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These are answers that graeylin has provided in Psychics

Anonymous asked on 06/03/07 - Watch - -


I woke up this morning to a watch lying on steps outside my front door - what does this mean???


graeylin answered on 07/09/07:

that someone is missing a watch.

Perhaps someone lost a watch nearby your home, and another person saw it lying there, and figured "maybe it belongs to this door", and put it there.

I know I would. I would put it on a stoop, door, or mailbox of whatever house it was closest too, and figure that maybe that was the owner, or that the home owner might be neighbor enough to know the gossip, and realize that Bob down the street lost his watch last week, etc...

Unless it was a rolex. that, I would take and hock.

momof4 asked on 07/08/07 - WHY DID HE DO THIS????

Hello I am TL my dob is July 6 and I was working as an assistant to TD his dob is March 12. We got along very well and enjoyed working together. The last day could be described as "odd", as people around us were making comments about he and I. On June 28 as he was about to transfer to another location he asked me for a copy of the pictures I took at the year end party, and I did email those to him. As I said goodbye, take care of yourself, and best wishes at your new location, he responded by telling me he would be calling me the next week. He said he meant to get me something as a thank you for all my help but hadn't yet. I told him I was not expecting anything, but hoping we would keep in contact, as I would like to know how he is doing. He said he would be calling me to discuss us remaining in contact. For the first time during the 2 years since I have known him he has not acknowledged my email or the pictures I sent, and he never called. I am trying to figure out what has happened, when his actions towards me and comments other people were making strongly contradicts what his response has been. Would someone please give me some guidance about this and why he said one thing but has done another. Should I email or phone him to see how he is doing and how long should I wait before doing that? Will he contact me again, or why has he not? If I did initiate contact to ask how he is doing would this upset him or how will he react. Not sure what to do in this case besides going on with life. I have never had this happen before and do not understand the logic behind his lying. Thanks.

graeylin answered on 07/09/07:

I just started a new job myself, and in the first 4 weeks, I had no email access for two, and then, i had to set up a new system, find out what mails the system considered spam and where it stored them, retrieve lost items four times because I accidentally deleted them, as well as deal with 24 hours of video, site tours, department meetings to intro myself, more training, getting a new house, moving, settling in, etc..

It could be he is a bit overwhelmed. It could be he lost your emails. it could be the new system in place trashed your emails as potential spam. It could be he is a bit busy.

wait two more weeks, resend the pics, and include a cheery note.

then move on with your life.

momof4 rated this answer Above Average Answer

nellag asked on 11/19/06 - sex problem

I have been with my boyfriend almost 2 years and sex was never a problem 2 me. Untill these past few weeks haveing sex with him is really painful it hurts so bad that i get to a point where am actually afraid to have sex i dont know why this is happening but i would like to find out whats wrong with me. please help me on this.
Thank you!

graeylin answered on 11/19/06:

my thoughts too ceebee... why in heaven's name would you ask a psychic (who don't exist anyway) a question about a health issue?

You likely have a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection, both of which are treatable by a MEDICAL DOCTOR. Get thee to a doctor, and get better.

ladybugca rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 10/11/06 - BUSH:

President Bush made a statement at his news conference this a.m. that went something like this:

If we don't beat them (Muslims/insurgents) over there, we'll have to beat them here (United States).

I agree 100%. How about you?


graeylin answered on 10/12/06:

as a statement exactly as is, i would have to disagree with it. the statement implies two choices: beat them there, or beat them here.

I believe the situation is much more complex than this rather simplistic view. For instance, i believe we could beat them "there", and STILL have to beat them here. I do not believe that victory overseas would eliminate the possibility of terror over here.

However, according to this statement, our President does. It must be nice to have such a simple, black and white view of the world. Beat them over there, and there is nothing to fear over here.

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Unknown rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer



I am wondering if anyone sees anything positive happening in my love life? I have met a few people but nothing seems to be panning out. I dont know why. I am not sure whats going on exactly. Not sure if this is the state of the world or what? Can someone take a look to see if they see anything positive coming to fruitation in this area. I am 39 years old and I have not made the pursuit of a other half my main focus in life, but it would be nice to finally have someone to share it with for a change. I dont believe in curses or love spells although I have been made to think there is a such thing going on.

graeylin answered on 06/23/06:

there's no such thing as a real psychic, so there is no such thing as a real psychic answer.

take the counseling. it's the closest thing to truth you will get.

Anonymous rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 04/16/06 - old friends

I have this former friend Xin from high school that has kept calling me over the past few years. I always make some excuse that I'm busy. Doesn't she get the point that I don't want to talk to her? I'm not even real friends with her. She's just an acquaintance.
Just last month, she called me to tell me that Bo was coming to visit. I knew Bo back in high school. I liked Bo but I don't like my other friend Xin and didn't want to hang out with her. So I made another excuse that I was busy. Now I'm starting to feel a little guilty because I did not meet with Bo.

graeylin answered on 04/16/06:

Hmmm, the only question you asked here was "Doesn't she get the point?", and the answer to that is "no".

However, if you were perhaps seeking advice, here's a thought. Try telling Xin the truth next time, instead of leading her on with your "maybe" anwers. (any answer that goes with "well, this time i have this to do, but maybe next time... or not this time...) leaves the future open to a possibility.

Try "Sorry Xin, but I really don't care to hang out with you. We don't share enough interests together, and I don't want to spend time together with you."

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 02/24/06 - Should I?or should I not?

Oprah helps everybody right? So if I send her a letter asking for her help in getting my dream car, will she help me? dob 4/2/80

graeylin answered on 02/24/06:

Oprah helps everybody. No, she doesn't. There are roughly 5 billion people in the world, and Oprah hasn't helped over 4.9 billion of them. Your odds are slim.

No, she won't help you get your dream car.

Anonymous rated this answer Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 10/24/05 - Attn: Remote viewers

A remote viewer that is time traveled to the future is sending me telepathic messages .
Different messages about how when we meet half way in time ^He is in the year 2036 and I obviously in 2005
we will be very in love and fulfill some earth saving mission that is yet to come.
give him a message to come rescue me now before these times get the better of me. I swear I will die waiting if time ain't on my side on this!

graeylin answered on 10/24/05:

Why not have him help you endure the times now? Given that your future is his past, have him give you stock tips, lottery winner numbers, sports team wins, etc. from his history. THat way, you will have plenty of money to help you endure the next 15 years!

Should be simple, he can simply scan the archives for the winners of the December lottery drawing, or the next superbowl, NBA championships, etc., and relay them to you. You bet a little money here and there, build a pool, and invest in stock picks he monitors from his history. In a year of this, you should be wealthy, and in two years, you can be rich beyond belief! You can then spend your time in leisure, living off your investments, and being charitable with your money: give to your favorite causes, etc.. Be a philanthropist!

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
madima rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Anonymous rated this answer Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 10/18/05 - dim hope

I feel like I have had a curse forever. My parents were always negative, my boss, neighbors, etc..
I buy a used vehicle it breaks down and they say I KNEW you would have nothing but trouble with that thing. I am sick of the neg. but it is the way everybody is. I can't find full time work, I barely make enough to pay my bills, my vehicle always breaks down, every guy I meet turns out to go from great to a total jerk, etc, etc, etc,. The more positive and hopeful I am and the more I believe things are taking a turn for the better the more steps back my life seems to take.
I feel cursed and need to know how do I break this curse!

graeylin answered on 10/20/05:

no such things as curses, and in all honesty, luck is just luck: neither good or bad, it just is. It's how you frame the result of luck that makes it good or bad.

Frequently, people believe that they have one type of luck when what they really have is a cumulative result of their actions and behaviors. Know those guys who are just "always lucky"? Frequently, that is because they are always making small decisions that enable them to be in those positions: the work hard here, or remember to prepare there, or get out and about and things fall into their lap. You could have that same luck too, if you do the prep work they did: get out and meet people. Network. Try things. Get active, busy, etc... typically, luck happens when you are "busy" with life, not when you are watching "Survivor".

Think you have bad luck? Change it: One thing, look at it truthfully: is it truly random chance, or the end result of decisions you made? FOr instance, I have hte worst luck with cars... they break, die, bite the farm, etc. at the worst times. However, when i am honest with myself, i really must point out that I never change the oil (well, once every 50,000 miles or so), never check the tires, never wash it, lube it, etc... So, when it fails on me, is it bad luck or the result of my carelessness over hte past years?

I also have good luck! I get good jobs, network well, have extra money coming in each month through some venture or another.. again, random chance? Not really.. .i also spend time networking with people, volunteering, putting myself in places where i overhear information, and can react and offer my services. Not good luck, just good timing. And the timing is good because I am out there.

FInally, good or bad is in how you frame it: Some of the best luck in my life was during the time I contemplated suicide, got a divorce, and almost went bankrupt... even with all those things happening, I reframed myself, and the things in my life, as positives: life change chances, a chance to renew, start over, live again, rebuild what I wanted, etc.

My advice? Stay away from negative people. they can only bring you down. Reframe things positively: whatever happens, find the good in it: the chance to grow, to renew, to meet new people, to make new decisions, etc.. practice that over and over, and remember that YOU decide good and bad, not anyone else.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

pinky5779 asked on 10/18/05 - Love Reading Request Please

Dear Experts,

My name is Mimi, and my dob is July 5th, 1979 at twelve PM to be specific. I'd like to know when will I find a new boyfriend, start a relationship again and finally getting married? I've been single for two years already since my last relationship with my ex ended in October two years ago. Now I'm so desperate of losing hope and being left out while most of my cousins and some friends of mine already got married and have kids.

Please help me guys...any help will be greatly appreciated...anywayz, thanx alot for all your help and concern regarding my problems!=)


graeylin answered on 10/19/05:

Do not give up hope, there is always a future. Do not compare yourself to others (cousins, friends, etc.), for you do not know their situation (fully) or their future. Comparing yourself to anyone else simply invites a negative attitude. Your life isn't about what they do or have, it is about what YOU do.

First, find a hobby, and get active. Get out and around other people: church, social groups, games, hiking/camping, sports, dancing, whatever. Don't go out looking for love, go out to love your life, and it will find you. Stay away from bars and drugs, those negative places will just trap you. And, who wants to live with someone who hangs around bars all the time?

Be active, volunteer with a group you like, and you will soon find friends, and potential dates. And, if you don't, then who cares... you are too busy having fun volunteering and being with people to care!

pinky5779 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 09/22/05 - Right Direction

I would like to be a spiritual counselor. I like helping others. is this the right path for me?


graeylin answered on 09/23/05:

Thank you for the clarification.

Since there are no rules, requirements, or testing abilitites to be a spiritual counselor (ie, anyone can claim to be spiritual, and anyone can offer advice), I would have to say that as a career path, this is a bad idea: competition for potential customers is immense, as anyone can suddenly open a spiritual counselling office and start dispensing guidance. I can't see you making money at it, without using false pretenses, fraud, or compramising your own moral values.

As a "hobby", or just as something you want to do to help people, then by all means, offer your advice, suggest your guidance, and help people. You will feel better, and some of your advice may help someone else.

Anonymous rated this answer Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 09/05/05 - Mother in law.

Will mother law continue to be a person to always make certain people feel guilty, threaten others and interfere. Or will she finally wake up and let go?

graeylin answered on 09/06/05:

Two things: Your mother in law won't change, unless something more important to her forces her to. Change comes from inside, and only occurs when the pain of change is less than the pain of remaining the same.

Second thing: how people feel and react to your MIL is up to them. If they feel guilty, that is their choice. THey could choose to feel happy, amused, sad, or sympathetic instead. Your MIL doesn't make anyone feel anything except herself. People control their own feelings and responses.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/25/05 - do spells work?

i was just wondering do spells work? i have come across many sites on the internet that offer to cast spells for love, money, hapiness etc.
and also if they do work how can someone in a different country, or continent even cast a spell for someone he/she does not know?
and if you place a spell to return your lover and it works is interfering with the way someone thinks?

graeylin answered on 08/25/05:

So far, no one has been able to demonstrate a spell's ability. There has been no evidence brought forth to prove the existence of spells, magic and the like.

If someone claims to be able to cast a spell and achieve a result, the odds are they are deluding themselves or you. You should get a simple, fraud-proof demonstration of the ability before you risk any money.

By the way, anyone capable of casting a spell and working such magic can claim $1,000,000 from the James Randi foundation with a proper demonstration.

Anonymous asked on 08/11/05 - bigfoot or sasquatch

When's bigfoot going to be caught? I think bigfoot is a real primate and not some supernatural phenomena.

graeylin answered on 08/11/05:

you are correct, bigfoot is a real primate...
Homo sapiens, to be exact.

Anonymous rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer

pj333 asked on 07/24/05 - time out !

hello everyone.
i am posting this on each expert site, so whomever reads it will understand .
i am going to be declining old questions that have been hanging way to long .
the next 6 weeks i am moving ,selling my house ,finishing building another one [where we have difficuties and have to finish it ourselves .]
changing jobs ,and dealing with my mothers failing health .
recently i have gotten some very negative comments ,and frankly i dont need that right now .
i will still check into the site but i am not doing any readings [which people do not realise is very very time consuming and i am not, nor have i ever claimed to be a sylvia browne ].
For the next three months .
i will still do dream interpetations and hopefully be able to spend more time after our move .
anyway i"ll still be around but can not spend hours helping others at this time ,like i usually enjoy doing .
sorry if this offends anyone .

graeylin answered on 07/24/05:

the fact that you don't claim to be Sylvia Browne increases your ranking in my book. Why anyone would want to be a charlatan and con artist like SB is beyond me.

Good luck with your life changes! May they work out the best for you.

pj333 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 05/19/05 - Future relationship

hi do you see me having a relationship in near future. Would like to have one with a decent man and thank you

graeylin answered on 06/01/05:

you are asking the wrong person luv... I believe in psychics like I believe in santa clause, the easter bunny, and religion.

I would guess, however, that you will only truly be happy in a two bedroom apartment with lots of windows, perhaps a patio door that lets in plenty of sun.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

marx743 asked on 06/15/04 - Question

Hello, I have some simple questions (hopefully),
What exactly are psychics?
What do they do?
What can they do?

graeylin answered on 06/19/04:

Good questions.

Psychics are people who claim to have abilities outside of those understood and tested/testable by scientific methods.

These can be everything from the ability to read minds, move objects without touching, magenetize and demagnetize objects, find lost/missing/special items through extraordinary means, etc., and that is a very small, partial list of psychic claims.

What can they do? Typically, they can only perform their abilities outside of scientific testing methodology. No psychic has yet demonstrated an extraordinary ability in a repeatable, double-blind, controlled scientific experiment.

Psychics tend to be one of three general, broad classes of people:

Those who honestly believe they have abilities, but who unfortunately do not understand science, probability analysis, random chance theory, etc.. They ascribe their talents to "paranormal" phenomena because they do not correctly understand the ability of normal phenomena to account for it. They honestly believe in what they do.

A second group are frauds: those who know they are using normal methods and attempting to fool the public, and continue to do it for whatever motive they have.

The final group are true psychics: those who have a power beyond current scientific testing and explanation. As of today, not a single person in this group has ever been found, tested, come forward, etc.. But i leave open the possibility that there may someday be a person in this group.

marx743 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 04/15/04 - Is there such thing as a stupid psychic?

I have paid psychics $1000 on and and not one prediction they gave me has come true. After that the addiction ended and I have stopped.
Now I go on free psychic sites but I see that none of their predictions there come true either.

Are psychics just plain stupid? If they can't see anything at all, why don't they fucking say so?
I know they make up stories as they go along if they don't pick up anything. Or some are just fakers taking your money.

graeylin answered on 04/28/04:

I actually find it statistically significant that you spent time with 'psychics' for three years, and yet, not one single prediction they told you came true.

That, in itself, if testable, would defy the laws of nature itself, and prove to be a supernatural thing. I cannot believe that in three years, not a single psychic told you that you would come into money (and you later found a dollar on the street) or that you would have problems with a loved one, or that you would meet someone from your past, or the thousands of other vague and general things such people fill their predictions with.

So I guess I would answer your question this way:

are there dumb psychics. yes. dumb mechanics, dumb teachers, dumb safety engineers, dumb maids, dumb actors, dumb drivers, dumb lawyers, dumb everything... being a "profession" doesn't make anyone immune to being dumb.

are there psychics. yes, there are people who call themselves that and consider themselves that. since there is no real definition or defining body on who or what is a psychic, anyone can be one.

are there any psychic powers? None that have been tested or proven to exist by science.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 04/07/04 - LAWSUIT


graeylin answered on 04/08/04:

gotta agree with Katy... unless you are the lawyer in the lawsuit, there will not be a positive outcome.

working in the legal system is just like wrestling pigs.

you just end up tired, dirty and broken, and the pig enjoyed it.

Anonymous asked on 02/08/04 - wondered

have always wondered about these terms which come up often but am not sure of their exact meaning.

1. wicca is this a religion which white witches believe in?

where does one go to study wicca the original version.

2. high priestiess. they say i am studying to be or am this what do they mean.

4. white light or white light workers

5. good witches

graeylin answered on 02/09/04:

Wicca in it's pure form does not have white witches (or black witches). Wicca believes in a form of magical karma, and that you should live your life to be true to yourself, do no harm to others, etc.. Wiccans believe that what you do in the world will come back to you, so to do bad things will be repaid in bad things, to do good will repay good. However, defining those terms is very subjective to Wiccans, and care must be taken, because what you think is a good thing to do may in fact be wrong for the person you are doing it to.

the concepts of white and black, good and evil magic, etc. are add ons to Wicca by those who do not wish to follow the tough path that Wicca requires.

Being a priest, priestess, white witch, worker, etc. are simply titles that people (and some organizations) have included in order to make themselves feel more important, to get money from other people, or to gain control or power (oddly enough, all EXACTLY against the true Wiccan beliefs). It is similar to Christian systems of elders, priests, brothers, cardinals, etc., a way to differentiate one group of people from another,to give more authority, power or control to some, in a system that purpotes to treat ALL equally.

Moonlight2danceby rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 02/09/04 - is this the same thing as wicca

Celtic Paganism

graeylin answered on 02/09/04:


Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 01/25/04 - Hang up Calls

This may sound silly to ask Tarot cards, but here goes. I've been getting hang up calls every single day for awhile. I and my mom believe it may be Tony, my ex. I have not called or talked with him since we spoke about 3 weeks ago. He told me awhile back, that he lost my number; so I can't be sure. I'm sure it ain't Telemarketers. I changed my phone number after Mario passed away. The only people that have it, are 2 close friends of his, who I asked not to give it out to anyone. Nobody in his family has it. My parents got it (of course), my other relatives. I don't have Caller ID or *69 service. I have to pay off the phone company, so those services are blocked for the time being. I let my answering machine pick up and when it does, the 'person' on the other end stays quiet. Sometimes I hear either a radio or TV playing in the background, but it sounds somewhat muffled. Today (a little while ago) it happened again. This time, I could not hear any background noise, but I did recognize a cell phone or cordless hanging up sound. I'm just curious and wondering who it is. My phone number is private. My information cannot be obtain through 411. Maybe its Mario calling me from another realm, lol. He better be dead; I better not find out later on that he is living and he faked his death, I would be so angry at him, lol. Perhaps, it’s someone trying to place a long distance call (to me) and it doesn't come through properly; but I can’t be sure. I have not gotten any threatening or obscene phone calls, but it could happen. It is just getting really, really annoying. I know all this must sound silly, but I'm just curious. My question is: What do I need to know about the hang up calls I am getting? I would appreciate it. Serious answers only, please; thank you.

graeylin answered on 01/27/04:

A rather boring and mundane explanation, could be one possibility.

I get a lot of those two, and always in a "series"... for a week or so, then nothing for months, then another round.

Sometimes, when I listen very closely, and the dogs aren't barking and the street noise is gone, i can hear chatting sounds, office noises, furniture creaking, etc.. in the background. I have been told that these calls are frequently made by a computer system, and when you pick up, the computer is supposed to connect you to a saleperson, marketer, rep, whatever. But for some reason, your phone does not send a 'good' signal to the computer that you have answered, and so, you pick up on a live line, and the computer doesn't switch you to a person. So, you listen in on the computer switching program for a while, then it auto disconnects when it doesn't get any more ring tones, dial tones, etc.

Once one computer gets your number, it "sends" it to every other computer in the sharing system, so you start to pop up on every telemarket list for a while.

Or, it could be your ex, just having what he thinks is fun.

Next time it happens, blow a loud whistle into the phone.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Moonlight2danceby rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 01/20/04 - learn


Where can I go to learn white magik to protect myself and family and learn a new style of belief. Is there a type of institute which has classes on white good magik?

Don’t want to learn from any self proclaimed mad doctors out there but want to learn the real pure thing.


graeylin answered on 01/23/04:

Unfortunately, magic as you hope for here does not exist.

However, if it did exist, you should understand that magic is neither good nor evil, just like religion or weather or gravity is neither good nor evil. They just are.

It would be in your attitude, and your use. If you use gravity to pump water to irrigrate crops to feed people, that's good. if you use gravity to pump water to grow poppies to convert to opium to kill people, that's not good. Being religous and helping others is a good thing, using religion to hate others is a bad thing. Same religion, just different uses.

So essentially, seek not "white magic" to protect yourself, but work on that second part of what you want, the new style of belief. Seek to be a positive person, get education to better yourself, set a better role model for your family, and you will get what you ultimately want.

No amount of incantations, quasi-religous rituals or crystals will change anything in your life, only YOU can do that. It is all in your power already, to do good, to make better. Seek the change and power from inside yourself, and not from the world outside.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 01/17/04 - Mario's Aunt

Hello fellow Experts:

I have a question about Mario's Aunt. I have tried reading for myself, but no can do. I see completely nothing. Her name is Casilda. She has been keeping in touch with me since Mario passed. I don't trust her at all. Especially after the way the family (Mario's) treated me at the wake. She of course was (then) part of that "guilty party." It was a very horrifying experience to say the least. She called me few weeks after the wake and apologize. She said that her "concious" was not letting her be. She felt such a guilt that she needed to call me. She is a Psychologist by the way.

She has been wanting to meet with me. Supposedly to talk about Mario; since Mario and her were not close when he was living. She told me he had mentioned that he was seeing someone, but she did not know it was that serious. I know that is a fact, cause Mario himself told me. Besides even her own family sometimes does not tell her anything.

Anyway, I don't know if I should meet with her. I've been told not to and have agreed. I have this vision of meeting with her and have it be a trick. That in reality it is just to do something to hurt me. Perhaps I'm just being silly, but considering what happened at the wake; his family reacted with violence towards me. They also threatened to hurt me physically if I had not left the wake. They told me, I was just making thinbgs worse. How? I don't know. Perhaps they wanted me to say no, that I was not going to leave; so they would have an excuse to do something, but I did not give them the satisfaction. They blamed me for what happened to Mario, funny huh?

A good friend of Mario's emailed me and told me that his Aunt had been over to her house and asked about me. Actually, she always ask for me. She told me she would like to get to know me. Also, get to know Mario through me and to hear what he was like. I say this much, he could not compare to the family he had in this life; but, I feel that it is too late for that. There are so many things I want to say, but I can't.

I've only talked to her twice. She has talked to my mom. My mom said she had nice things and good wishes for me, but honestly I don't buy it. So what should I do; my question: what do I need to know about Casilda's intentions to me? Should I meet with her? I was thinking of taking someone with me (if I do) just in case.

When I think of all that has happened, I get so angry at Mario. I actually start to hate him. And ask, why he had to die, why did he leave? Why was he not around to defend me when I needed him the most. I guess this is all still part of the grieving process. I know it is not his fault. I'm sure he was not happy with the way I was treated. I'm sure he was really sad. If he would had lived, he would had send his family to hell...

I would appreciate an answer ASAP! This is really burning on my mind. Thank you very much to all who answer.

graeylin answered on 01/18/04:

you are under no obligation to meet with or help this woman. Her problem with her nephew is hers, and it is not up to you to salve it or solve it for her.

Trust your instincts, and stay away. You have a life to live, and it does not involve her.

Anonymous rated this answer Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 01/03/04 - mother Teresa

I have heard that mother Teresa used to use money she obtained from the sale of illegal drugs. Hasn't anyone else ever heard of this?

graeylin answered on 01/03/04:

I bet it stems from this semi-urban legend:

There is some speculation, BUT NO EVIDENCE, that people in the relief agency world were selling medicines (donated below cost or free) on the black market, and using that money to buy OTHER medications that were more useful. For example, a pharmaceutical company might donate a crate of Acetominophen II, with Cold relief. Some worker may sell those capsules on the market, and take that money and buy anti-malarial drugs that COULD be used by the stricken.

In one interview, years ago, Mother TEresa reportedly said that she did not believe that a person doing that was comitting a sin, or should be punished. She felt that doing such a thing was for the greater good.

perhaps that seed of truth has been stretched into this viscous rumour about illegal drugs, etc..

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Bradd rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 01/01/04 - prediction 2004

I predict that graeylin will no longer be 100% a skeptic but will not admit it.

graeylin answered on 01/02/04:

Given my prediction that no one will demonstrate a psychic power in 2004, I have to think that yours won't come true.

However, if someone does, then I will be among the first to admit it, and thus, not be skeptical about all psychics.

I still retain the right to be skeptical about everything, no matter what, until it is proved though. Politics, Psychics, Religion, Tap water safety... show me the data!

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Bradd asked on 01/02/04 - Predictions ??
Predictions ??

Would love to hear predictions from those psychics who do that stuff.

Is it possible to keep them within one year? Then we can come back and check a year from now.

I admit to being not convinced, but will be the first to admit if I'm wrong if the predictions come true.

Not too vague, please. Something we can verify, or not.

graeylin answered on 01/02/04:

I predict that no one will demonstrate any psychic abilities in a controlled, verifiable manner.

James Randi's $1,000,000 challenge to anyone who can demonstrate any
paranormal ability under conditions agreed to by the person and Randi will remain unclaimed.

Millions of dollars will continue to flow into the pockets of con artists who claim to speak with dead, offer medical advice based on a person's name, date of birth, etc..

Billions of dollars will flow into the pockets of con artists who proclaim a belief in a higher power, greater authority, godhead, prophet, etc., without a shred of evidence to back them up on their belief systems.

People will continue to ignore common sense advice (like many of the experts here in the psychic board give) that the world is in their hands, they own their own destiny, they must make their own decisions and live with the results, and that the world does not revolve around them, does not consipire against them, and that they alone are responsible for their actions, decisions, consequences, and happiness. No matter how it is wrapped or presented, people want to hear that their problems are out of their control, that they could not be responsible for being where they are, and that someone or something else is responsible for the unhappiness in their lives.

Queen of wands and Katiy will continue to hand out good wisdom that people will ignore, because their advice frequently involves the people making changes to themselves, and not blaming it on stars, planets, birthdates, dead spirits, cosmic karma, unknown powers, etc..

And finally, this one may turn out wrong, but I predict that Visions of Blue will never define to me what it is she can do/demonstrate with her psychic powers.

Bradd rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
kindj rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
VisionsInBlue rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 12/19/03 - meditation


When I meditate and say the name of the God I believe in silently, after a while I see lights, most frequently white and sometimes red and blue. I read somewhere that you see lights as you close your eyes because of the reason I don’t remember, probably because you are closing your eyes and right before you were seeing in the bright lights and then when you close your eyes in the darkness you see lights.

Anyway, I had wanted to ask, when some of you mediate do you also see lights? What do you see?


graeylin answered on 12/19/03:

You see lights when you close your eyes because muscle pressure around the eye sockets and nerves trigger impulses from the optic nerve to the brain. Those impulses are interpreted as lights, shapes, patterns, different colors, etc. by your brain in an effort to make sense of the information coming to it.

Doesn't answer your question, but it does answer your curiousity.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

VisionsInBlue asked on 12/16/03 - The Bible Code

Hey guys,

The other day I watched a very interesting show on Discovery (or was it the History channel?) about the Bible Code...

So any of you know anything about this? I'm trying to decide whether there could be any truth to it. It's a quite unbelievable notion of having all the major events being predicted in the underlying texts of the Bible...

What they didn't really explain was the mathematical odds of several related terms appearing in a relatively small (ummm, just HOW small?) matrix.

I see they are even selling software for little home researches... Anyone perhaps tried it?

Anyone any info?



(I'm posting this both on Psychics and Christianity Boards...)

graeylin answered on 12/16/03:

As with many other things out there, the Bible Code is a fake. You can apply the same "math/code" to shakespeare's work, or Penthouse letters, and get similar results. It relies on the reader to choose words, and then work to interpret them into any context. Very similar as well to Nostradamus's prophecies, which have been worked over every century since he made them, and used to prophesy endless events.

see for more info.

VisionsInBlue rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

VisionsInBlue asked on 12/11/03 - Skeptics

I just went and suggested a new board for you. I'll also now call my friends who happen to own this site and ask them the same thing.

Because frankly, I'm sick and tired of being called names just because I was born a certain way. If I were born handicapped and you made fun of that, there would be hell to pay. Legally.

I will repeat, although I can see now that it is really not the point (the real point being you having nothing better to do): everyone in this world has the right to believe absolutely ANYTHING they choose to. Nobody else has any right to ridicule them about it cuz it ain't none of their goddamn business.

So fine. Believe whatever you want under the sun. Just don't go telling others that they are somehow worth less because they disagree.

Now scamper away, thank you.

graeylin answered on 12/11/03:

Vision, under what laws could anyone be prosecuted for making fun of a handicapped person?

I am curious, because you state that as a fact, and I am unaware of any laws that prevent anyone from being made fun of, ridiculed, or satarized in this country. Can you cite your source?

HANK1 rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer
rainbow1000 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer
VisionsInBlue rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 12/09/03 - astrology and tarot

Where can I go and learn astrology through the tarot cards.

This I know but I want to go deeper and further.

Cups represent water signs, cancer, Scorpio and pieces

Rods or wands represent fire signs

Swords the air signs

Pentacles the earth signs

And the major arcana I don’t know what they represent

Anyway, where can I go and learn more about astrology with tarot cards for free?

graeylin answered on 12/10/03:

try a web search on the subject. But, since no two astrologers agree on what the signs are, how to interpret them, or even how astrology 'works', you will find many many different ways of interpreting the cards. One way for each way of Astrology, in fact.

But, since Tarot cards (in theory) rely on a different set of influences and 'laws' than astrology claims to rely on, I would think that the two would be mutually exclusive. ie, if tarot cards work the way they are supposed to, then astrology cannot. And if astrology works the way it is supposed to, then tarot cards cannot.

It should be interesting to see what results you find.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

kristi107896 asked on 12/09/03 - death

I have this fear that I'm goin to die. I'm 17 and there are a lot of things going on in my life right now. Sometimes I want to kill myself, I want to be free because I just can't take it anymore, but at other times I don't want to die. But lately I have this feeling that haunts me that I'm going to die soon. I was wondering if a fear of death means that I'm going to die. If it doesn't then what does it mean?
thanks in advance for your help.

graeylin answered on 12/09/03:

fear of death does not mean you are going to die any more than fear of heights means you are going to be someplace high.

Fear of death, and suicidal thoughts, are quite common to teens. It is part of growing up emotionally and part of your hormonal changes and nerve firings in the brain. It is not unusual to suffer from depression at this stage of your life. If it continues, you should see a doctor, because things CAN BE done to help you.

Sometimes, the dark thoughts aren't just under your control, and you can get help.

kristi107896 rated this answer Above Average Answer

Bradd asked on 12/09/03 - Sylvia Browne

What is her reputation in the psychic community? Also Edwards(?), and VanPragh(?).

Has she given a position on the so-called offer of $1,000,000 to demonstrate her ability under carefully observed conditions. I am told she agreed to this three years ago, but continually refuses to actually do it.

I couldn't find anything about this on her web site. Does anyone know the source of the million dollar offer? Thx.

graeylin answered on 12/09/03:

The million dollar offer was made by James Randi, on the Larry King show years ago. It is simply his offer to ANYONE who can successfully demonstrate a supernatural ability under testing protocols agreed to by both parties.

Edwards and Van Pragh have also declined to be tested and demonstrate their abilities.

Despite his claim to speak with the dead, Edwards simply practices (sometimes badly) the art of cold reading.

Bradd rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
katiy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
VisionsInBlue rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 12/08/03 - What does The Future Hold For Me?

What do you see happening in my future six months from now?


graeylin answered on 12/09/03:

I see a change in clothing and style... you will likely be wearing shorts, and t-shirts more often.

I see an increase in electrical use, and a decrease in heating overall in your life. I see an increase in salad consumption for some reason, and more fresh fruits being available to you as choices.

I see an increase in vitamin D creation, as well as an increase in overall sun exposure.

Anonymous rated this answer Above Average Answer
Fr_Chuck rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
VisionsInBlue rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

luloo30 asked on 12/07/03 - Urgent Chakra Cleansing

Hi my name is Tracy and I need someone who can get my Chakras balanced immediately. If anyone can help please contact me ASAP! Thank you, Tracy

graeylin answered on 12/08/03:

Not that it has anything to do with Chakras, karma, etc., but I can answer why you should stop smoking:

it is dangerous.
it kills
it weakens your lungs, and stops you from doing things you may someday enjoy, like walking, running, having sex, having children, playing with them, seeing them graduate, etc.
it weakens your immune system
it threatens those around you with health issues
it stinks, and everyone can smell it, no matter how you try to disguise it.
it turns many people off, including potential mates, friends, etc.
it is a waste of money. imagine what you could do with the money you burn.
it thins your skin, and makes it look sallow and older before its' time.
it gives you wrinkles to the lips and cheeks
it ruins clothing, carpets, and makes resale of all items tougher.
it increases your chance of accidents while driving
and it's an addiction, and you should control your life, not a drug like nicotine. Like any addiction (drugs, nintendo, sex, internet, running, dieting), you should rid yourself of it, and develop better habits.

katiy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
luloo30 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

VisionsInBlue asked on 11/27/03 - A Note to Our Fine Skeptics

Guys... Not believeing that some people can see beyond the material is your right, by all means.

Can you just try not to be nasty about it? See, people here (experts) spend hours on end helping other people FOR FREE to the best of their abilities. If people ask questions because they believe in something that you don't, and other people answer... What in the hell does it have to do with you?

I'll give you a little hint here... For free, naturally. There's this little button under the general Fortune Telling category called "Suggest New Category". Use it, click on it. Ain't gonna hurt, your monitor ain't gonna 'splode right in your face, the world ain't gonna come to a screeching halt.

So open a new category... You can call it Bash the Psychics, Out With 'Em No Goods, Jail the Half-Wits, Throw Them to the Lions... or anything else you want. I'm sure there you will be able to nicely and in complete peace express all your anger towards Us Lowlives.

Do that and leave us to answer real questions, OK?

Thanks, darlings, I knew you'd agree.


graeylin answered on 11/27/03:

I'll believe, as soon as ANY psychic can prove their claims.

Do you have any proof? Does any psychic? So far, no psychic claim has ever been proven/demonstrated under scientific (ie, controlled) conditions.

And when I find out that you OWN this website, then I will do your bidding. Until then, this is a free country.

VisionsInBlue rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer

Anonymous asked on 11/04/03 - finding out my abilities and using them to my full potential


Is meditation the only way to enhance or bring out your psychic powers? I have been told by well known psychic (she has helped police in investigations) that I have natural psychic abilities (by my birth number) and when I had a tarot reading done the magician card came up and the lady doing the reading told me that this card comes up mostly when on has psychic abilities.

How can I enhance these abilities and understand them more?


graeylin answered on 11/04/03:

Can you provide the name/information of this psychic who has helped police with investigations? Most such claims are pure bunk once the facts are studied.

By the way, you are NOT an idiot. You are a decent human being, who has taken the first steps towards bettering themselves. Don't ever let anyone, not even yourself, denigrate you by calling you dumb. Everyone has something to add to the human experience, everyone.

Unknown asked on 11/02/03 - An observation

Hello everyone

There appears to be people masquerading as experts on the psychic’s board?
They’re obviously not believers and all they do is try to ridicule the true psychics, and the people who ask for help.
This behaviour can be justified on, say, the religious boards because you might have been brought up following a certain religion, or you have studied it at length, and know all about it, but you no longer believe in that religion.

That will not wash on the psychic’s board.
No one is taught, or brought up, to be a psychic, it’s an ability that comes naturally.
The true psychics here spend a lot of time and effort trying to help people and can do without timewasters and sceptics trying to cause trouble.

Non believers should not ask a psychic questions! They will never get a true answer to a question asked of a true natural Psychic because the question can never come from the heart, it will always be an artificial pretence.

My Question: -
Will all the true helpers please ignore the timewasters and sceptics?


Just an observation

graeylin answered on 11/03/03:

As one of the non-believers, I take offense to your assumption that I cannot be an expert in psychic issues.

please define for me the qualifications to be an expert on this forum. Is it based on this ability you state that psychics have? If so, is there some sort of board or test to prove that the experts have this ability? How do you know that Zimbob has the level of ability to be a psychic, and I don't, for example. Are we to be tested?

Moonlight2danceby rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Unknown rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Moonlight2danceby asked on 11/02/03 - Mr Graelyin

Hi Mr. Graeylin

I am sorry you feel the way you do. There is no sense in me defending or trying to justify my readings to you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I do this as a hobby and take no pay for it. I never tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. I feel I have sound judgment to know when someone is using the tarot as a crutch, instead of using their own good judgment.

I am sorry if I offended you by my post. I felt it was a fair request to ask for ratings for a service that I volunteer. Take care

Love and Light


graeylin answered on 11/02/03:

no need to apologize. we are looking for different things in this path. there is certainly enough path in this life to share.

Moonlight2danceby rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Moonlight2danceby asked on 11/01/03 - Ratings

Dear Querents, It is our pleasure to perform Tarot Card readings for
you. We are here because we wish to use our abilities to help people. We
spend a significant amount of time doing these readings. Please note that
the readings we provide are free of charge. It would be greatly
appreciated if you could acknowledge the effort we've put into the reading
for you, either by providing a rating or merely saying "Thank you".

graeylin answered on 11/01/03:

can you tell me exactly what a Tarot card reading (from you) will tell me?

Does it reveal my future? my past? answers to questions? Vague notions of what might be? Guidance? Advice on choices I must make?

AliMcJ rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer
Moonlight2danceby rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer
VisionsInBlue rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 10/07/03 - any hopes?

my dob is june 8 1981 and my intiials are j.j. i intend to go back home in christmas where my ex boyfruiend lives. we broke up not too long ago but i dont think we resolved things between us. could someone please tell me if they think we will reconcile when i get home? i have much to say to him.will he be forgiving? what can i expect/ does he still love me.he is A.C, born april 26 there a proposal from him anywhere next year?

graeylin answered on 10/09/03:

He may say he still loves you, but it isn't true. Think about it: if he loved you, really loved you, he would be in contact with you right now. He would be talking to you and planning a life with you. Even if he is hurting, he would be trying to change things to make them right with you.

The fact that he isn't, and the fact that you aren't, means that what you are both feeling isn't love for each other.

Forgive YOURSELF, and move on, and let him move on as well.

Anonymous rated this answer Average Answer

dwash asked on 10/05/03 - life and love

hello my name is Dionne Washington 10-29-86, I have a b/f by the name of Brian Archibald whom i have been dating for 5 months,I am so in love with this guy,I even gave him something I can't get back,I know he cares about me,but hes just a little too jealous for me and I get so mad . he yells at me and tells me how angry he is with me (about other guys) though I am not cheating on him he doesn't trust me,that makes me furious,my questions are how long do you see this realtionship lasting,and if you see anything good happening in my future,Thanks!

graeylin answered on 10/06/03:

You don't need a psychic, you need a friend or a counselor.

Drop this guy like a bad habit Dionne... he has no right to yell at you, or to distrust you. It will only get worse.

AliMcJ rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
katiy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
dwash rated this answer Above Average Answer

jessmg79 asked on 09/09/03 - money

does anyone see me getting a large amount of money anytime soon.Also does anyone see me moving anytime soon.

graeylin answered on 09/12/03:

If you will pay me $500 to predict your future, I will certainly get a large amount of money soon. You will just lose the money, however.

Take Katy's advice. Keep your money, save it and invest it.

jessmg79 rated this answer Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/24/03 - meaning of page of cups also:

can it also indicate:

The unconscious is trying to speak to you, possibly through your dreams or through synchronistic encounters with significant people

I have been having dreams of meeting someone special who is totally out of my community, looks or religion wise. We have been intimate in my dreams and also feel like knowing him in my past lives.

BUT to me all this is very much hard to believe.

Oh i am not married but the person who did the reading for me thought that i was that is why she asked the question how i could improve my marriage further.

graeylin answered on 08/24/03:

Welcome to the world of skepticism. You are now seeing how "psychic" phenomena work.

You aren't even married, and yet the psychic doesn't know that. But somehow, this person (or these cards) have supernatural powers of observation and acumen.

Then you notice that the page of cups can mean practically anything; it is up to you to pick and choose from the hundreds of "meanings" and find one applicable. If you do, then everyone believes 'the power' of the cards to predict. All the card does is spew a thousand generalities, and you choose the applicable ones and ignore the rest.

There will be 'real' psychics along to explain how to interpret the card, and ignore the other aspects that don't apply. They will explain that the card really means this, and doesn't mean that. They will also rationalize how the card explains what your marriage, which doesn't exist, needs most is answered.

But I congratulate you on already fanning the small flame of skepticism and keeping it alive.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dennisrm asked on 08/19/03 - friends or more

I have recently come across an old friend. We have known eachother for ten years but have been out of touch for a while. I have felt a "sexual tension" between us for about the last 5 years. He is a very good man and friend and we have just expressed that we are attracted to eachother very strongly. We both just never said anything for all these years. I think I am starting to have feelings beyond friendship and physical attraction. However, I do not want to ruin our friendship by telling Shawn about this. Could Shawn and I have a romantic relationship together?

graeylin answered on 08/20/03:

Yes you could. But you don't need a psychic to tell you that. Life is in your control, make of it what you wish to make.

AliMcJ rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
rainbow1000 rated this answer Average Answer

nicksgirl asked on 08/17/03 - wondering about love life

I just wonder if there will ever be anybody for me?
thanks for any help


graeylin answered on 08/17/03:

yes there will. But you don't need a "psychic" to know that.

Go out, and enjoy yourself. Get interested in things. Gain self-confidence, take up hobbies, do things you enjoy. Hike, camp, Bible study, bird watch, surf, knit. Volunteer your time ANYWHERE. Meet people, not with the thought of dating anyone, just to meet people. Talk to them, listen well.

THe right person will be out there. And, while you are waiting, you will be having one heck of a good life.

AliMcJ rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
nicksgirl rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer
rainbow1000 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer
zimbob_88 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/12/03 - Is this true or just a gimmick:

What is soul connection through the subconcious?

Is this true or just a gimmick:

Our soul is the deepest part of our being. It is the source of our feelings. People come together for a reason. When two people are important to each other, they form a Soul Connection. Soul-centred astrology teaches the meaning of our relationships.

In Astrology, the Soul Connection (composite mid-point chart) is constructed by the melding of two individual into one. This generates a single, composite chart of the actual relationship itself, showing the Soul Connection. and find out where your relationship fits.

The Soul Connection reveals the deep links between two people, so one of our composite charts suits people already involved with a romantic or marriage partner (or any other intimate relationship). It explains the relationship's inner purpose, and how the couple responds to the world. The Soul Connection composite chart is a map of what each person brings out and stimulates (for better or worse) in the other.
The Meaning of Karma

Our karma, or destiny, is expressed in events emerging through of circumstances over which we have no conscious control: which come upon us, rather than having been deliberately chosen or engineered through our own intent. We are all very sensitive energy structures, acting rather like receiving and broadcasting stations in a subtle grid of (usually) unconscious transmissions.

Karma is like a broadcast signal which brings us face to face with what we need to experience so that we may follow our own true path. Karmic events arrive to wake us up, to impel soul growth, or growth in consciousness. Often this involves the long-term interaction (perhaps over lifetimes) with others who share our karmic destiny. We truly need to experience the deep relationships which shake us to the core in order to gain wisdom and to become truly useful.

Soul Connection needs the birth data of both people to construct a composite chart.

NOTE: the Soul Connection chart may have a different sun sign and other chart factors from your own chart, or your partner's. This is quite okay, in fact, it's normal.

Okay so what is soul connection? If I am having subconscious dreams but a gentleman who I have not seen or know personally? BUT am having dreams about knowing someone and meeting someone whom I do not know yet but gradually I am seeing in parts.

I wanted to know is the above true? Do both people feel and see the same thing meaning like they are “searching” for someone or something in particular and they will know when they meet them.

How does one know? What is that special feeling they get? How do you know the attraction won’t wear off? Is this like a past life connection?

& when you see this individual in reality will they look different than from your actual dreams as you saw them. how

graeylin answered on 08/12/03:

the first question to ask is what astrological charts does their program follow? Those developed by the Assyrians and Babylonians (ie, the normal horoscope dates)?

if so, then this is a quack. 30% of the castings done by those charts is flat out wrong... people born today are born under different star locations and conditions than 5000 years ago (the sun does not rise in Scorpio, for instance, on November 18th anymore).

the second thing to ask is what proof they have... verifiable, repeatable proof. Ask for their evidence. What you have copied here is a lot of hype and vague statements that may or may not be verifiable, and could apply across the board to about anyone, regardless of their situation or soul connection.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/08/03 - Are there any really accurate psychics out there??

I don't mind paying but I need some answers badly. I have consulted lots of psychics so far and they were never really right.

graeylin answered on 08/08/03:

save your money. there are no "really accurate" psychics out there.

If there were, they could claim money from lots of sources, including James Randi, The US Government, Lotteris, Stock Markets, Tabloids, etc..

Fact is, there has yet to be a psychic who has ever proven themselves to be gifted.

VisionsInBlue rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer
zimbob_88 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Bobie asked on 08/04/03 - Ask me a serious question

One that you really want to know, Lets see what comes up and what you really think of it.

graeylin answered on 08/05/03:

Once again, I can't prove something wrong. It is up to you, who claim something, to prove it to be true.

You claim there are unknown forces. Do you have proof of this? Is it verifiable, repeatable?

Second, you claim that my questions are not sincere. You do not know that, you can never know that. Sincerity is something that I hold for myself.

The reason i ask you to define what you can and cannot do is because of exactly that reaction... You would simply pull the "your questions weren't sincere" reason out of your hat to explain your inability to answer them.

If you want to prove something, then you must define what you are going to prove. Tell me what the limits are, and I will sincerely come up with a question.

Until then, you are simply like all the other psychics, a collection of people who refuse to prove themselves, and who have an excuse for every mistake they make.

Bobie rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
zimbob_88 rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer

Bobie asked on 08/04/03 - Be Nice


Why are you being so negative towards whatever, you know what I mean
What game are you playing!

Please make this a public question,

If you can explain yourself you can kick my Butt
and stick a rod in it. :)

graeylin answered on 08/04/03:

I am not being negative towards Psychics. I am simply requiring that they stop fooling people and spreading misinformation. I simply hold a light up to their actions and ask for proof.

Psychics cause harm, very real harm. In some cases, they misdirect important efforts to solve crimes, find missing children, etc.. by leading families on wild goose chases. Psychics have taken money fraudulently for predictions, claims, and powers they don't have, money that could have gone for a better life. They give families false hopes when loved ones are gone. They lie, cheat, steal, and cause grief.

Not all, but many many do. Even those who don't ask for money, don't ask for fame, are still perpetuating the myth that there are forces out there that control our destiny (stars, ghosts, spirits, whatever) and that somehow, the things we do ourselves are less important that the "fates". BS. What we do is our life. THe decisions we make are ours, not some stars. THe things that happen to us, and the paths we take to make them better, are OUR responsibility, not some dead ancestor.

I am "negative", if you will, because every psychic i have met has either been a fraud, con man, or has hidden from the cold, harsh light of reality when it shines on them.

Jim.McGinness rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Bobie rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
zimbob_88 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Bobie asked on 08/03/03 - Hi
To graeylin

Hi graeylin.

Why are you proclaiming to be an expert in Psychics when you do not believe in the paranormal.

Something wrong here???


graeylin answered on 08/04/03:

Nope. I claim to be a skeptic, willing to examine evidence if it is presented. So far, no one has presented any.

I am also an expert in WWII history and military trivia, as well as dogs, but I wasn't alive in WWII and I am not a dog.
You don't have to be something (dog), or even believe in it (war), to be an expert.

Bobie rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
zimbob_88 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/03/03 - marriage and children anytime soon

Does anyone see me having anymore children and getting married anytime soon.Dobis 10-26-1980

graeylin answered on 08/03/03:

Do you really think that asking "psychics" is going to give you any kind of direction as to your future?

Your future is in YOUR hands. what do YOU want in life? Pyschics are frauds... they can't see anything, they can't predict anything... they can listen well, and make sweeping generalizations and statements, but it is YOUR life.

Go forth and Live it, and stop looking for rationalization in the hands of complete strangers.

Anonymous asked on 08/03/03 - marriage and children anytime soon

Does anyone see me having anymore children and getting married anytime soon.Dobis 10-26-1980

graeylin answered on 08/03/03:

WE will need to know a bit more first:

are you in a relationship? any chance you might get married? are you sterile? do you want more children?

Given the statistics in the US, yes, you will get remarried, and yes, you will have more children.

Anonymous rated this answer Average Answer
rainbow1000 rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/02/03 - shed some light

I enjoy reading real life murders and mysteries. I was reading about a real murder called the black dahlia. Happened even before iw as born. Can any psychic say who her murder was? How about Marilyn or Elvis? Both famous and died before I wa born.

graeylin answered on 08/02/03:

Any psychic in the world (or you or I, for that matter) can SAY who the murderer was. However, no psychic has ever proven anything about the homicide case you mention.

In fact, there has never been a psychic who has successfully helped find a murderer, or lost child, beyond providing guesses that any person on the street could make. In some cases, they have actually hindered investigations, and caused untold heartache to the families of the victims with their actions.

CeeBee rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 05/19/03 - Sylvia Brown & sprits

2 questions: is Sylvia brown the most renounded psychic? why is she so famous? and why do psychics that never ask the ghosts that when and how they dided because some of them might not know that they are dead. so is it not better to tell them that they are dead and to follow the white light and be free? what problems can occur>

graeylin answered on 07/31/03:

Sylvia browne is a fraud and a scam artist.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

psychicsearchers asked on 06/17/03 - Calling all Clairvoyants/Psychics

Reputable, long standing psychic company searching for clairvoyants and clairvoyant/tarot readers to work a very busy line. Our readers work from home, and don't have to keep any kind of logs unless they want to. We have a good base pay rate, and paychecks go out every Friday. To find out more about what we offer, and what you need to do in order to get activated, please contact Karen at 888-697-8277.

graeylin answered on 07/28/03:

How can you put "reputable" and Psychic in the same sentence?

Isn't that like being a reputable con man?

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