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These are answers that ladybugca has provided in Pets

Laura asked on 07/26/05 - Possible cat problem

What does it mean when a cat stopped grooming himself like he normally does. He is not that old, perhaps 4 years. We adopted him. He is using the bathroom fine and eating well. Thanks for any suggestions. Laura

ladybugca answered on 07/26/05:

maybe he is to busy with a female cat

Laura rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

doglover asked on 07/24/05 - What is a reasonable price for a dog?
What is a reasonable price for a dog?

What is a reasonable price to pay for a labrador? They will not have papers, but is 150.00 for a male and 200.00 for a female too much to ask?

ladybugca answered on 07/24/05:

no not really but you might beable to find one at a better deal depending on where you live

doglover asked on 07/24/05 - How do you tell if your dog is pregnant?

I just recently took in a female lab. When I got her she was just starting to go into heat, she didn't stay in heat long she went out to soon. Now her boobd are sagging, and whenever my male lab tries to play with her she bites his face. But my male is only 7 mo old is it even possible for him to do the job?

ladybugca answered on 07/24/05:

yes he can and if she is forming tits she is most likely pregnant

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