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These are answers that jocase has provided in Law Enforcement

Ccl471 asked on 12/23/06 - Upkeep of Police Vehicles

When I was at the car wash today, I saw a uniformed California Highway Patrol officer there getting his patrol car washed.

Don't police departments have their own people responsible for the upkeep of their vehicle fleets?

I'd be surprised if they required their beat officers to take their cars to get washed. If they do, does the department at least pay for the car wash?

Many thanks,


jocase answered on 12/24/06:

I my area of Southern California the local police have their off duty cars driven by explorer police cadets to the local car wash.
They don't maintain a group of people to wash cars.

I guess you mean "Don't WE (taxpayers) at least pay for the car wash?" Seems it would be cheaper for us to have a local car wash contract with the CHP to wash their cars.
Don't know about the uniformed officer waiting for the car to get washed.

Ccl471 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

neo_the_one asked on 06/19/03 - Urine scent removing

Urine scent removing
I am doing a research work on district improvement. I smelled a scent of urine one moerning when I went to starbucks. It was too sharp to ignore and it was in the downtown of Seattle - one of the major USA cities. I decided to dedicate my time to solve such problems. So, I named my research work "Urine scent removing from downtawn Seattle district". I have never done such works, so I want you to advise me on how to approach this. My approach would look like this: "In order to remove the scent of urine from the street, we need to develop an algorithm, which everyone interested or responsible for this would use. Let's suppose there is someone responsible for this. Name it R. Algorithm would look like this: 1. Upon detection of the urine smell, call R and inform her about the situation; 2. If you do not know who is R or not sure there is R - find the sourse of smell by using algorithm SourceDetect below. 3. Upon finding the sourse, identify the institution which is the closest to the source. 4. Inform the institution about the urine smell. 5. If institution doesn't react appropriatelyand doesn't express interest in removing the smell - call police and inform about the actions of the institution. Algorithm SourceDetect: 1. Go in rounds with radius of 2 feet, always smelling the air. 2. After making 2-3 rounds go to the place in the round, where you felt the urine smell most strongly. 3. Craefully examine surroundings and see if you see the possible source of the smell. 4. If not - go to 1, if yes - exit.". Let me know what solution would you propose and what you think about my solution.

jocase answered on 03/14/04:

A spray bottle of bleach might do the trick. Just donate one to every one who works in the smelly place.

ken123 asked on 08/08/03 - Police


I have just over a year of high school left and I'm giving a lot of thought to the future. I am very interested in becoming an RCMP officer (I live in Canada). I know that unlike in the past, age does matter now and that the RCMP Depot will turn down young applicants. University has always been a goal of mine. What courses can I take that will improve my chances of being selected for RCMP training later on.


jocase answered on 03/14/04:

It is always best to talk to people involved as Fr. Chuck as suggested.

You may also want to click on this link:
RCMP Recruiting
and get some detail. Good Luck!

ken123 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

mindina asked on 09/11/03 - thanks to everyone!!!!

Thank you all for your help with my nasty neighbors. They are all gone and some are facing charges. We have been dealing with the aftermath of some of their activities but it is all under control. The neighborhood even had a block party. Thank you for all your advice and I appreciate your comments. W are so happy and the owner sold the house after they moved and some friends of ours are buying it so it is perfect. Thanks so much!!!!!

jocase answered on 03/14/04:

I had read your earlier post and help kind of helpless. Glad that all is well. I have been fortunate to have good neighbors, so I can only imagine what you have gone through.
Best of luck!

denberg asked on 10/28/03 - When exactly did a really top cop last go to prison in the USA?

Can anyone tell me when was the last time a really senior police officer actually went to prison in the USA?

The last time I am aware of that this happened in my own country was in 1972 when Commander Alan Drury, the then head of the Anti-Porn squad, was convicted of accepting a free holiday from a porn-shop owner, and imprisoned. This was over thirty years ago and I don't think anyone senior has gone to prison since. What's the nearest equivalent in the USA?

Many thanks,

London UK.

jocase answered on 03/13/04:

Try this link
Police Chief jailed for Dealing Drugs


denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Fr_Chuck asked on 01/14/03 - police chase

What is your opinions about high speed police chases??

jocase answered on 03/13/04:

I think they are sometimes necessary. What I don't like is the continous TV coverage given to them here in the LA area. To some degree it encourages people to make a run for it.They are starting to cut back but on a slow news night...
Alos check Get paged when a police chase is on TV

Fr_Chuck rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jerogers asked on 03/10/04 - court fines

Martha was fined 250,000 per count,who gets the money?
And also,say you are a common person and have no money,
or assets and the court know's that you don't. Why do they sentence a person to life and no parole. And then fine them $100,000. What is the purpose of the fine they know that they won't get?

jocase answered on 03/13/04:

I will take a shot with hopes that others may also respond.
The state gets the money. Her trial was a criminal trial. No one was suing her.

The fine is probably in the statute. If sentenced to life the court could seize assets.

So, other experts am I right?

jerogers rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

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