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These are answers that Oldstillwild has provided in Spirituality

purplewings asked on 10/20/07 - Spirituality and Violence

So many people are angry that we're involved in Iraq. No one loves war with the deaths and horrors and maybe they are angry at the President's deception too, but how do you feel within your own spirit about stepping in to help people who are being tortured and murdered by an evil regime - even though it means many of our own comforts being lost in the process? Do you feel we should step in and aid fellow human beings who are suffering or not?

Oldstillwild answered on 10/23/07:

well,hi Purplewings!

This is of course a pretty naive question placed in the wrong context...

Of course people should help people....,but thats is and was not at stake at all....!

Books will be written about this subject.

As far as my opinion about Iraq goes:
USA or any other country was entitled nor had any reason by international law,nor had any other acceptable reason to invade Iraq.


purplewings rated this answer Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 07/13/07 - Does he still love me?


Yes, another love question. I hope you do not mind:) My name is Maria 1-7-66, and my ex is Francisco 1-20-63. I dream of him frequently, and I sense him around me 24/7. Does he still love me?

I appreciate your time and insight:)



Oldstillwild answered on 07/15/07:

Hi Maria!

I assume,Francisco is your ex and still alive.

If he is diseased,I certainly cant help you.

You are dealing with your dreams and your sense of his presence and you are wondering if he still loves you on the basis of your experiences.
You are not saying if these are pleasant dreams or not or neutral.

I understand,that you figure,solely on the basis of the fact,that he is in and around you,that that should or could be a sign of his spirit,he still loving you.

That could be.

But first of all I must say,that these are Your experiences.
I guess,you miss him.
For the good times and for his support.
Maybe,you are and were a pretty depending,somewhat unsecure person,feeling the need to be protected?
It gives you a (surrogate) safe feeling,knowing,feeling, he's present.
Its hard to be alone and so vulnerable!
And you have to start all over again!

Apart from that,it might be possible,that he still "loves" you,as people can love each other living apart and on the basis of common ground and each their own imperfect personalities.

I do not think,that there is a direct connection between your dreams and senses and the fact,that he still (might) love you.

Yet,there are occurrences,that people would sense each other from another origine,than their own needs.

I do not think,that your dreams and senses are more,than reflections of your own feelings.

I think,that you would welcome it,if you could live like true friends,with all the advantages of the friendship you miss and without the additional commitments of living together as a couple and without the hard times and work to find another soulmate.

But it is quite possible,that he has totally other thoughts about this......!

Possibly he loves you still in a way.
You really have to find out for real,if that is true and if he is willing to give that love any form,substance in a true friendshiprelation with the advantages you seek.
He might be just happy with how things are now.

just my thoughts.
Wish you luck!
Dont choose for the easy way.


HANK1 asked on 12/17/06 - HAPPINESS:


Sometimes happiness seems like a terribly elusive goal. We tend to forget that it doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. What steps have you taken to make you happy?


Oldstillwild answered on 12/19/06:

Hi Hank!


So it is!

Life is not about materialism.
Life is not about competition,maybe about competittsion a bit.

I could be happy in a hut on the moor.

Of course there are additives.
But thats not the point.

If youre not happy,you wont be with all material goods in the world at hand.
If youre happy,youve nothing to lose......

Happiness is not a goal.
Happiness is an incentive!
For free.
Not without any afford.
Yet for free.

Happy Christmas Hank!

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

RohanRose asked on 09/02/06 - Justice and Art

Hello there,
I have two questions, one focusing on justice and the other which is more personal on art. I'll ask the personal one first...I love art, have always painted, sculpted, drawn etc. and i would like to advance my abilities and creativity with it as a personal hobby. I'm wanting to know is there an future place for my art? I'd like to make a difference in the world and I would like to see that through what I paint, etc.
Second question, I'm studying law and we are learning about law as a philosophy at the moment. We are reading all about justice and good and wrong, but there are so many theories that anyone of them can seem to be right, yet they never seem to work or be perfect. It's quite frustrating for me personally because it sort of undermines the foundations of having something like law and what it means for society. Any ideas on what justice really is? It would sort of be nice to hear if there can be a system of justice that could work in the future.
Thankyou very much for reading this.

Oldstillwild answered on 09/02/06:

Hi RohanRose!

It looks like specific ,but its general.

Justice,that are we and how we organise ourselves.

To basic bases:

Power or


Love would lead humanity to a real just justice system(almost redundant.....)


we'd choose power........

And then your art RohanRose,

Of course there is a place and of course you can advance if you want to.....

its not clear to me,what your question is,but with the right spirit you'll find your art-way......

With present technology its easier to get in the open with your art.Use the internet.

Art,eventually is defined by its supporters!
So,make your display as big as possible and as accessible as possible(physically).

We have to see it!We have to get confronted with it.


the artist is YOU and your art is YOU and there is always a place for YOU,so for your ART!
If only for you!

I wish you success!
And luck!



RohanRose rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 05/29/06 - GOD WANTS US TO BE FREE:

The torrid aspects of our United States Constitution would be situated elsewhere if sovereignty resided in only the people. We should be able to work freely and become devoted to the same national causes without being exposed to political propaganda. I like the expression VIRTUE OF INFLECTION while considering my true definition of a Republic. To inflect means "to turn from a straight or usual course." In this instance, it means a group of people who are willing to change their destinies by changing their present attitudes and values to realize common interests in one locale. This locale, of course, could be your neighborhood. To inflect this virtue would then allow us to delete 'subject to the same laws' and keep what's left because we'll be cognizant of SELF-DISCIPLINE. We must start somewhere if our country is to survive morally.

Any commments?


Oldstillwild answered on 05/29/06:

Youre right,Hank!

Its about spiritNphilosophy!


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 05/29/06 - DEATH:

Memorial Day is all about sacrifice and death. How WE approach death is going to depend upon our fear of life, how much WE participated in that life, and how willing WE are to let go of this known expression to venture into a new one. Fear and unfinished business are two big factors in determining how much resistance WE put into meeting death.

I must ask YOU, "Do you procrastinate?"

Oldstillwild answered on 05/29/06:

Hi Hank!

As you may notice,I didnt procrastinate asnwering your questions a bit!


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 04/12/06 - A value of meditation

Maximize your brainpower with meditation.

Meditation may stimulate the growth of brain tissue and reduce cognitive decline sometimes associated with aging. In a small study, people who meditated exhibited increased thickness in brain regions involved in attention and sensory perception compared to people of the same age who did not meditate. Take a few minutes every morning and evening to calm your mind and focus your thoughts.

RealAge Benefit: Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger.

Do you meditate regularly?

Oldstillwild answered on 04/12/06:

All the time Purplewings!

All the time.

No one IS as young as I am!


purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 03/18/06 - To grow Spiritually:

What do you do to make it happen? Christians and Muslims as well as other organized religions pray and fast. Those without organized religion are not without spirituality. By what means do you increase your own?

Oldstillwild answered on 03/18/06:

Well....,this question can be answered quick or wide.Ill try to mediate.
I think its about dimensions.About where one is in relationship to the spirit(s).
In principle there is not much difference in believing in the god of thunder,god,or no god at all.
The dimension of where the spirit(s) is in relation to oneself is evident,though.

Ive noticed a person who feels spiritual and has a buddha in the livingroom and in front of that buddha she has placed a hollywoodlike bungalow with swimmingpool and an expensive SUV......

Ive noticed a deep believer in God,who appeared to have the same experiences as I have.....,and I do not believe in (a) god.

So,at least the results of being spiritual do show,thats more about the attitude of the person towards morality,combined with spirituality in general,yet very personal.

Crucial is the distance between the self and the spirit.The nearer the two,the more results.

As convinced as I am,that there is no god at all,Im feeling as close as can be to the spirit of Life,which is for real and has limitations,never negative,always being positive.
So,as far as I am concerned,always taking responsibility and never blaming or ascribing anything to an almighty or another entity who would have disposal over me,others,life
or existence in general.

Yet,trying to get close as possible to the spiritual core of life itself,which ,in principle is not different to the effort getting as closa as possible to (a)god.

The difference is in the position of the self in relation to the spirit of life and the notion,thats all in us and in our power to make the spirit of life work,which can be highly influenced by the degree of incorporation of one's spiritual attitude on a 24hr day to day basis and in a practical way.

So,conclusively,whatever you call it,praying,fasting,meditating, it all serves the same goal.

The big difference is about the perception,AND THE INFLUENCE THEREOFF ON SOCIAL LIFE.(powerstructures,surrendering,worshipping,fights,religiouswars,killing or just dealing with it on a realistic basis individually and thru that, collectively,which will happen authomatically,because life is universal and once experiencing the positive power of Life , nobody would abandon that).

So,the quest is to make this universal Life the centre of spirituality on an individual basis,getting rid of any threats,since there is simply no almighty or punishing entity.

We are responsible.

I know,I could have answered this question much shorter,but I chose not to.


purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Bobbie_Moore asked on 03/10/06 - Change

Human beings change,
renew, rejuvenate ourselves;
otherwise we harden.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
(1749-1832, German poet, dramatist, novelist)


What changes have you experienced in your thoguhts-perceptions-viewpoints recently?


Oldstillwild answered on 03/11/06:

Well Bobbie,I guess its time 4 a serious answer now,giving other souls the opportunity to show their change too......(<:)

Ive beeen changed,for sure,since about 19 years not recently.

Since than Im in a ungoing process of development of growing insight , deepening presence and sharing opportunities.

I got in touch with my spirit ,who is timeless and who keeps me young as can be,never growing old again(!).

Im constantly renewing the deepening.

I accept others,other views completely and acknowledge,that spiritual freedom is everybody's right.

Im convinced,that convincing is in sharing and for others to concur or not.

Change is a decision of one's own.

Im strong and living and willing to share,wishing others to grow to an open mind mode,which could be the start of something new.....

Sometimes the truth is hard though.....


Bobbie_Moore rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Bobbie_Moore asked on 03/10/06 - The Da Vinci Code

Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code will be getting more and more press as the opening of the movie appreaches.

Have you read the book?
What do you think of it?
Do you perceive this movie as true?
How does this movie (or any movie) impact your life?

I worked hard to limit my own judgments because I really AM interested in your viewpoint.

Many blessings,


Oldstillwild answered on 03/11/06:


I really wouldnt know,but

Im certainly not appreaching for a movie to come out....

I do appreciate your commitment and
I value that approach very much so.....

....dont work too hard,though!

We are only interested!

Bobbie_Moore rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Bobbie_Moore asked on 03/07/06 - Missing you!

I miss you all! How is everyone doing?--Bobbie

Oldstillwild answered on 03/07/06:

Im trying to shoot you too....

Bobbie_Moore rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

arcura asked on 02/22/06 - Has anyone here visited this very interesting site?

It is......
What do you think of it?
Peace and kindness,
Fred (arcura)

Oldstillwild answered on 02/22/06:

Well...interesting site for those who are interstellarextraterrastrialiously interested........

arcura rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 02/15/06 - MY ANNUAL LETTER TO ALL OF YOU:

After making a fool of myself for over four years at Answerway, I have found that your desires are my desires that offer me just one reservation - OPINION! But, who am I to judge your convictions, beliefs and sentiments? Conversely, these mind-sets may offer me reasoning while considering knowledge, fact, misgivings and skepticism. You're the ones who are important to me. I want you cheerful, contented, pleased and glad you're living. Let the miserable, the gloomy, the sorrowful harass the harbingers of the ill-natured, the disagreeable, the unpleasant. They are no longer a force of one, thanks to our foundation based on excessive friendships, faith, reasoning and plausible personalities. All of us are unique! Time, place and actions defy the agility of what is commonplace, ordinary and typical. Our playground is Society and our necessity pleads for the temperament of benevolence!

God embraces truth, life and love. Freedom of religion speaks to be heard and dealt with by all who breathe what's necessary to live and progress! Our spiritual foundation offers us a system of religious beliefs which are not accepted by some but ... who cares? Only remission can be granted by the Almighty. As a free citizen, you can either accept or deny these teachings of moral goodness. Your free-will allows you to adjust what's lacking in your decision to 'crawl or run.' Life is not an illusion or a dream because of just one reason -- PAIN. This damn albatross torments both the mind and body. If you enjoy self-abuse, you're not normal! If you enjoy hurting others, you're a sadist. Why don't you relinguish your right to being ignorant and enjoy awareness, its opposite?

"I've got a little cat,

And I'm very fond of that,

But I'd rather have a bowwow, wow."

-- Joseph Tabrar

Go with God, my friends. There's still plenty of life to be lived!


Oldstillwild answered on 02/15/06:

tHANKs , Hank!
Follow your heart and live the now in freedom!


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 02/12/06 - VALENTINE'S DAY:

"Although the mid-February holiday celebrating love and lovers remains wildly popular, the confusion over its origins led the Catholic Church, in 1969, to drop St. Valentine's Day from the Roman calendar of official, worldwide Catholic feasts. (Those highly sought-after days are reserved for saints with more clear historical record. After all, the saints are real individuals for us to imitate.) Some parishes, however, observe the feast of St. Valentine.

"The roots of St. Valentine's Day lie in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated on Feb. 15. For 800 years the Romans had dedicated this day to the god Lupercus. On Lupercalia, a young man would draw the name of a young woman in a lottery and would then keep the woman as a sexual companion for the year.

"Pope Gelasius I was, understandably, less than thrilled with this custom. So he changed the lottery to have both young men and women draw the names of saints whom they would then emulate for the year (a change that no doubt disappointed a few young men). Instead of Lupercus, the patron of the feast became Valentine. For Roman men, the day continued to be an occasion to seek the affections of women, and it became a tradition to give out handwritten messages of admiration that included Valentine's name.

"There was also a conventional belief in Europe during the Middle Ages that birds chose their partners in the middle of February. Thus the day was dedicated to love, and people observed it by writing love letters and sending small gifts to their beloved. Legend has it that Charles, duke of Orleans, sent the first real Valentine card to his wife in 1415, when he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. (He, however, was not beheaded, and died a half-century later of old age.)"

Source: American


Oldstillwild answered on 02/12/06:

Have A nice valentine's day too,Hank!
me , 7 hrs ahead of yours ,so lasting 31 hours!

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

sissypants asked on 01/20/06 - sexual fantasy

i asked this question over in christianity and was wondering how the answers might be different if i asked the question on this board so here goes:
ok from anyones stand point, How do You feel about sexual fantasy? Is it a sin or isn't it? And what makes it so?

Oldstillwild answered on 01/20/06:

Well...,its a bick sissnn,to ffantasize about seks!

Some things you better praktissnn , than ffantasizissnn about!

Wouldnt they say:just give her her toys , otherwise she going to ffantasissnn about it!

So , id enjoy providin the tools!

Welllll......,am I ffantassissnn....!

Is there a ssissnn comin up , or what....!

Well , let me say,

Here on the spirituality board ,there is not such a thing like sinn,so

beat it!

richturner rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer
sissypants rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

sapphire630 asked on 01/17/06 - follow up to organ/soul transplant

Now a 56 beer drinkin' lumberjack from Croatia (who would never dream of housecleaning or be caught dead knitting) has insatiable urges to clean and knit since his kidney transplant from a woman. He is suing the hospital for using a woman's kidney/because of his new found pleasures. His wife says she loves this new (cleaning) side of him as long as he doesn't go looking for a man.

Oldstillwild answered on 01/17/06:

I guess,he has no case , as he finds pleasure in his new "urges"!

So , he has to work on his judgement and his self-esteem in order to not feeling the need to explore these pleasures in the closet anymore.....

sapphire630 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 01/16/06 - Memory Pill

Here's an article that got my attention:

Memory Pill
The Osgood File: (CBS Radio Network): 4/7/04

Scientists are developing a pill to reduce the terror of a traumatic event.

Imagine a world where victims of violence or trauma pop a pill to ease their feelings of terror and dim the memory of a car accident, rape, or other assault. That's the hope of scientists at Harvard University who are developing a pill they say will prevent post-traumatic stress disorder in such victims. They are hoping to alter the brain's reaction to traumatic events, lessening the strength of memories and softening the emotions they evoke.

Pitman has been conducting research on PTSD for the past 20 years, and says that scientists have a pretty good idea of how it works. When a person experiences a traumatic event, he says, the body releases adrenaline, a stress hormone that prepares the body to run from or attack an aggressor. When adrenaline and its cousin noradrenaline enter the brain, he says, they act on the amygdala region, which is involved in fear and memory. Basically, Pitman says, "The same adrenaline that's making you run fast has the ability to strengthen your memory."

This system was useful back in prehistoric times, Pitman says, when someone who was chased by a crocodile, for example, would need to remember where that predator lived. But in modern times, Pittman says, "This mechanism goes too far. People who have PTSD, the memories are so strong, they can have trouble living in the present." For example, people involved in car accidents "get to the point where they're having nightmares and can't drive any longer," Pittman says. "If someone is raped in an elevator, they don’t want to ride elevators again."

To counter the harmful effects of stress hormones like adrenaline on memory, Pitman has been experimenting with propranolol, a drug commonly used to treat hypertension. Since propranolol blocks the action of adrenaline and noradrenaline, Pitman thought it might prevent memories from being burned too deeply in the amygdala of the brain. "We figured we could give people this propranolol to affect the memory before it gets laid down," he explains. Pitman is quick to point out that the drug doesn’t cause people to remember things differently, just less strongly. "We would say it would more approximate a normal memory," he says.

Sounds like a win/win situation, but not everyone is convinced that propranolol is such a great idea. Gina Scaramella, executive director of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, sees about 400 rape cases a year and says she and her colleagues have concerns about the use of the pill. Scaramella says it's important for women to feel in control when they are recovering from a sexual assault, and taking propranolol means giving up control over their memories. Secondly, she says, "anyone who took that medicine could be in trouble in a legal case," since defense lawyers may say that the victim was so unstable that she needed drugs to cope, or that the propranolol may have altered her memory about the assault. Other ethicists say the pill may erase the rage that victims will need to go on and prosecute their attackers.


Dr. Roger K. Pitman, MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University
Psychiatrist, Massachusetts General Hospital HMS/HSDM Institutions


If you have gone through a traumatic situation would you want to be able to take a pill to erase the memory of the event or to lessen the stress of the memories of the event?


The reason I ask is that I had grown through a trauma and I don't think I would have learned some valuable life lessons if I took a pill after the event.


Oldstillwild answered on 01/17/06:


I totally agree with you.

There is no world like the NO-Pillworld.

If you want to live in the PillWorld , you could be dead as well already.

Parallel to what this Dr.Phill would say (I hate to quote Dr Phill,though,but in this case....)

Your talking to drugs in stead of the person:

Youre talkin to pills and youre livin pills in stead of your life.

Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

taffy asked on 12/17/05 - Stranger oder, what can it mean?....

Hi, to whom it may concern,
This past summer, my husband and I went to Galena,IL for the day. The weather was beautiful! As soon as we drove through the downtown area though, I sensed something, hard to explain this, but I'll try.. I felt intimitated. I'm not sure if it was the tall buildings or what. But it almost felt like I was not supposed to be there! Well, we parked the suv and got out. There was an oder coming from one of the factories down there. As soon as I smelt it, I instantly backed up and stopped. I tryed to smell it again, but as soon as I would try, I'd stop again. It was strange! I felt threatened by the smell somehow, and not letting myself smell it, I was protecting myself from, I guess, Of what I'd remember: perhaps?.. The smell did'nt really stink or anything. It smelt like melting rubber. But it frightened me! I've thought about it alot since we got back from there. There's a big part of me that would like to go back, although, I feel funny about it. What if anything, does this mean? There's another part to this question....
Ever since I was in my 20's, I have had this re-occurring dream, every once in awhile. In the dream, I am 20 something, and my hair is long and down, with on single braid in it. I'm sitting on a stoop in front of my appt. it's late at night, and I'm feeling very sad. I believe (from my dream) that it might have taken place around th 1960's time frame.
Anyway, this girl gets up and goes for a walk alone. And that's where the dream ends. Always!
While we were in Galena, there's a back alley you can take. As we were driving through it, I noticed that the appartments back in there reminded me of the ones from my dreams! And low and behold! There were front stoops too! Do you think any of this means anything? I't been haunting my mind ever since the trip! Please help.. I could really to hear what you have to say.
Thaks alot for your time,

Oldstillwild answered on 12/20/05:

Hi Taffy Tuck!

Maybe you should also consider the possibility,that you just were recognizing the attributes in your dream...

I mean,maybe you didnt dream about this town,but it just happens to be , that this town is fitting your dream....

And about the smell:
People are able to smell things,although the smell itself wouldnt be actually there.You just have to think of it smell it!
But if you then try to smell for real,the smell isnt there(of course).

Just for relativity purposes......


taffy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 12/14/05 - GOOD LUCK, IRAQ!

Thanks to God, our United States Constitution will continue to allow us freedom and justice. Transversely, any bonafide Societal Constitution will allow you to live MORALLY and ETHICALLY in your NEIGHBORHOODS without any necessity to amend any FOUNDATION based on happiness for all. Perhaps political entrapment will be non-existent. Your new CHARTER OF DECENCY will see to it. Let this goodness help you abide by all laws that need to be obeyed. The BY-LAWS of your new REPUBLIC will be secondary in importance only when intervention deals with fundamental DEMOCRATIC law. A new SOCIETAL CONSTITUTION will afford you God-given rights to monitor your own progression in your NEIGHBORHOODS, TOWNS and CITIES. This new manner of community indulgence will help you gratify willingness so you can SURVIVE morally and ethically.

"Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two p[artries: (1) Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. (2) Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the mose wise depository of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist; and in every one where they are free to think, speak and qwrite, they will declare themselves ." - Thomas Jefferson (in a letter to Henry Lee dated August 10, 1824)

Let us and all people enlighten those obedient and brave souls who go to the polls tomorrow. Let the tyranny and oppressions of body and mind vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. Let these forces of duty not only effect obligations and faithfulness to protect the affections and personalities of the burdensome, but effectuate the accomplishments as well. Allow this power of vigor to intensify action that must exist within your minds as a life-giving force. Without it, you're meek and weak. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM! I'm sure ALLAH, your Supreme Being, wants you to ... forever!


Oldstillwild answered on 12/14/05:


are you the new age www answernoway-terrorist now?

enjoy your freedom,Hank,

but do not impose.....

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
richturner rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

sapphire630 asked on 12/06/05 - self help or self deluded

I listened to this guy on
last night and he was saying the very things I have believed for many years about all the say it, believe it, and it is so stuff many people follow. He has a different approach to things which I tend to agree with more than most of the teachings you hear nowadays.

The Downside of Self-Help
Neuropsychologist and cancer survivor Dr. Paul Pearsall presented a critique of self-help and self-empowerment movements, which he believes do more harm than good. "McMorals" such as 'you must first love yourself before you can love somebody else' are simply wrong, and like many of the platitudes in the self-help field, are too focused on the idea of the self, he argued.

In fact, a study of verbal expressions showed that the more a person used "I" and "me" words, the more likely they were to have health problems, he reported. Pearsall also shared that there is no data to support the idea that the venting of one's anger is healthy. To the contrary, the expression of anger actually causes negative physical responses. It is healthier to suppress anger, he said, suggesting a technique that involved sitting down, lowering your shoulders, and placing your tongue on the bony part below your teeth.

"I've had my fill of Dr. Phil," Pearsall declared. We've mistaken celebrity for credibility, and these "gurus" of the self-help movement tend not be held scientifically accountable for their advice, he commented. Instead of constantly working on self-improvement, people would be happier and healthier by recapturing a sense of awe and humor in their lives, and relating more to others, he offered.

This is his website

From what I understand he has written some books.

Oldstillwild answered on 12/07/05:

Well Sapphire630!

Its all about communication,interpretation and understanding.
Just like the Bible,the Koran,the Tora etc etc.
So many experts,so many views,so many wrongdoing.

But,of course,there must be a right way to do things.

And that is thru the self,not losing the big picture.

So,people may try to comment on details,losing the big picture and be proud to be right,but in fact being narrow-minded dangerously wrong,not knowing what they are talking about,trying to make a buck from the ignorance of innocent people.

Its all about balance.

So,e.g. handle your anger in a thoughtful way and sometimes its wise to express it!

The only truth about life is within oneSELF.
Go and seek it!


sapphire630 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 12/01/05 - To get back to Spirituality

How would you differentiate between religion and spirituality? Or is it the same thing?

Oldstillwild answered on 12/01/05:

I dont think so,but its family.
The difference is,that spirituality without religion is more genuine and profoundly,while based on life itself and that spirituality based on religion only works by the grace of and thru that metaphore God.

Earlier in my life I was at least attending religious meetings and open for religious experiences.I wasnt religious fanatically though,because the phenomenon God always remained obscure and not real to me.It never lead me to anything what could be called spirituality.

Then I had a 15-20yr period of simply not believing,not leading to any spirituality.

After that I began to experiment with life and its intrinsic power,which should be present within me.To my big surprise this power indeed appeared to be present and working if called upon.

The ability to make this genuine power of Life itself work and actually making it part of and incorporated in my common daily existence is spirituality to me.

Id never be able to reach this state believing in any religion,because that vehicle would have prevented me from becoming myself.And the latter is a necessary condition to start being genuinely daily life spiritual.

Body and soul are one.There is nothing in between.

Thats how I feel about it,Purplewings!
Thank you for the question.
Im feeling alive again....(<:)

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 11/22/05 - Sex and Spirituality:

Is sex considered to be spiritual? I've heard orgasm is the only time we feel we are actually touching god.

If you think so, would it be only the "right" sex with your marriage partner or with anyone you choose as a partner? I don't mean as a prostitute - but someone you have chosen because of your own emotional and physical desires.

Just curious.

Oldstillwild answered on 11/22/05:

O hell,no!

I love to touch god!

No matter what!

Who is going to deny that!???!!!

purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 11/12/05 - "Daydreaming"

Sometimes when I'm lying on the sofa getting ready to go to sleep, a thought will pop into my head.

Last night, I was wondering about this old saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

I was trying to think of some contemporary examples, different in content, that support this old saw.

Can you supply an example(s)??

Oldstillwild answered on 11/13/05:

Well,the doctor intended to help me properly,yet he helped me thru hell.....

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 11/10/05 - WANT SOME WISDOM?

Thomas Merton wrote, "I will not permit myself to become emotionally involved in matters that should not be my concern. I will not interfere with the working out of another's difficulties, however dear and close we may be to each other. Detachment is essential to any healthy relationship between people. EACH OF US IS A FREE INDIVIDUAL WITH NEITHER ONE IN CONTROL OF THE OTHER. Although all men (and women) have a common destiny, each individual also has to work out his personal salvation for him (or herself). WE CAN HELP ONE ANOTHER FIND OUT THE MEANING OF LIFE. BUT IN THE LAST ANALYSIS, EACH IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINDING HIMSELF."

Don't jump the gun. THINK about what Merton had to say and then answer truthfully. This will make your answer sincere.


Oldstillwild answered on 11/10/05:

Youre right,

Its about spiritual philosophy.



HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 11/06/05 - Spirits

Do you believe some spirits can follow us, affecting and interfering on our lives? And if so, how can we be free from them?

Oldstillwild answered on 11/06/05:

No , I do not believe there are some spirits
following us and of which we should be freed.

There is the phenomenon life,which many people do not understand and will not understand ever.

There are no bad spirits.

There is only life.

The power of life is far more greater than people generally would acknowledge.

If you experience hardly to understand good things happening to you or to others,most of the time its life itself and if youll really try to understand life,youd know..

There is no God.
There are no bad spirits.
There is no bad spirit you should be freed from.

You should be taking care to be subject to all the positive powers of life itself.
You might experience That as spirits,but its only life itself.

keenu rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

sapphire630 asked on 10/26/05 - Time, procrastination, etc...

Keenu's posts got me thinking about when my kids were little and I ended up involved with Child Protective Service in my life. They would get on me to be pro-active. I had learned and they could not understand that often when I didn't deal with things they had a funny way of working out by itself. Like I could waste all kind of time, money and energy trying to find out what was wrong with my truck or I could just go about my daily things to do and run into people that could fix it without all the aggravation.

Oldstillwild answered on 10/27/05:

Well , youre only a procrastinator if youre really choosing to be one....
If you have a proper reason to fix things consciously in an alternative way by experience,than youre simply smart.At least its a choice.

So, how you bring up and teach your children is your responsibility and task and if the results are according to what we would/could call normal or acceptable standards,not showing signs of neglect and mental damage,growing filthy or arrears(?),than nobody should have the right to intervene.

sapphire630 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 10/23/05 - NON-BELIEVERS:

How do non-believers combat boredom, loneliness and helplessness?


Oldstillwild answered on 10/23/05:

What is that....?:

boredom, loneliness and helplessness?

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

keenu asked on 10/22/05 - Second quesion

(You don't have to answer on both boards)
Are you a procrastinator?
Again, a simple yes or no is necessary.
Thanks in advance!

Oldstillwild answered on 10/23/05:


keenu rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

keenu asked on 10/19/05 - Time

Do you perceive time as going by quickly or slowly?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
All I need is a simple yes or no.
(This is quesion 1 of 2)

Oldstillwild answered on 10/19/05:


keenu rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 10/14/05 - Just a Warning

Hi all my old pals from the days of Askme. My physician was here at my apartment today, and health things are not going very well. The acute problem centers around heart failure and high blood pressure. I am legally blind in my left eye.

My doctor asked me if I believed in God. I said no, of course. Then he said that he did, and he pulled the Gospel of John out of one of his pockets and gave it to me.

I take this to mean that I'm in God's hands.
I wish he hadn't done that. :)

Oldstillwild answered on 10/14/05:

Hi Chou!

I know,youll hang on!
You are too tough to be beaten before your time.
Your spirit will make you accompany us in the present for ever and a day.

My thoughts are with you,strong woman!
So is my spirit!


Oldstillwild (for ever and a day or 2).

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 10/11/05 - Winter is a comin'

I have been busy yesterday and today (with Doris' good help) getting my apartment ready for winter. Since I don't have to keep the window with the air conditioner free, I(Doris) have moved some of the furniture into a really atractive layout. Previously, I had split up my bookcases, and not they are back together in a new location. I feel like I have moved into a new apartment! My vistas are totally different.

Anyway, Nick and I are in dust hell!! I have to spend time getting rid of as much dust as I can; for tunately I have those "magnetized" dust cloths. :)

Do you who live in cold climates do anything special in the fall to get ready for winter? Decorations, moving furniture, anything interesting??

Do you have any tips on combating dust?

Oldstillwild answered on 10/11/05:


I can be short in this.....:


Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Liz22 asked on 10/09/05 - Controlling Anger.

Please help.
I love my Son, but his girl friend whom is twenty years older than
Him, hates and has a great jealousy over me, she wrote me an e-mail and said’ some terrible things. I am not well at this time and have surgery coming up the 18th of this month, and I am afraid, what I need to know is, how can I stop feeling angry over her
Hurtful and hateful words, you know who my Son is on here, the main reason she hates me is because I am little weighing one hundred pounds and she actually weighs four hundred or more.
It’s not the weight but her attitude in poking fun at other people but she seems to want to keep Jim away from me.
I don't want to deal with her right now, I am to sick and how can one stop feeling angry and get on with living?

Oldstillwild answered on 10/09/05:

Hi Liz22!

This may not be easy.
Give it a try.
Youll feel your anger if youre thinking about her.
So,focus on anything else.

This is it.

Youre connected to her thru your son.
Obviously youre very unsecure about your future relationship with him.

Talk to him now.

Maybe you have a low self-esteem,being so vulnerable to the remarks of this woman.
Work on that.

Basically,strengthen yourself,your connection with your son in a positive way and focus on other preferably joyfull things.Make yourself less vulnerable.

Remember,nobody is perfect!

I wish you strength!


Liz22 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Bobbie_Moore asked on 10/05/05 - To believe or not believe… that is the question

The answer is: Whatever we believe is our path. Life would be truly boring if everyone believed as I do. It’s in our nature to like change because, on a soul level, we recognize that everything is in a constant state of transition. Our resistance to change is fear-based.

Our need to teach others how to believe (or what not to believe in) is also fear-based. Even if I were to not believe in God and I wanted to “teach“ others that they are wrong in their beliefs in God is still a practice of a dogma, creed, or code of belief just as the very religion that is being judged.

Honoring myself and others in our beliefs is what I have chosen in this new phase of this life experience. If you ask me, I will tell you what I believe. If you come to me with a question based from your perceptions and beliefs, I will make every effort to meet you where you are.

Any comments?



Oldstillwild answered on 10/05/05:


This is the only right attitude towards life and in that towards others.


Bobbie_Moore rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 10/04/05 - A Thousand Regions in your Mind

From Susan Smally's writings:

"Thoreau said in Walden; Or, Life in the Woods, “Direct your eye sight inward, and you’ll find, A thousand regions in your mind, Yet undiscovered. Travel them, and be expert in home-cosmography”.

Becoming a naturalist of the mind is challenging because we rarely take the time to observe ourselves, to see how we ‘think, feel, and react or act in situations’, without labeling or judging ourselves in the process.
But a naturalist does just that – he or she observes, notes, in a very neutral way, without passing judgment or labeling, just seeing what is and noting it ‘in neutral’. (Try watching ants for a moment, just observing and seeing where they go and what they do).

Why is it valuable to note in neutral one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions? It is the ultimate discovery tool – a tool to discover one’s own way of thinking – the unique biological blueprint (encoded in part through genes) for the brain and body’s way of responding to the environment. Rather than reacting, however, and being swept away by thoughts or feelings, when one treats the mind/brain/body as an experiment itself and becomes an observer of the thoughts, feelings, and actions as they occur, one becomes aware of the space in which they arise. If you stare at a blue sky without a cloud or tree or bird in it, it is just a spacious opening, infinite space and hard to discern. But with a cloud or tree or bird present, the sky is discernable as sky. Similarly, becoming aware from a naturalist’s perspective of thoughts, feelings, and actions in the mind, one becomes aware of the space in which such thoughts arise. With practice in detecting the arising of thoughts, feelings, and actions, comes an increasing awareness of the spaciousness in the mind.

One of the hardest things to do in the world today is to be a naturalist of the mind, to observe oneself, without judging or labeling. We fill our lives with distractions (Blackberries, cell phones, rushing, appointments, etc.) that keep us so busy there is no time for such observation. Yet, in such observation, the most peculiar thing occurs; time expands and what felt like a fully packed schedule without space for even breathing, becomes an open awareness, an open-mindedness, equanimity, and a mind full of curiosity and creativity. So, even if you can’t escape to Walden like Thoreau and spend two years honing the role of naturalist of the mind, take a walk around the block – leave your Blackberry behind – take 5 minutes to begin to know yourself. Look at the sky, notice the clouds as you notice your own thoughts, feelings, and actions; note them in neutral, let them come and go, see them from the neutral perspective of a naturalist and in that moment you will discover infinite time."

What are your comments?

Oldstillwild answered on 10/05/05:

I didnt need to read this.......

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Carlita asked on 10/03/05 - HELP

Do you think a Homosexual can be a true Christian?

Oldstillwild answered on 10/04/05:

What is a Christian?
Its a wrong approach for any person,to think,that abiding a book would lead to generally accepted behaviour,whatever that may be.And depending in which part of the world you live.(sadly so).
So,Id say,that asking this question alone,is already a sorryfull thing and a wrong approach for anybody,seeking a truthfull happy life.

Lets try to be human.


Anonymous asked on 09/28/05 - Am i in an unhealthy friendship?

My sister-in-law who is my friend, keeps on correcting me and all the time and telling me I need to be more assertive all the time. Once when we were at the grocery and we were at the cash register paying for everything, and I was supposed to sign something and I asked where the pen was and she told me to be more assertive and just stop asking and look for the pen. When our family was moving from California to Colorado she told me that I wasn't helping out enough when we were moving and I was asking for too much help, just because i asked someone to hold my coffee cup so I could move something. She even said to me that I enjoyed being babied by my parents. I tried to talk to my brother and her about it but my brother said she only does it because she really cares about me, and that I should deal with it since I only see on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Summer. I feel that every time I try to be assertive with people they hate it. I feel that my sister-in-law is crossing a boundary by correcting me all the time. I have tried to tell her to stop but It hasn't worked so far.
I don't see her as a friend anymore, someone I can talk to because she told my parents that I was smoking. She searched my dorm room and took my packet of cigarettes. I let her walk all over me and I need to make it stop.

Is there some way that I can end this friendship gracefully seeing that we are family?

Oldstillwild answered on 09/28/05:

Hi Anonymous!

Its obvious and clear to you,that you should stop giving her the opportunity to
treat you this way.

So,the only problem is,how to do that.

Youve discussed this matter earlier,so she and at least your brother know how you feel about things.

First,Id say,discuss this with your brother.I think you can do that.
Not about IF you should do it,but,just as you put it in your question above,about HOW you could handle this in a graceful manner.
I guess,your brother will support you over your sister-in-law and could be helpful.
I think,this is the best option.

Secondly,Id say,dont get into situations,that there is only your sister-in-law with you.(and nobody else of your family).Just walk away.Dont do things just together with her.
She of course will be around and if she's treating you like you mentioned above,dont hesitate to make her clear in public,how you feel and that she should stop doing that and carry on ignoring her.
It surely should be helpful if more people(family) know,how you feel about the attitude of your sister-in-law.This is a process,that will work out over time automatically into your advantage.

Thirdly,as you see her only occasionally,you could write her a letter,in which you explain yourself again,coming to the conclusion,thats better to end the friendship and stop doing things together when she's around and that you intend to treat her like any familymember or things of that meaning.So that she is prepared for your change in attitude and behaviour towards her.

Fourthly you can ,together with your brother, take her apart and confront her with your decision and that this is the best solution for the two of you.

Neither is easy to do.It is easier with as much support as you can get.At least make sure,that most important familymembers know,whats happening,so that awkward situations are prevented.

I hope,this is helpful to you.
If there is any situation,where you can practice being assertive,well....,this is it!
Go for it!
Wishing you strength and happiness!


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 09/09/05 - WHAT DO YOU THINK:

"Confucius did not wish to look for a paradise in the next world; he rather wanted to have a paradise on earth such as: when Dao prevails, the world will become common to all. The people will elect virtuous and talented persons for the government; and they will promote good faith and friendship. Thus men will not consider only their own parents as their parents, nor treat only their own children as their children. The aged will find a meaningful life till their death; the able persons are fully employed; and the young are provided with upbringing; and the forlorn and helpless people, the disabled and the sick, will all be supported by the state. Every man will have his own rights and every woman her own belongings. They hate to see goods lying about in waste, yet they do not hoard them for themselves. They dislike the thought that their energies are not fully used, yet they use them not for egoistic ends. Therefore, all evil plotting is prevented in advance and rebels do not arise. Thus, perfect security will prevail everywhere; people can leave their outer gates unchecked. This is called the Great Unity."

Source: "Confucius' Ideal Society"



Oldstillwild answered on 09/09/05:

People would dream throughout the ages.....

Con is right about paradise.....

Did he state how to get there as a worldsociety?

Because,thats my contemporane problem....

How to get all the noses in the paradise direction......


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 09/05/05 - A GREAT QUOTE:

"You grow to heaven. You don't go to heaven." - Edgar Cayce


Oldstillwild answered on 09/06/05:

Hi Hank!

I dont know Edgar,so Ill give my own interpretation to this quote......

Heaven is a mode of the mind.

There is no other heaven.

"Heaven" is on earth.

The sooner you "grow"- up , the sooner youll experience heaven on earth for the longest part of your life.

So,Hank,you wont be surprised,that I totally agree with myself.....(<:)


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 09/04/05 - Regretment

I regret so many wrong things I did in the past. Many times I was sick. Things I said, money I said I'd use for a reason to my parents and used for another, being influenced by bad people to do wrong things. Married men with whom I went out, sex without love. What can I do? If we regret, does God forgive us?

Oldstillwild answered on 09/05/05:

Hi Anonymous!

First of all , if you feel bad about things you did,you have a reason for that,so dont let you be influenced by people who are saying,that you didnt anything wrong.

Its a good thing if you can say,that you did wrong things and its a better thing if you have decided to go for the better in the future.I applaud you for that!

The moment you regret things , going for the better,you are forgiven , Anonymous!

The foregiveness is within yourself!.Your spirit will notify your change and your integrity.
You can make a brandnew start!
Youre entitled to a second chance!
You deserve it!

No fears necessary ,because there is nothing to fear around!
I guess you believe in (a) god.Thats your choice and I respect that.But there is no god around who can punish people!

Your spirit is there for you to help.(or not,if you dont want the help.But that is all to it!).
So,stop feeling intimidated by the thought of any punishment!

I wish you all the luck in the world and the strength to live up to your new standards,because the most difficult thing one can do is changing oneself!

Good luck!

You deserve to be loved!



Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 09/04/05 - Christianity:

In my opinion, Christianity is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group. Do you agree?


Oldstillwild answered on 09/05/05:

No offense,Hank1,

but you know there is a discussion about the christianity board.

So I suggest you to post christianity issues on the christianity board.

maybe you can refrase:

In my opinion, spirituality is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person.

Do you agree?



HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

keenu asked on 09/01/05 - More on crop circles

I want to expound on my ideas about crop circles.
I likened them to snowflakes before because I think they happen naturally. It was maybe not a good comparison. I believe they are created by the mass consciousness, the mass sibconscious, if you wish.
We are beings of light and lights have been observed actually making the crop circles.
You watch, I bet I am right.

Oldstillwild answered on 09/02/05:

Im waiting for my personal addressed
More on...

keenu rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 09/01/05 - Tsunami, katrina

Tsunami, Katrina...all these terrible forces of nature which came to destroy. Is this a sign of the end of the times? Will we get other signs like this?

Oldstillwild answered on 09/01/05:

Always nice talking to Anonymous.....
Yes,these are the signs....!
The signs of nature and that we are part of nature and the universe....
That we will never rule the world,ever!
That we should respect our environment and make the best of THAT instead of making the best of it.....
Mankind is only a minute or two participating in the whole of the universe and the universe will last a gazillion years more,than our remaining existence.....

It is not hard to imagine,that we are only here due to the properties of our evolving environment and undoubtedly at some point in time,like many other species,mankind will ultimate fail to survive the environments.....

So, dont despair.....enjoy the moment....tomorrow is another day......!


Anonymous rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

IamDyan asked on 08/26/05 - Hello All

Just checking in ...
Went to a funeral last week for a very close friend who died in Iraq. Asking prayers for his family for healing.

He was just 24, his name is Frank.

Thanks and God Bless, Dyan

Oldstillwild answered on 08/27/05:

Bye Frank!

IamDyan rated this answer Bad/Wrong Answer

Anonymous asked on 08/21/05 - Commiting suicide

I'm doing this question in some boards. How do you consider suicide? What may happen, according to spirituality, if you go through it? Don't worry, I'm just asking.

Oldstillwild answered on 08/22/05:

Suicide is a relief to the one committing suicide.

It is an earthly matter.

One may decide to commit suicide even because of the very reason,that spiritual life no longer is possible,due to hostile earthly environment.

Committing suicide is not bad.It doesnt harm spiritually.It frees the mind.

Materialism and false social structures have its price......

Of which, borderliners and people who sound and consciously and conscientious end their lives.

People should respect suicide committers.

People should respect and value death more as part of life.

Death should be more seen as part of life.

People have the right to end their lives.

Dying isnt always a negative thing.

One may die happily.


FormerJesusHelper76 rated this answer Average Answer
purplewings rated this answer Average Answer
Anonymous rated this answer Average Answer

QueenChoux asked on 08/20/05 - Healthcare Crisis

BEIJING: "A Chinese security guard hailed a hero for fighting off a purse snatcher jumped to his death from a 19th-storey hospital window because he couldn't afford treatment, epitomising the failure of China's health care reforms.

The suicide, reported by state media, was not an isolated case. A 42-year-old farmer too poor to afford treatment for lung cancer set off a home-made bomb aboard a bus in Fuzhou, capital of the southeastern province of Fujian, on August 8 in a suicide attack that killed another passenger and wounded 30.

A widening wealth gap has sparked an increasing number of protests and suicides by social malcontents and threatened to dent Communist Party chief Hu Jintao's vow to create a "harmonious society".

Have you ever had any problems getting good health care in your home country?

Do you think everyone is entitled to healthcare>

Oldstillwild answered on 08/21/05:


About Me : LOL LOL LOL !!!!

About everyone: LOL LOL LOL !!!!

Are you nuts?!

QueenChoux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 08/08/05 - When are you at your most spiritual?

Some say when you are involved in a tough situation, or when depressed, or ill. Those things show us how powerless we can be, and we began to reach outside ourselves for a resolution.

During a recent grieving situation, I couldn't find my own strength but when I connected with many different friends asking for their thoughts and prayers, I felt better. Looking back, I wouldn't ordinarily have shared my situation with many people, but because of my own powerlessness, I needed those who would understand and care.

I think we are supposed to share our troubles and our joys with each other. That seems both humbling and spiritual.

What do you think?

Oldstillwild answered on 08/08/05:

I am most spiritual when I am happy(mostly).
I am always aware what my happyness is based on.
No true happiness without spirituality.Therefore I am always thankful and I do not need to turn to spirituality in bad days.

In bad days,which I naturally have occasionally,I know the reasons,my mistakes,my contribution to the situation and what I have to do to make this experience a sound additional start to build upon further.I am learning constantly,which makes always a positive horizon.

If I am feeling bad because of things I really am not accountable for,my daily basis spiritual attitude gives me comfort as such in the sense that I (we) must accept certain things happening and I am always confident that to the best of my ability things will work out well.

Of course it is helpful to share feelings with others,but this in itself has nothing to do with spirituality.
I feel strong enough to overcome difficulties on my own (spiritual strength).
Sharing is a plus to that.

I am able to help people and give comfort on the basis of my spirituality.I do not need to get it anywhere.I feel,because I am of a positive spiritual nature on a daily basis,I can give.


purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

QueenChoux asked on 08/06/05 - Deepak part 2

Dr. Chopra has a new book, "Peace Is The Way", parto f the blurb "...bestselling author D.C. offfers a simple, seven-step program that anyone can implement to end the numbing mindset of us versus them and release the force of peace in our everyday lives."

"Based on three principles-selfless action, higher vision, and communities of peace and wisdom......we can create a world where compassionis the rule rather than the exception."

*Deepak Speaks Out*:

"Relationships are the crucible of reality."

"If the future is fortress America, peace has no real chance."

"Voting is an act of consciousness."

"If your self-image is inflexible, it hardly matters whether it is good or bad."

"Religion must place the responsibility for violence squarely where it belongs, in the mind of every person."

What are your comments on "Deepak Speaks Out??? Take one or any of his statements if you wish and give me your opinions.

Thanks so much!

Oldstillwild answered on 08/08/05:

My reaction to this crap is,

simply crap!

Of course the intention is very positive,but this person is making something out of nothing special.

Its just an opinion.

All opinions and messages which still acknowledge religion is not wellthought thru or lived thru,but only moneymaking stupid business,which is no basis at all for sound positive thinking.

This pak-person should go into politics!


QueenChoux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

keenu asked on 08/06/05 - Crop Circles

I had a thought. If snowflakes appear naturally then why not crop circles?

Oldstillwild answered on 08/08/05:

Crob circles dont fall....


the secret of crob circles hasnt been reveiled completely and for sure,

so maybe even the gravitypatterns of crob circles are falling down from the sky......(<:)

who knows....


keenu rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Bobbie_Moore asked on 08/06/05 - Returning to Golden Moments

Some of you might recall that I had a dream of compiling a book a number of years ago which led to an online spiritual venture that incorporated email messages (to over 500 people around the world), website(s) and chats. It was called "Golden Moments: A Journey of the Self" and my idea that I kept straying from (I have so much fun with this that I was challenged to stay focused! hehehe) was to show each other by sharing our personal experiences in stories (like parables)that we are one human family and we can learn from our own AND each others' experiences.

Anyway, I am feeling nudged again to get back to my original purpose in compiling the book and I wonder if you have ideas on how I can pursue this?

Here's the original text that I was going to put in classified ads in newspapers around the country:

"Have you felt God's presence?
Has your life been 'touched by angels'?
Are there stories of random acts of kindness you would like to share?
We would like to hear from you!"

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

LOL (Lots of Love)


Oldstillwild answered on 08/08/05:

Hi Bobbie!

Nice add.

The only(minor) problem with it is,that there is no god......

All people who will respond to your add,experienced the power of themselves.
The power of Life itself.

And in this at the same time, for those who can cope with this,the boundries of the power of life.

When experiencing wonderful things,people tend to start to believe that the power is outside themselves and endless and almighty,which in fact isnt.(what we all are experiencing in daily life.....)

Success with fact gathering,Bobbie!


Bobbie_Moore rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

pj333 asked on 07/24/05 - time out !

hello everyone.
i am posting this on each expert site, so whomever reads it will understand .
i am going to be declining old questions that have been hanging way to long .
the next 6 weeks i am moving ,selling my house ,finishing building another one [where we have difficuties and have to finish it ourselves .]
changing jobs ,and dealing with my mothers failing health .
recently i have gotten some very negative comments ,and frankly i dont need that right now .
i will still check into the site but i am not doing any readings [which people do not realise is very very time consuming and i am not, nor have i ever claimed to be a sylvia browne ].
For the next three months .
i will still do dream interpetations and hopefully be able to spend more time after our move .
anyway i"ll still be around but can not spend hours helping others at this time ,like i usually enjoy doing .
sorry if this offends anyone .

Oldstillwild answered on 07/24/05:

Hi PeggyJ333!

I had a dream about people moving and caring around a not yet finished house with ill people changing jobs...

All people were thankful in spite of all the difficulties occurring.Even before all the hectic situations were ended.

Spiritual health is a great gift and I am sure you and your family will manage to get thru this period with flying colours!

Above that,I wish you great fun during the party in which you will celebrate all your (and your family's)achievements!

Wish you luck!


pj333 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Dark_Crow asked on 07/08/05 - London Bombings---Pray for a Guiding Light

A guiding light…Yes, and I offer this wisdom…for you have seen for a long time the great disorder in the world caused by these crimes and, from the confines of Jerusalem, a horrible tale has gone forth and very frequently has been brought to our ears, namely, that a race derived from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God has sworn to remove us from the face of the Earth. Let the deeds of your ancestors move you and incite your minds to great achievements; the glory and greatness of the Christian World who have destroyed the kingdoms of the pagans, and have extended in those lands the territory of the holy church. If in olden times the Maccabees attained to the highest praise of piety because they fought for Justice, it is also justly granted you, and Christian soldiers, to defend the liberty of your country by armed endeavor. And you ought, furthermore, to consider, if by your work and, God working through you, it should occur that the Mother of churches should flourish anew to the worship of Christianity, whether, perchance, He may not wish other regions of the East to be restored to the faith against the approaching time of the Antichrist.

Oldstillwild answered on 07/08/05:

Praying for a guiding light is always good.
But everybody should realize,that this guiding light is in ourselves and only can work thru ourselves if we let it.
The more truely spiritual people,the bigger the positive influence on events.
It is absolute irrelevant which "God" is at hand.
Its all about spiritual love.
Our spirit is universal and life itself.

Dark_Crow rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
katiy rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
pj333 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Dark_Crow asked on 07/05/05 - you die and go to Heaven, which part of your body goes first?

Your hands or your feet?

Oldstillwild answered on 07/05/05:

Belly button up.

Dark_Crow rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 06/16/05 - Something Wonderful

Something wonderful (and unexpected) happened today. Nothing as neat as Wings falling in love, but something terrific. I got a check in the mail for about $200.00.


Mary Sue

Oldstillwild answered on 06/16/05:

Lets go out enjoying the week and dye games,Chou!Have a drink on me!
Are you sure,its not for the neighbours?
Go and cash it quickly,before bouncing risks grow,Chou!Dont get drunk on your way back!!!

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 06/14/05 - Not a question. Just wanted to let you know......

I am madly, wildly and crazily in love. Who would ever imagine a 60 year young woman so far gone in love she feels like a teenager again?

I left my second husband in 1997 and have not had the slightest interest in dating, or in being around men at all since then - until this last March when I met theman and my knees turned to butter. I also lost my appetite which was good because it led to my losing 10 pounds that I'd been wanting gone.

I got onto a daily exercise regime, started eating properly, and got my body back in tone, then had my hair and face done up.

Life is good. I'm SO happy. AND I thank all of you who responded to my call for help in my posting "Detach from the outcome....." Your prayers and positive energy brought me this far..... I finally was able to detach from the outcome and look what's happened.

Love you all!


Oldstillwild answered on 06/14/05:

Great,Purplewings!Im happy for you too!And as you experiencing now:the spirit is of all times and ever young!
Thanks for updating!

purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Boomer asked on 06/12/05 - Do you remember?

How many of you remember what you were doing one year ago today?

If you do, has it remained in your mind daily for the whole year?

I do, and it has.

Oldstillwild answered on 06/12/05:

I wouldnt know.

I live in the now.


Boomer rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

sapphire630 asked on 06/09/05 - help is here about the fly
help is here about the fly

I know where the fly is but annon ended the question!

There was an old woman who swallowed a fly that wriggled and jiggled and jiggled inside her… she swallowed a horse - died of course…

Oldstillwild answered on 06/10/05:

Hi Sapphire630!
I can hear you singing it!
Poor woman!To swallow a fly!
Thanks for picking it up again!

purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
sapphire630 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Dark_Crow asked on 06/09/05 - What is spiritual health?

Have you had very negative experiences with religion or spiritual life?
If so, were they partially due to God being represented as a punitive, legalistic external being that didn’t really care for your personal happiness?
How can I get over my anger toward someone who has abused me and ruined my life? Why should I forgive someone who has hurt me (or one I love) terribly?

Oldstillwild answered on 06/09/05:

Dear Dark Crow!

I can only give my view on this.
I am not religious.As far as my knowledge goes,there is no God.
It is just impossible,not compatible,that I could have non positive experiences with my spirit or spiritual life.

Anyone's spirit is transparant and positive.
The worst non positiveness is not to let your spirit function.
If and when you accommodate your spirit to function, only positive outcome will be the result.

As anyone, who is in touch with one's spirit ,never would like to lose its influence,one (and I) will always keep the necessary positive attitude,mind.

Hatred is not a positive attitude.
Forgiveness is.
Hatred would lead to keeping your spirit from working and ultimately to destroying yourself.
Forgiveness sets you free to go forward and blossom.

How do I get there?

It sounds like youd better get some outside help.
You have to regain your will to live.You have to realize,that you have a life to live and that you(anyone)always can make a new start.
If you want to.

Life exist of decisions.Any moment of the day youre making decisions.You have the power to decide,that this hatred and anger must stop.Enough is enough.Nobody has the right and power to make decisions for you.Only you can decide to regroup and restart.Done is done.

You can take that decision anytime.
Start believing,that you are an independent person,with the right to live.To live your own life.That you have the right to have your own ideals,goals,wishes and that you have the right and power to persue them.
Start believing in yourself.
Be convinced,that by positive thinking about yourself,your future,life in general a whole new world is ahaed of you.

Be aware of your circling thinkingpatterns,always bringing you back to the anger and hatred.Stop thinking that way.

Make a new start.You have the right to and you have the possibility.Without or with outside help.

Its important,that you communicate your past with others.This will help you to deal with your feelings and let go.

The most important thing however,is that you realize,that YOU have the power to decide what YOU do with the rest of your life.

Decide NOW,that youre going to come up for yourself.


And start living in the NOW, from now on.
Give yourself the right to rebirth.Give yourself a new chance.
Nobody else can!

Its a choice.

Your choice.

Wish you all the best,luck and strength.
You deserve it.


Dark_Crow rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Gabby1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

ttalady asked on 06/07/05 - What is the most....

..... peaceful time for you to personally think?

A very serious question if you think about it. I believe my hubby has quite the answer for this one. He calls him doin' his "business" on the toilet thinking. He does not read on the toilet as some I have known to. Every time he comes out of the darn bathroom he has a "Honey.... I was just thinking.....". All good however most of the time it entails more work to the house!

For me it is driving. I love to drive and some day I am getting that convertible. Once I get into that parking lot or drive way it is all over. The real thinking, the wonderful just things running through the mind. I use to have a little tape recorder that I openly spoke what was running through my mind just for kicks. I wish I could find it!

Everyone has that thinking spot. That true time or spot that is their's for opening up the nugget and letting it run wild.

What's yours?


Oldstillwild answered on 06/08/05:

I think the best time to let things go thru my mind is when Im on my own and no need to bother anything.
So , there being no need,it runs off by itself,letting me know,what my mind is working on when I dont have the time,energy or room.
Mostly occurring before getting to sleep or getting awake,while not yet feeling the need to get up.
I wonder what your hubby is doing at the toilet......I would be fully occupied by my productionprocess.....enjoying it and admiring the shape of the product.......LOL!

ttalady rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Anonymous asked on 06/03/05 - A Tall Scary Man!

A man who No one else sees except for two people. They told him to go away and went away. Now he is back. He appears to an young boy. Holding his hand over the face, cursing and swearing at this boy. What to do. What kind of entity could it be. Help.

Oldstillwild answered on 06/03/05:

So,the boy sees nothing,but is hearing swearing and cursing.....
So God is human after all!

Anonymous rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer

purplewings asked on 05/29/05 - Detach from the outcome.

There is something I want very badly. I've prayed about it and put it out to the Universe for an answer. Yet, I can't stop thinking about it. I'm not even sleeping as well as I did before this came up. My health is not as good either.

I know it's outside my personal power to make it happen, and faith has to kick in for me, but how
do I detach from the outcome when I care this much?

Thank you.

Oldstillwild answered on 05/29/05:

Hi Purplewings!

I like your attitude,your wording very much!
I think,there are degrees of intensity in longing for the outcome.
The key is:Stop longing!
But again,there are boundries to one's ability to take confident distance from topics,depending on the topic but also on how far one is in his/her confidence in the process itself as well as in being ready to accept any outcome any time.
For we will never know beforehand the outcome,nor at which moment the outcome will occur.
So the answer is: Confidence and acceptance of the Now.

How well this can work for you is depending on who you feel you are,to which extend embedded in the Now,always excepting one's
reality,being aware of the working of one's spirit and living up to the conditions the spirit needs,to do its work.

Then youll always be able to recognize the results of the working of the spirit.

If you succeed to incorporate this truth in your way of thinking and living youll automatically be able to detach from your wishes,from your longing.

Im not religious,but one would say:"have confidence".
I agree with that,but as you may understand now,"having confidence" is not a active state of mind,but an authomatic result of your state of mind,your daily mode.Better would be to say:
"BE confidence"(not "confident"!)

Thanks for your question.
I know,its difficult to comprehend,because this isnt stuff to be teached,but stuff to be reached by yourself.
Im sure,that your premisses are right,so ist just a matter of going further on the way you are moving along your path.
Because life is about endless learning.
So beware of standstill!

I wish you well,also related to your wish and Ill set my spirit also on your track!

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Dark_Crow asked on 05/26/05 - Do you like using or reading metaphor?

Spiritual metaphors may signify more successfully by transcending literal words; is not there a difference between literal and spiritual levels of meanings?
For instance, what do you make of each of the following and doesn’t interpret ting them tell a much larger story than the literal would have??


Oldstillwild answered on 05/26/05:

Im having great spiritual inspirational fantasies taking these sayings litterally.

Imagening shadows my company in a basket full of dreams doing a cosmic dance caught in a spiritual current singing my song like wings to my dream......

It sounds like heaven on earth to me.....

Dark_Crow rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 05/24/05 - Who Can Write?

Who can write the funniest essay about regular board members using "Hank's Verbs"? There have been many of us regular participats over the years.

Oldstillwild answered on 05/24/05:

Didnt succeed using any of his verbs.....

(take a peek)

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Dark_Crow asked on 05/18/05 - What do you want?

What do you want? Of course our wants might change from day to day. Or do they really?
I thought it might be fun and telling if we each described some of our most compelling wants in life; the catch though is to state them in verbs... no nouns allowed.

I will describe mine in my next post.

Don’t be shy... your wants in verbs.

Oldstillwild answered on 05/24/05:

Singing loving lusting playing blowing living.

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Dark_Crow rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

ttalady asked on 05/17/05 - A "cute" answer?

Not to pick on a certain member, however I was hoping for a little more than "a cute answer" as a reply when writing this to the question of "To what extent is happiness attainable".

I wrote this:

"I was driving home from work last week and saw a sign by the entrance of a church. I have no idea what religion that church was of, however the sign had a saying on it. They change it weekly and for some reason this one I was really having a hard time reading all the way through. It was longer than the usual "Love thy Lord". I would catch a word here and there until I hit "happiness". Then I had to slow down from my 50 mph and find out what this sign had to say about happiness. Now I might not get the wording 100% however it said something to the effect:

You know you have true happiness when you are traveling through a detour and enjoy the scenery.

The sign was not that long with wording but that is what it said. How true, how well that can be applied to a simple car ride or that detour in life that happens like all the time. Maybe just seems we are always on that detour!

So I guess that is how one can really answer that question. Can you enjoy the scenery even on the detour? To take the good with the bad and know that eventually you'll get there where there may be."

....(With a smirk) I say, that deserved more than just a CUTE! That was darn right BRILLIANT!! Just joshin ya (about the BRILLIANT)! I was proud and how cute just sounded so adolescent to me. As me being a child/childish. I could take it as a mock, maybe meant that way.... I'll never know...

Can I get some feed back here? Interpret CUTE for me? A kitten/puppy/baby duck is cute, a hair cut, outfit, pair of shoes are all cute. How is an answer cute? I don't get it?


Oldstillwild answered on 05/18/05:

Hi Ttalady!

Cute question!

ttalady rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Dark_Crow asked on 04/30/05 - Eastern Spiritually or not?

Moral injunctions
Live now , stay in the present.
Live here , be with the present.
Stop imagining , experience reality.
Stop unnecessary thinking .
Express , rather than manipulating, explaining, justifing, or judging.
Give in to unpleasantness do not restrict your awareness.
' Accept no "should" or "ought" , other than your own.
Take full responsibility for your own actions , feelings and thoughts.
Surrender to being who you are right now.

Sounds a lot like Eastern Spiritually don't you think?

Oldstillwild answered on 05/03/05:

Hi Dark Crow!

Moral injunctions
Live now , stay in the present.
Live here , be with the present.
Stop imagining , experience reality.
Stop unnecessary thinking .
Express , rather than manipulating, explaining, justifing, or judging.
Give in to unpleasantness do not restrict your awareness.
' Accept no "should" or "ought" , other than your own.
Take full responsibility for your own actions , feelings and thoughts.
Surrender to being who you are right now.


Dark_Crow rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 04/30/05 - THIS IS THE PITS:

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - A Georgia bride-to-be who vanished just days before her wedding turned up in New Mexico and fabricated a tale of abduction before admitting Saturday that she got cold feet and "needed some time alone," police said.

Jennifer Wilbanks, 32, was in police custody more than 1,420 miles from her home on what was supposed to be her wedding day Saturday.


Oldstillwild answered on 05/03/05:

Hi Hank!

Nice entertaining story!


HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

ttalady asked on 04/24/05 - Rules of Religion

I guess a reason I claim no specific religion; however I truly wonder how so... many do, so... many that with an excuse or reason go directly against said religion.

In my direct life, Catholic. Not to shun the believe at all, I respect this religion, not 100% but enough to appreciate it's meaning. My Father's side ancestors ago were strickly this religion. My Grandmother's cousin 100% Catholic however I don't understand the booz part. They are major drinkers. Her sister in-law, past away, was a nun.

Anyway, I have a very dear and close friend whom is "Catholic" by her religion. She lives with a man, whom she had a child by, not married, however takes it to heart to eat her fish during that time no meat on Friday's. She does not attend church on Sunday's except for the holidays, not often at Christmas, Easter is a big one though. She believes in abortion.

She says she is Catholic proud and clear, she even seems to have a bragging right to no meat on Fridays when need be, maybe a complaining right.

I believe it is some 80 million that claim to be Catholic, as any religion has a number. I wonder how many out of the 80 million truly live the Catholic life? Or Muslim, or Baptist, or Methodists, ect ect.

Out of the many that claim to be of a religion are more of a sinner of that religion than that of I that claim no religion. I believe, I question, I don't believe in any one set of rules however believe in a mix of most religions. Sunday worshippers having affairs, divorcing, having abortions, approving abortion, living together without marriage, children out of wedlock, ect ect. But they won't eat meat on Fridays.....

I guess what my real question or need of understanding is that anyone that claims to be something, living life with so many descrepancies of such, does that not make them false in life and who they really are? In religion there are rules, laws if it must be said, the truth of the religion and for one not to follow them to the upmost of understanding such that makes that person a false person does it not?


Oldstillwild answered on 04/24/05:

Hi Ttalady!(again)

So,one may conclude that people need a kind of spirituality in their lives.This is pretty much what you are describing above.

Most people do feel that there are moments in life,that being a bit spiritual at times will enlighten the most difficult periods.
So,bluntly,most people are just using their spiritual set of (religious) rules for their own benefits.

Few people however understand what spirituality might bring them: a consistent and permanent sound base of mental wellbeing.

In stead,one tend to call upon religious rules in bad times,forgetting them in good times.

People who understand life, cant stop feeling grateful.Even in bad times.Without
switching to the spiritual mode.Because theyre always in that mode.

So "does that not make them false in life and who they really are?"
No,thats just who they are.....Untill reaching the truly spiritual mode,based on the understanding of life itself,thus rejecting any religion.

pj333 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
ttalady rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

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