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These are answers that bal317 has provided in Weight Loss

sallie00 asked on 06/05/08 - Glycemic Index

I have a chart with the list some foods glycemic index number, but it left off some foods. If you can tell me their number or which catagory they are in, high, moderate, or low; it will be appreciated.

white beans, pecans, brown lentils, green split peas, almonds, oatmeal, red wine

Also, if there is some way or some kind of system to tell which catagory a food would be in (since there are so many foods like cereal), I would be thankful to know that as well.

Thanks in advance.

bal317 answered on 07/09/09:

Once there on the left,select database.

That will allow you to post any foods in question.

sallie00 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

kristi107896 asked on 10/27/03 - trouble losing weight

hi.......i keep gaining weight and losing weight and its driving me insane.i want to lose weight and keep it off. I'm suffering from a medical condition and can't exercise very much so I need to know how i can lose like 20lbs. how can i lose weight? what things do i need to know, i know that exercise is an important factor but is there any low tolerance exercise that i might be able to do?

bal317 answered on 10/29/03:

Hello: Trying to loose weight is a decision that one has to take as a day by day routine, where it will eventually start to become a lifestyle that we can live with, and still see what we are accomplishing.
The very first thing I would advise you to do, is go to your current medical physician and ask him/her about what weight would be most appropriate for you? Then get the accurate weight of your body by use of the physician's scales(they are balanced and stay in one position and will be more apt to weigh you the same each time, and one should try to wear the same type of clothing each time, also, many physician's will let the nurse periodically weigh you free when your ready, but putting yourself on a routine of when you weigh-in and stick to it, would be far better for yourself. Also, your physician will tell you the important thing we all need to know, and that is, how many calories do you need to eat each day, to loose the weight you both deceide that you want to loose, and how much caloric intake you will need to stay at to maintain that weight. Also your physician can look at your body to see if you have excess water retention, and he/she can give you something to help relieve your body from this. But that in no way means you should not intake fluids and most people that encourage proper dieting will tell you, people of all sizes(adults specially) should drink at least 8-10 12oz. glasses of pure water per day to help rid the body of toxic waste.
Also, you will need to make sure you are eliminating your bowels properly and that the formation is normal for you.
I have chosen several sites for you to view, each is very printable, so you can keep them and can go over with your physician or a dietician that might get involved.
Please view:

Then get into your mind, this weight is not going to come off overnight, and that is because it did not go on overnight, but it did go on because for whatever reason your choices of foods that had over the amount of calories that you should of had, and you need to re-teach yourself how to eat a normal for you, and to be satisfyed, so you can get into a routine and will know when to quit. I have had some people very successful in eating on a smaller plate size than what they were use to, or using the 1 tablespoon helping, of the foods, but using lettuce, and other non fattening foods to fulfill their appetite. It is hard and it does take every thought in ones mind to accomplish this goal. I have heard so many say, if I can do it anyone can, balogna, I have to stay focus all the time, and just now I have gotten focused to the point that the jeans I got 6 weeks ago I can put on and off without unbuttoning and zipping them, I am so happy for that but I have to remember and remember very hard, this is just the begining and what took me 6 weeks I can wreck in 1 week if I go back to my excess eating the wrong things.
Now, here is my success way of dieting that is working so far for me. I watch all the calories a day, write down each and every food item that goes into my mouth, plus the glasses of water or any other beverage I consum. Put them on a chart for breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks-plus beverages including water.
I eat daily 800 calories, but that is what has been deceided by my physician, and me.
I eat foods that my family eats, and for a special time I get a Lean Cusine or Weight Watchers frozen food, to fall back on.
Then I go by this to judge my weight loss goal.
I want to loose 50 pounds, giving myself 6 months to do that in. So I will need to loose, by dividing 6 into 50 =8.3 pounds per month or by then dividing 8.3 pounds by 4 weeks in a month =2.1(approx.) per week.
Now, I know if I loose just 2.1 pounds a week by 6 months I wll have lost my 50 pounds and will have done it in such a slow way that my eating habits will have been retrained where as they will come secondary to me instead of the chance of me returning to my old ways because the diet plan has not sunk into my head of how and what I should be eating.
Also, if you can walk just a block and back extra of your normal daily living, either outside your home, or some invest in a tred mill and walk casually through out the day, at least 2-3 times per day for 5-10 minutes and increase when their stamina increases this also is a great way to personalize something you are doing just for you.
I hope I have been a help. I am here for you anytime. If you find you can't do this on your own, ask your Physician for any group suggestions within your area that can be a lending support for you, that will allow you to eat normal foods, and not cost an arm and leg to join, I have a link to TOPS, which is Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, $7.00-$14.00 to join, Dr's permission along with the correct calories for you to intake, $1.00 dues and .5 cents for each extra pound you gain.
They go over all plans and are very encouraging, without being judgemental or degrading.
Awards to win when you start loosing the weight.
Please let me know, if there is anything further that I may assist you with.
You take care,

kristi107896 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer



bal317 answered on 10/22/03:

Hello: Anytime a person takes a supplement to curve their appetite, they need to truely see what caloric value the food they are eating contains. By visiting a physician and finding out what your actual weight is prior to getting the supplement, and the amount of calories your body type needs to loose to the weight that is recommended by your physician, then the correct amount of calories you should take in each day to maintain that weight. Can truely help those that just think by taking a supplement, loosing the weight and thinking they will be in total control once they stop the supplement. By not knowing is how one regains the weight and gets frustrated.
Also, your physician can tell you with fact, if the supplement of your choice is the correct thing for your body without causing harm.
Hopefully, this helps. If there is anything further that I may assist you with, please let me know.

STONY rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Raven64801 asked on 10/01/03 - Weight loss

I have tried every diet out there but I can't lose weight what do I have to do to get results? any information you can give would be great. Thanks

bal317 answered on 10/01/03:

Hello: Having a weight problem is one of the most difficult things for many people. Because we have to take control of our mental emotional state. We have to want to loose the weight, and convience ourselves that we can visualize ourselves looking and being a different weight, get that no way out of it control in your head, and for whatever it takes, you remain in control and no one has the right to dismiss this thought from you. Once one has based this fact, then one should go to their physician and get an exam, filling them in on what you are going to be doing to readjust your weight, to a lower weight. Your physician can explain to you what your physical structure is, such as bone diameter,eg: like, are you small, medium or large bone structure. What your body fat mass is, can tell you how much actual toning you will need to do and where you need to do it so your body will be in a symetrical alignment. Lab testing will assure you, your not at any health risk such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular or anything else that you might not be aware of, so you will not be putting yourself in harms way. For example, some people can go on diets and are not to do strenuous exercises, but briskly walking, and others can join a gym for full workout schedule. Then your physician will weigh you with his/her's calabrated scales, and will go by a percentage chart of what a person in your sex, height,and bone structure should weigh. Now, with all of the above, you will be told, how much you should weigh, and most important, how many calories per day you should intake by foods and drinks in order to start loosing the weight. And by following up with the physician, when you are getting closer to your goals you might find it harder to loose, so with the help of your physician, you will be able to readjust your caloric value safetly for success.
Now, physician's will definately want you to weigh a proper, and very realistic weight, for a person of your age, so even if you want that High School low size, this might not be good for you today, but some sort of a common ground can be reached that won't be unrealistic and will give you successful endings.
The best diet that works for me and many people that attend a weight program called: TOPS which stands for Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, is to use your natural foods, that you were raised on and eat each and every day. One does not have to go out and buy anything other than their natural foods, but what is nice, is that now a days, there are so many diet pre-frozen already made up foods that one can read on the package the total caloric value prior to eating and still maintain their diet, and if you would like to eat a sandwich out, there is the SubWay sandwich place that list the total caloric value in their sandwiches, and so often some resturants do, but with a good Calorie book, it will include all food items, along with how to prepare, and sizing to take. Water, clear teas and diet pop are zero calories, but one is encouraged to drink at least 8-10 12oz. glasses of water per day, to help flush out the toxic waste from the body, and also to help one fill fuller. Many people think because their physician tells them you need to be on a 1200 cal. diet, that that means they can not eat anything, well here's a day example.
Breakfast: 1-8oz. glass of real orange juice is 50, 2- eggs cooked properly any way is 70 calories each- 140 cal. together, 1 slice of toast with light butter, is 85 cal. 2 sausage patties is 70 cal. each, that is 140 cal. 1 glass of 2% milk, 8 oz. is 70 cal. total for breakfast=485 calories breakfast.
Lunch- Lettuce salad, with raddishes, onions, pepers, califlower, carrots, sunflower seeds(shelled), bacon bits, and a light dressing in a nice size bowel, is 70-85 calories, 1 glass of 2% milk-70 cal. Lunch=140-155 calories total.
So far one has reached a total of:625-640 calories, which leaves 575-560 for supper.
Supper: Chicken breast baked, 220 cal. 1-cup of string beans, is 25 cal. 1 baked potatoe with light butter is 100 cal. 1 glass of tea clear or use subtitute sugar such as sweet and low, any where from 0 cal. to 2 cal., supper=345-347 cal. total. Now you have, 230 calories left for the day. Some deceide to have in between snacks through out the day, and again in many grocery stores they have oatmeal patties, and all sorts of very low calorie and low fat snacks, but one must read as to their caloric value per serving.
But on this that I am just using as an example for the day, say one gets a little hungry and wants a snack, well there is bananas sliced-70 cal. and 1 apple sliced and skinned-90 cal. total= 160, leaving you left 70 cal. you will save in case some thing slips in the measurements. So, as you see having the basic 4 food groups and also not including the intake of water per day, one would have pleanty to eat daily.
Putting in a brisk walk, or using a stair stepper at home or tread mill for exercise, or purchasing a simple exercise tape for your tv, really can help tone the body and help burn fat as well per day, so a 45min-1 hour exercise program and still make sure you get pleanty of rest daily will help.
Now, the actual weight loss, one has to definately evaluate what they are faced up to loosing for their proper total weight loss, we did not gain this weight over-night, there is no quick way, but a proper way, and that is a given time period. This helps because we can visualize ourselves looking different down the road and during a time when we can show what our body has turned into, be more comfortable for ourselves, and not too expensive in buying new clothes, and definately not harming to the cardiovascular system for dropping such weight in too short of time, plus it helps us adjust to an eating pattern that we can be in control when not around the diet book and our stomachs will also be sized by then to become fuller when we eat or try to eat too much. Because it will not be used to hosting a large amount of foods, by drinking water, your intestinal system will be regular and your skin will also so a clearer look, because the waste products are being eliminated from the body in a healthy normal way, and you are keeping your cells hydrated.
So, say you want to loose 75 pounds, or whatever the case may be,for under 100 pounds, give yourself 6 months,over 100 give yourself 1yr. Which means, if you want to loose 75 pounds in 6 months, that means you take the 75 and divide that number by 6=12.5 pounds one must loose each month, and taking that 12.5 monthly total and needing to find out how much to loose each week to reach the 12.5 monthly total divide 12.5 by 4(weeks per month)=3.12 pounds per week is all you would have to loose to get those 12.5 pounds off each month x's 6 months = 75 pounds lost.
Now a person starting now and using Oct. to get mentally started and physician appointment and trial and error of cooking, date start Nov.2003 by April 2004 one could give themselves a beautiful summer present by being so much slender and having done it the correct way.
If you need to have a support group, and I do suggest you do have one, either a close family member, a few that will go on the diet with you, but having their own goal weight to loose, an exercise buddy, or local TOPS weight loss group(which many citiies have them in there towns, one can find by calling their Chamber of Commerence or checking their local newspaper, you won't feel alone and you will have great support, plus you will be weighing in weekly, and by writing down on a daily food chart, breakfast, lunch, supper, snacks with a total at the end of the day, of what you have eaten to make sure you see what you have really eaten daily and the amount of exercise time you spend toning yourself, your self esteem boost, and your confidence returns, because you are regaining control over yourself.
Well, that is my suggestion, hopefully some of this will help you, and you will once again gain control. If there is anything further that I may assist you with, please let me know.
My very best to you,

Raven64801 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Raine asked on 06/11/03 - Diet Pills

Is it dangerous to mix several different kinds of diet pills? Is it wrong to increase the recommended does?

bal317 answered on 06/11/03:

Hello: All diet pills are not created equal.
Please never mix any diet pills, increase dosage, or even start too take BEFORE, you visit a qualifyed Physician, who can fully examine your current stage of health, and with his/her consent, the physician can prescribe you the actual diet pills, diet and follow-up through the office on how you are doing on your weight loss.
Many diet pills have ingrediants that stimulate your bodies system, and in many people this can be harmful, your heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, those two items within the body is never a win win situation.
If you start a program with your Physician, you will have the intitial checkup, then the prescription of accurate pills, plus a diet that will go with the amount of calories you need to intake daily too loose weight, an exercise sheet, and most offices will allow you to weigh in weekly at no extra expense.
Then if something were too happen negatively, the physician will immediately know what is causing your problems and in most cases when dealing with the physician, it is not life threatening.

Hopefully, this helps. Please let me know, if there is anything further that I may do to assist you.

Raine rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

MyTip asked on 12/03/02 - Putting it on

I drink to much, and it puts me off food
what can I do to put weight on without stopping drinking?

bal317 answered on 01/15/03:

Hello: If you work, like the majority of adults. I would pack myself a meal or at least some veggies anything that is good for your body, then when you are on your free time, if you drink at least you will have had some form of dietary intake for the day.
I also, would suggest, trying to decrease the drinking, only because, eventually it can take a turn in a negative way on your body and it's functions. It would be better to have it normally slowed down instead of one day being forced to stop cold turkey.

Hopefully, this helps. If there is anything futher that I may assist you with, please let me know.
Be safe,

MyTip rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Mr.Juicy asked on 10/29/02 - What is the best/fastest way to lose weight

Ive tried many ways to lose weight but none have been successful. I tried going to the gym but i didnt really lose any weight. It also is not a fact that i overeat because my friends all say i eat way less than they do...

bal317 answered on 01/15/03:

Hello: What I would suggest, is for you to pay a visit to your physician. Fill him/her in what your goals are and what you have tried to do for success. With the proper testing many things can be found out that might be a cause for why all that you have done is not working, from your actual physical make-up to not eating the proper caloric intake that is needed for you to loose weight and safetly.
We all have a metabolic rate, and each of us loose at different levels. So, it is important to have that medical professional's input to tell you all that can assist you, so you won't try and end up disappointed.
Also, you can be directed to a qualifyed Dietician that can help you with many different meals within the suggested calorie limits that your physician has sat for you.
Staying on the plan provided and suggested amount of exercise, proper rest and drinking of daily water, along with any vitamin supplement-give yourself common sense goals, because summer will be here in 4 months, so plan for being at least one size down, and if you are more than that, great, but at least you are down that one size without great pressure. Smile and get out and mingle with friends, keep busy by walking, and enjoying your life. This helps time go by and keeps your mind occupied, plus great support.

Hopefully, this helps. If there is anything further that I may assist you with, please let me know.


zimbob_88 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

cptnbill asked on 01/14/03 - Diet Protein

How or where do you get a counter for the amount of or grams of protein in foods not labeled? Kinda like carbs and calories.

bal317 answered on 01/14/03:

Hello: I have found areas on the web to help you. Please view:

Hopefully, this will help. If there is anything further that I may assist you with, please let me know.


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