpretations,
none of which are funny.
It appears to attempt to imply that somebody thinks that Mrs. Mary
(Goodwin, Wollstonecraft) Percy Bysshe Shelly, Bush 41, and Bush 43 all created their own monsters;
whereas Bush 43 is tired of hearing that train of thought,
i.e., he is tired of hearing that he had anything to do with the creation of Saddam Hussein.

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 03/10/03 - Buenos Aires, Argentina for the Olympics

I have to try to "sell" Buenos Aires to the IOC and I need some good reasons to do so. I researched all over the Internet but it kept finding results about the things that Argentina does NOT have, not what's good about it or what it has. here's what i need to know:


supporting details/examples and how it relates to the audience...have to make it convincing. actually i've found some things such as essays but they make you pay a lot to view them, so that's no help there :( please help me! thanks!!!

p.s. i'm glad you're back from wherever you went! i'm sure everyone missed you! thanks again!

IQGuru answered on 03/12/03:


It sounds to me like you need a better search engine. I use the free version of WebFerret as my search engine. Go to to get your own free copy.

As you can see below, the WebFerret results are overwhelming on your topic(s). I will not take the time to sort, but will give you some of what I got using it: So, just try some of these links to get started.

* * * * * GOLD MEDAL COLLECTIBLES * * * * * NOV. 25, 2002 - BID ...
3-4b 2004 Buenos Aries - Tourism Gold Condor bid logo. 3-5 2004 Rio - color rings, semi banners cutout at top. 3-6 2004 Istanbul - Thin red Olympic rings.
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1990, Costa Rica, just as tourism to that country started helped open the doors of tourism for that country. Several titles, Montevideo, Uruguay and Buenos Aries, Argentina, have been supplemented
Area Kiosk, get paid to be on line: Africa/South Africa/Government/Embassies
information on South Africa's government, trade investment, tourism, film industry, current events, visa passport de la Republica deSud Africa en Buenos Aries, Argentina (Added: Mon Jan 01 2001
General Information Official name: Argentine Republic Capital: Buenos Aries Population: 36.9 million (July 2000) Major on US and European aid for its tourism, which gives good reason to back the
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The best travel guides, maps, phrasebooks and travel writing for Argentina Locations in Argentina Buenos Aries Patagonia Search for section on "estancia" tourism and adventure tourism, from climbing
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Travelers Digest
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Buenos Aries
citizens do not need a visa for visits of up to 90 days for tourism and business. . There is crime is the bigger cities, especially in Buenos Aries watch out
BUNAC'S programmes to Argentina
Argentina stretches from the tropic of Capricorn all the way down to the South Pole and Image courtesy of the Tourism Secretariat of the stretching from just below Buenos Aries south to the
CNN - Reefs suffering from worldwide die-off - November 30, 1998
countries with fish and other services, such as tourism worth $500 billion a year. They also issued by IUCN's reef scientists at the Buenos Aries conference. It said: "Unless this conference takes
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Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences, Buenos Aries. Dr. Castello is a in Argentina: Mundo Marino, in Buenos Aries province, started in 1978 BELIZE The Ministry of Tourism and the Environment (MTE)
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to the Atlantic Ocean. Major Cities (pop. est.); Buenos Aries 2,961,000, Cordoba 1,179,000, Rosario (1993). Exports; USD $12,869,000,000 (1993). Tourism Receipts; USD $3,614,000,000 (1993). Balance
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clear its path. The Almirante Irizar left Buenos Aries 25 June and is expected to reach South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (rescue information) More on the Magdalena /Top/Regional/Africa/South_Africa/Government/Embassies
Searchalot /Top/Regional/Africa/South_Africa/Government/Embassies
Embajada de la Republica deSud Africa en Buenos Aries, Argentina South African Embassy in Belgium including visa information, consular matters and tourism and travel. South African Embassy in
countries with fish and other services, such as tourism worth $500 billion a year. They also issued by IUCN's reef scientists at the Buenos Aries conference. It said: Unless this conference takes
The ABC's of South America (Published August/September 1998)
provide rough cost comparisons for the Buenos Aries area during 1998. They represent buildings 1997. Construction Outlook The industrial and tourism (hotels) sectors of the construction market
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On-line news from Jerusalem Post, Israel's leading English lanugage daily newspaper, Good Food Sports Books Tourism Real Estate Digital Israel the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aries was also thought
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Angola Angola National News. Anguilla Local News. Antigua and Barbuda Tourism News. Argentina Buenos Aries Hearald Weekly. Armenia Groong.
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TOLSearch is the #1 Tourism & Travel Information Directory on the net. Maps, weather, South America : Argentina Destinations Buenos Aries(22) Cordoba(2) As well as tourism information and trips.
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photographs and maps. - All about Buenos Aires, tourism, hotels, Argentina, Mercosur, chat, business. English and Spanish.
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beach of Copacabana is the capital of Brazilian tourism and still the king of Rio with town with very affordable prices (especially compared to Buenos Aries) and Ipanema’s Tanaka San is one of
trips worldwide - Latest News
demonstrable commitment to environmentally responsible tourism, were featured in the there was very little inland tourism in the country, most the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aries with a trip to
Urban: The Urban Age Magazine: Winter 1999 Issue
as diverse as Barcelona, Baltimore, Bangkok and Buenos Aries have attempted to reclaim their waterways. informational and service economy (leisure, recreation and tourism) led to the emergence of a
allows unique economic activities linked to culture, including tourism. The Political Dynamic. More than any other 14m, Bombay 13m, Los Angeles 11.8m, Buenos Aries 11.7m, Soeul 11.5m, Beijing 11.
WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > Geography > Europe > Cities > Poland > Krakow >
Found by: HotBot 55. The Mineyko family -- 3 Division United Nations - CEPAL, Corrientes 2554, 5P, Buenos Aries, 1046, Argentina Tel: 54 (1) 953 0077
Year of the Ocean 1998 Daily News -- Reefs suffering from worldwide die-off is the official web site on the Internet for daily news, information and other services, such as tourism worth $500 billion a reef scientists at the Buenos Aries conference. It said:
Yehud : Israel : Government : Embassies
news, and guides to the Israeli government, tourism and travel. Read about the consulate- 0) Rate It Israel Embassy in Buenos Aries - Israel Embassy in Buenos Aries Contains a list of the consular

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 03/10/03 - Buenos Aires, Argentina for the Olympics

I have to try to "sell" Buenos Aires to the IOC and I need some good reasons to do so. I researched all over the Internet but it kept finding results about the things that Argentina does NOT have, not what's good about it or what it has. here's what i need to know:


supporting details/examples and how it relates to the audience...have to make it convincing. actually i've found some things such as essays but they make you pay a lot to view them, so that's no help there :( please help me! thanks!!!

p.s. i'm glad you're back from wherever you went! i'm sure everyone missed you! thanks again!

IQGuru answered on 03/11/03:

Hi Dapromise!

I don't understand why you are having a search problem here...???...
In the US, info of this nature is best found using "Chamber of Commerce" for any location;
overseas the best search word is "tourism".

Use a Boolean Search for Buenos Airies AND Tourism to start;
When I did that I got all of the subjects you seek, and more info than can be copied here.

If the above is not enough for you,
use a Boolean Search for Buenos Airies AND
each of the other things
(Economics, Facilities, Politics, Organization) for details.

Warm regards,

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jenny96 asked on 03/01/03 - hi

Hi can you answer just 4 questions for me please?

please see attached image part 1

1) according to the diagram, how do you describe a practical means of measuring the applied force F.

2) i plotted a graph showing how force varries with displacement during the extension process and the results for relaxation process.

3) how do you estimate the total work done in joules in extending the catapult to its maximum displacement (x = 60mm) . can you explain the method used?
b) what energy transformation has occured in the stretching process? please explain.

4) what is the energy releasued during relaxation.
b) can you comment on the difference between this answer and the answer you obtained in #3. what has happened in terms of energy transformations?

IQGuru answered on 03/01/03:


Pull with a spring-scale balance which simultaneously measures the force applied.

Compute: F = Force in Newtons.
Work(Joules) = F*s = F*0.06m
Stretching has created a reaction force equal to the force applied,
in the exactly opposite direction. In doing that,
the kinetic energy used in pulling has been converted to potential energy in the catapult bowstring.

4) Energy will convert back to kinetic energy when you let go.
b) The kinetic energy of release is applied to the object being fired,
whereas the initial energy was applied only to the bowstring.


jenny96 asked on 02/28/03 - hi

how do you find the work required to stretch a spring from its natural length to a new position

given original spring = 22.7 cm
applied force 1 N = 26.8 cm
2N = 30.8 cm
3N = 34.8 cm
4N = 39 cm
5N = 42.8 cm
do you have to convert to meteres?
how do you plot a force over displacement graph? please explain.thanks

IQGuru answered on 02/28/03:

Hi again.

I do not know how to best answer your first two questions.

In the MKS system:
F = Force = 1 Newton = 1 kg-m/(sec)^2.
Work (Joules) = F*s, where s is distnce in meters.
In the CKS system:
F =Force = 1 Dyne = 1 g-cm/(sec)^2.
Work (Ergs) = F*d, where s is distance in centimeters.

1 Newton = 10^5 Dynes.
1 Joule = 10^7 Ergs.

You have all of neither system here.
You could either convert cm to m to work in Newtons and Joules,
or you could convert Newtons to Dynes to work in Dynes and Ergs.

Meanwhile, just list your force and displacement data in a table:
F = Force (Newtons)
L = Displacement Length (cm).
Delta = Change of Length (cm):

F L(cm) Delta
= ===== =====
0 22.70 -na-
1 26.80 4.10
2 30.80 4.00
3 34.80 4.00
4 39.00 4.10
5 42.80 3.80

So first, decide whether you want to plot this data as is,
or convert F to Dynes in order to plot it, or convert L(cm) to L(m) in order to plot it.
In any event, use F on the x-axis, and L on the y-axis, and then plot it.

You should immediately notice that the given data is either somewhat unexpected or inaccurate;
to yield a plotted straight line, the Deltas would all have to be equal.

Therefore, I would avoid using your plot for computing work.
Instead I would choose one set of the formulas given above for any desired point,
together with the applicable (converted) values for that particular point.

Hope that helps.

jenny96 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 02/13/03 - Corresponding Angles

Hi IQGuru! Could you please explain in a simple/easy to understand yet clear way what corresponding angles are? Thanks!

IQGuru answered on 02/13/03:

Hi again, Dapromise!

There is but one definition (but there are several common applications) of the term "Corresponding':

Corresponding parts of similar or congruent figures are those parts which are similarly placed; they are parts which would coincide, if the figures were made (forced) to coincide.

In congruent triangles, corresponding angles are those which lie opposite equal sides; corresponding sides are those which lie opposite equal angles.

Warning: Using that "forced" idea, in non-congruent triangles (Example: Two right triangles which have different interior angles) "Corresponding" is sometimes used more loosely; but any such usage MUST be indicated by italics, or by placing it in quotes (as was done here) to differentiate such usage from the normal usage, which normally also infers EQUALITY.

Among the angles of a transversal (a straight line that intersects two or more other straight lines), corresponding angles are non-adjacent exterior-interior angles on one side of the transversal. [Notice that with this usage, the term need NOT infer equality!]

In the case of two PARALLEL lines intersected by a transversal, always refer to these angles as 'Corresponding angles of parallel lines'. [In this case, the term infers equality!]

Well, that is about all you should ever need to know about this term!
Warm regards, "IQ"

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 01/25/03 - Fractions/Decimals Part II

hi IQGuru! i have 3 more questions i don't understand. thank you for helping me!

4. While visiting your aunt, a veternarian, she treated about 75 animals. Of those, 55 were small animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.) and 20 were large animals (horses, cows). What percent of the animals that she saw were small? What percent were large? She sees about 1800 animals per year. What percent of her "patients" did she see during your visit? Please explain how you got these answers.

5. During one week your aunt spent 9 hours examining animals, 11 hours talking with owners, 8 hours traveling to make 'barn calls', 9 hours keeping records, 6 hours ordering and stocking supplies, and 5 hours reading journals. Find the percent of her working hours spent on each task and draw a circle graph of the information (I think I can do that, but I don't understand how to get the above, exactly)

6. Last question! The weight of a cow at various ages are whosn in the table. Does the percent increase in weight per year stay the same, increase, or decrease? Explain your reasoning. What do you think the precent increase is from 3-4 years? Explain please!

Chart: I hope you can read this. The first number matches with the first one, second to second, and so on. Thanks!
Age (yr): 0, 1, 2, 3.
Weight (lb): 40, 400, 700, 800

Thanks again, have a GREAT day! =)

IQGuru answered on 01/26/03:


small% = 100%(20/75) = 26.666666666666667%
large% = 100%(55/75) = 73.333333333333333%
75/1800 = 4.16666666666667% seen with you.

9 +11 +8 +9 +6 +5 = 48 hours.
exams: 9/48 = 3/12 = 18.75%
talking: 11/48= 22.91666666666667%
travel: 8/48 = 1/6 = 16.66666666666667%
recording: 9/48 = 3/12 = 18.75%
ordering: 6/48 = 1/8 = 12.5%
journals: 5/48 = 10.41666666666667%

For the pie chart: 360/48hr = 7.5 deg/hr.
So the 11 hour wedge is 11(7.5) = 82.5 deg; etc. Use a protractor.

Weight increases slow down over time; fastest growth is first year; slowest growth is final year:

Year 1 from 0:
100%(400-40)/40 = 900%
Year 2 from 1:
100%(700-400)/400 = 75%
Year 3 from 2:
100%(800-700)/700 = 14.28571429%

Year 4 from 3:
100%(850-800)/800 = ~ 6.25%

Well, hope that helps.

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dapromise asked on 01/25/03 - Percents & Decimals

Hi! Could you please help me with the following questions? I"m kind of confused. Please explain the answer and HOW YOU GOT IT. Thanks!

1. A femaile sheep (an ewe) is pregnant for about 151 days. A female rabbit (a doe) is pregnant for about 31 days. A female horse (a mare) is pregnant for about 336 days. For what percent of a year is the length of each pregnancy? How do the precents compare?

2. The amount of fluid in a cat's body is about 30% of its weight. In a human, fluids are about 65% of the weight. What is the weight of the fluid in a 12-pound ca? In a 12-pound baby? Please write a statement comparing these weights.

3. Your aunt is measuring the height of a horse to make sure it is growing properly. As a final, the horse was 7 hands tall. She measures the horse as an adult and finds that it grew 230% of its height s a foal. How many hands tall is the horse? In inches, how tall is the horse? (1 hand = 4 inches) Please write a statement about your height in hands.

Sorry, the questions are a bit long. Thanks again! =)

IQGuru answered on 01/26/03:

Hi DaPromise!
A year is 365.25 days, which is why we have leap year every fourth year. So if you use 365, the answers below will differ out in the decimals...
Doe: (31/365.25)*100% = 8.48733744%
Ewe: (151/365.25)*100% = 41.34154689%
Mare:(336/365.25)*100% = 91.99178645%
Ewes gestate about 5 times as fast as Does, but only about half as fast as Mares.

Cat: 30%(12 lb) = 3.6 lb.
Hum: 65%(12 lb) = 7.8 lb.
The weight of water in a 12 lb. infant is a little more than twice as much as the weight of water in a 12 lb. cat.

There is a difference between "grew 230%"
and "grew to 230%" I don't know which you mean; both are shown below.

Grew to 230%: 230%(7 hands) = 16.1 hands.
Grew 230%: 7 +16.1 hands = 23.1 hands.

(16.1 hands)(4 in/hand)=64.4 inches.
(23.1 hands)(4 in/hand)=92.4 inches.

Divide your own height, in inches, by 4 to write your height in hands.

Sorry this took so long, I have been unable to get onto this site since Friday, till now.

dapromise rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

kammy asked on 01/22/03 - hello

4) a football is punted by a kicker, leaving his foot at a height of 0.80 m above the ground and travelling at 20m/s up 40 degrees right. a receiver is standing 50 m away from teh kicker and runs to catch the ball. he does so at a height of 0.80 m above ground.
how can you answer these questions without the range/time flight equations?
a) for how long was the balli nthe air? ans: 3.1s
b) what horizontal dispalacement did ball traveL? ans: 40m
c) if the receiver began to run when the ball reaced its heighest point,at what constant velocity must he have been travelling? what direction?ans: 6.4 m/s left

5) how do you convert the following a) 3.98 Ms = ?ns
ans: 3.98 x 10^15 ns
b) 4.0 mm^2 = ? m^2 ans: 4.0 x 10^-6 m^2

6) momenturm (p) is defined as follows p = mv, where m is mass and v is velocity. what are the dimensions of momentum?
ans: M L T ^ -1

IQGuru answered on 01/23/03:

If you were trying to say that the initial direction of the football is 40 degrees off vertical (50 degrees with ground), and that the receiver runs directly toward the kicker, then you DO have enough info to compute horizontal distances!

In that case, merely convert the initial velocity of 20m/s into its components:
Vvertical = 20sin50 = 15.32088886m/sec.
Vhorizontal = 20cos50 = 12.85575219m/sec.

h = Vot -(1/2)gt^2.
In above, when ball is caught, h=0:
0m = (20sin50m/sec)t-(1/2)(9.8067m/sec^2)t^2.
15.32088886 = 4.90335t/sec.
t=3.124575823 sec.

Special notes:
Football must reach its maximum parabola height in exactly half that time; i.e., when:
t = 1.562287911 seconds.
h(max) =
h(max) = 31.24575823m -11.96781972m.
h(max) = 19.2779385m.
[H(max)= h +0.8m = 20.0779385m].

Presume no loss of speed from air friction.
Then horizontal distance = (Vhorizontal)(t) =
(12.85575219m/sec)(3.124575823sec) =

Ok, we already figured out the run-time of the receiver is 1.562287911 seconds.
He must run 50m -40.16877248m = 9.831227521m.
So his velocity would be:
9.831227521m/1.562287911s = 6.292839784m/sec.

Sorry about my earlier misunderstanding of this thing!

It may be quite a while before you get any more answers; Answerway is having some display problems right now.

Warm regards,

Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

kammy asked on 01/22/03 - hello

4) a football is punted by a kicker, leaving his foot at a height of 0.80 m above the ground and travelling at 20m/s up 40 degrees right. a receiver is standing 50 m away from teh kicker and runs to catch the ball. he does so at a height of 0.80 m above ground.
how can you answer these questions without the range/time flight equations?
a) for how long was the balli nthe air? ans: 3.1s
b) what horizontal dispalacement did ball traveL? ans: 40m
c) if the receiver began to run when the ball reaced its heighest point,at what constant velocity must he have been travelling? what direction?ans: 6.4 m/s left

5) how do you convert the following a) 3.98 Ms = ?ns
ans: 3.98 x 10^15 ns
b) 4.0 mm^2 = ? m^2 ans: 4.0 x 10^-6 m^2

6) momenturm (p) is defined as follows p = mv, where m is mass and v is velocity. what are the dimensions of momentum?
ans: M L T ^ -1

IQGuru answered on 01/22/03:

Hi Kammy!
Thanks for the stars, but I did not earn them!
There is a booboo there;
I inadvertently omitted the 2 from the formula h=Vot-(1/2)gt^2.
Please redo all answers in (4), accordingly, to correct them.

I will be working on the others you sent soon.

kammy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

kammy asked on 01/22/03 - hi

1) a runner is competing in a 1600 m race that involves 4 laps around a 400 m track. he runs the first 3 laps at a constant speed of 6.86 m/s. at the end of the third lap, he accelerates "insanteneously" to some new constant speed with which he finishes the race. if his overall average speed for the entire race was 6.95 m/s, what is the constant speed during the fourth lap?
ans: 7.23m/s

2) a hiker walks 2.0 m/s south for 10 min, then at 2.3 m/s west for20 minutes, and finally at 1.8 m/s west 30 degrees north for 15 minute. what is the
a) total time for the walk? ans: 2.7 x 10^3s
b) the total distance of the walk? ans: 5.6 x 10^3 m
c) the average speed? ans : 2.1 m/s
d) the displacement? ans: 4.2 x 10^3 m west 5 degrees South
e) the average velocity? ans: 1.5 m/s west 5 degrees south

3) a student slides a dime across a cafeteria table. the coin travels with constant velocity of 0.752 m/s while on the table, after sliding off the edge, the coin lands on the floor, 0.283 m horizontally from table's edge. how tall is the table?
ans: 0.694m

IQGuru answered on 01/22/03:

Hi Kammy!

4(400m)/(6.95m/sec) = 230.2158273sec.
3(400m)/(6.86m/sec) = 174.9271137sec.
Subtract latter equation from former:
1(400m)/(V) = 55.28871364sec.
V = 7.234749621 m/sec.

a): Walk time:
10min +20min +15min = 45min = 2700sec.

b): Walk distance:
1200m +2760m +1620m = 5580m.

c): Average Speed:
5580m/2700sec=2.066666666667 m/sec.

d): Displacement Conceptual drawing:
(Lengths and angle C=30 not shown to scale).


Draw lines AD and CD to complete the diagram.
Vertical displacement=1200-1620sin30=390m.
Horizontaldisplacement = 2760m +1620cos30 = 4162.961154m.
AD=Sqrt[390^2 +4162.961154^2] = 4181.189492m.
tan(A) = 390/4162.961154 = 0.936833147
Angle(A)= 5.352037523 degrees (S.of West).

e): Average velocity:
4181.189492m/2700sec = 1.548588701 m/sec.

Horizontal time = (0.283m)/(0.752m/sec) = 0.3763297872sec.

Height = Vo(t) +gt^2 = 0 +(1/2)gt^2.
g = 9.8067m/sec^2.
Height = 0.6944325737m.

Warm regards,

Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
kammy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

kammy asked on 01/22/03 - hello

4) a football is punted by a kicker, leaving his foot at a height of 0.80 m above the ground and travelling at 20m/s up 40 degrees right. a receiver is standing 50 m away from teh kicker and runs to catch the ball. he does so at a height of 0.80 m above ground.
how can you answer these questions without the range/time flight equations?
a) for how long was the balli nthe air? ans: 3.1s
b) what horizontal dispalacement did ball traveL? ans: 40m
c) if the receiver began to run when the ball reaced its heighest point,at what constant velocity must he have been travelling? what direction?ans: 6.4 m/s left

5) how do you convert the following a) 3.98 Ms = ?ns
ans: 3.98 x 10^15 ns
b) 4.0 mm^2 = ? m^2 ans: 4.0 x 10^-6 m^2

6) momenturm (p) is defined as follows p = mv, where m is mass and v is velocity. what are the dimensions of momentum?
ans: M L T ^ -1

IQGuru answered on 01/22/03:

Hi Kammy!

4) I DISAGREE with your answers here:
Football kicked AND caught at H = 0.8meter.
Football Height during its flight parabola:
H(meters) = (h +0.8m).
So, just use 0.8m as the parabola baseline!:
Flight height(meters) = h = Vo(t) -gt^2.
Vo = Initial Velocity = 20m/sec.
g = acceleration of gravity = 9.8067m/sec^2.

So, in above, when ball is caught, h=0:
0m = (20m/sec)t -(9.8067m/sec^2)t^2.
(9.8067m/sec^2)t^2 = (20m/sec)t.
(9.8067/sec)t = 20.
t = 20sec/9.8067 = 2.039422028 seconds.

Special notes:
Football must reach its maximum parabola height in exactly half that time.
[H(max)= h +0.8m = 10.99711014m].

There is insufficient information given to answer either (b) or (c). There are an infinite number of parabolas, and thus an infinite number of horizontal displacements, which meet all of the conditions derived in part (a) above. Thus without more information about the original horizontal velocity, or the times involved, these questions have no solutions. Additionally, the answer you gave for (b) is inconsistent with the answer you gave to (c). If the players start out facing each other at a distance of 50m, and the reciever runs to his left, he cannot possibly be 40m from the receiver when he catches the football; instead he would have to be more than 50m.

5a): I also DISAGREE with your answer here:
1second =10^6microseconds =10^9nanoseconds.
So: 1ms=10^9/10^6=10^3=1000 nanoseconds.
So: 3.98ms=3.98(10)^3 nanoseconds=3980ns.

Square both sides of above:
1mm^2 =(1/10^6)m^2.
So: 4mm^2 =4(10)^-6 m^2.

velocity = v = length/time = L/T.
p = Mv = M(L/T) = MLT^-1.

Sorry about the delay; been busy elsewhere.
Well, hope this helps you?

kammy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

GoldenHalo09 asked on 01/13/03 - Question from English Class

I'm having a hard time figuring out if a poem or an essay is a more powerful genre for describing a place and the emotions place can evoke. What my problem is, is that a descriptive essay can tell a great deal about place, but to me the emotions evoked about place are more dictated in some essays. Poetry is powerful, and allows the reader to evoke their own emotions. But that is too broad of an answer and it also relies heavily on who the author of either the poem or the essay is. I need serious help on figuring this out.

IQGuru answered on 01/13/03:

There is no answer here; but if there were, you would also have to consider the particular kind of emotion you are tying to evoke. For example: Henry David Thoreau's journal, 'Walden', or any prose description of the Holocaust, might be difficult to match with poetry. (I'll let YOU judge whether 'On Walden Pond' achieves the former.) Conversely, the wonderful images in 'Jaberwocky' might be most difficult to achieve with prose.

GoldenHalo09 rated this answer Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Nitin asked on 01/11/03 - emergency exam preparation

Hi I have my exams with only one day gap in between , it involves a large amount of theory, is there any method to remember large amount of theory and retain the same atleast till the next day And also to improve the speed , I can remember but I take too much time on a topic I sleep for about3 hrs Due to such circumstances we are forced to study in this manner Kindly recommend some immediate help Thanks Nitin

IQGuru answered on 01/11/03:


This comment will not help tomorrow, but might change your whole life later!.. It is somewhat ironic that all of human society attempts to teach people WHAT to remember before it ever tries to teach people HOW to remember! Even worse, most of us are NEVER taught how to remember!..

That is trying to pull the proverbial horse with the proverbial cart! So, the thing you may need to do next, before you do anything else, is to take a good MEMORY course! Such courses can teach you how to remember anything you care to remember, literally forever, with very little effort.

The one I took, 'Memory:Furst', was written in 1939 by Dr. Bruno Furst (Professor of Law, McGeorge College of Law), and Mrs. Lotte Furst (Instructor, U.S. Army Intelligence School); published in the U.S. and Britain; and has many published revisions through (at least) 1968: Marcus-Campbell Educational Publishers, 835 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60614.

Use an internet and/or library search to find a more current address or edition, and/or to merely find a similar course.

After completing the aforementioned course, I was asked by one of my graduate school professors why I took copious notes during his class, but then dropped all of those notes in the trash can adjacent to the door when I departed the class. So I explained to him that, thanks to the Brunos, I had learned how to remember almost anything I really WANTED to remember, but ESPECIALLY anything I had READ once or twice, literally forever, with no further necessity to keep whatever had been read. So I took notes merely to be able to READ them once or twice, in addition to hearing the concepts spoken in his classroom...

The professor really didn't believe that remark at that time, but subseqently did, when I earned the highest grade (3.999) that had ever been awarded (still has ever been awarded) in that class. (We are now great friends, and still laughingly debate whether his deduction of that other 0.001, those many years ago, was really fair...) The effect on YOUR life of a really good MEMORY course might be just as interesting.

Warm regards, "IQ"

Nitin rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

JessMess02 asked on 10/29/02 - Please Help! :)

If the point (a, b) is reflected in the line y = 3x, show that the coordinates of the reflected point are [(3b-4a)/5, (3a+4b)/5)]. Thanks for your time...and nice site! :)

IQGuru answered on 10/29/02:

Hi Jess! The equation of any straight line is y=mx+b, where m=Slope=Rise/Run and the line MUST cross the Y-axis at (0,b). So the line y=3x has a slope of m=+3 and b=0, so it must cross the Y-axis at (0,b)=(0,0); that slope means that it rises +3y units, for each additional +1x unit... Thus if the point(x,y)= (A,B) is ON(IN) this line, B=3A. Similarly, if the reflected point is IN(ON) this line, then still, B=3A... Also: r^2 = y^2+x^2 = 3^2+1^2 = 10. r = SqRt[10]. This does NOT yield the coordinates you seek for the reflected point; I have to wonder if you mistated or omitted something from this problem... Warm regards, "IQ"

JessMess02 rated this answer Above Average Answer
Jetson1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

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