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These are answers that jocase has provided in Beginners & Newbies

headranger asked on 09/16/08 - Need a Suggestion for a Free Anti-Virus Program

You gave me a good link for a free anti-spyware--THKS

Now, can you give me a link/suggestion to a FREE
anti-virus program I can install. (I do not care for AVS)

Appreciate your help,
George in San Francisco

jocase answered on 11/08/08:
I do not know AVS

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 09/08/08 - Need Link to good Anti-Spyware Program

I would like to install a free version of a good
Spyware program such as Spy Sweeper or Spybot Search and Destroy.....

Can anyone out there give me a good link to one of these sites/free personal version ( I did not like AV)

Thanks, George in San Francisco

jocase answered on 09/11/08:

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 05/08/07 - Looking to Download Acrobat Reader 6

Although there are more recent versions, I prefer Adobe Reader 6. Mine disappeared due to a recent crash however.

Would you know what site I could go to to get a free DLoad of Version 6 ???

Thanks, George in SF

jocase answered on 05/15/07:

I think this

will give you the Reader 6 version. Download and save it rather than rum it so you can check it.
Also this is not an Acrobat site, so check for spyware and virus problems.

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 05/13/07 - How to change from Using 2 clicks to 1 mouse click

I am running XP Home with IE 7

How can I set it up so I can use 1 click instead of 2 mouse clicks to bring up a selected computer action??

Thanks, George

jocase answered on 05/15/07:

Go to Start>Control Panel and click the mouse icon to see if your mouse has this feature. If you don't see a mouse icon, when you get to control; panel, click view in the task bar, upper left.

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Greenlea asked on 01/17/07 - Software Installation

Please help.

I own DVD X Copy Gold
Back up, copy & restore DVD Movies to DVD R(W) Discs
License ID: 2634909
Version 3.0.2
by 321 Studios

I have used it on a now defunct computer.
I am trying to install it on my new computer.
I am using WIN XP.

The maker of this software no longer exists.

I need an activation code number to install this software.
Do you know how I can install this software w/o this activation code number??...or how to get this activation number??

Thank you.

jocase answered on 01/19/07:

You can try to install it and see what happens. If the software maker no longer exixts, you are probablty out of luck, sorry.

Greenlea rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 10/04/06 - What's a cookie and how do I enable one?

1/ What is a cookie?

2/ I want to open an email attachment which a friend has sent me but it says I can't because cookies are not enabled.

3/ What do I do and how do I do it to open this attachment (a Word document)?

(PS I share a computer with one other person plus an administrator).

jocase answered on 10/05/06:

Scott is right, don't do anything until you verify exactly what your friend sent. Otherwise you may find yourself with a nasty virus infection.

denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

benzir asked on 09/06/06 - Accessing different IP

Dear sir,
Our institution has several branches throughoutthe district. Each Branch computiresed with LAN Dialup network ;Windows 2000 TelNet enabled platform.
Please tell me step by step method/command to access IP Address of "B" office sitting from the terminal of "A" Office.
Thanking You in anticipation.
With regards,

jocase answered on 09/07/06:

I don't know much about telnet but maybe this page will give you the answer.

benzir rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Ccl471 asked on 05/20/06 - Pasting a Picture Onto a PDF Document

I have a friend named Frank, who I am teaching how to use his PC. Frank has a friend who created a website that has a certain PDF file, that contains both text and pictures.

This friend gave Frank the password that would allow him to go to the site and edit the PDF file. They have agreed that Frank is going to paste a certain picture onto the PDF document.

Frank's friend has gone overseas temporarily and is currently unreachable. And Frank doesn't know how to paste the picture onto the PDF file, so he's come to me for help.

Well, I'm stumped, too. So my question is: how does one paste a picture onto a PDF document?

Many thanks,


jocase answered on 05/21/06:

The full version, which Scott says you need, (and he is right) costs retail about $600.

Ccl471 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

dublin40 asked on 04/26/06 - virus & spyware programs

I have been told that I can & should run,in real time, several anti virus & spyware programs simultaniously. I have also been told that if I DO i will have conflict. Which is correct?

jocase answered on 04/26/06:

I agree with my buds. The programs will definitely confilict if run at the same time, in real time.

dublin40 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

lethal_13 asked on 04/15/06 - Saving document on floppy

Due to circumstances, I have information that I am wanting to update. I can make changes to the document in question but when I go to save on a floppy I get a message that the document is a 'read only' and the message I get when I go to save talks about a cyclic redundancy check and I am unable to save the changes even under a new name.
What is a cyclic redundancy check ?
How do I change a 'read only' file to enable me to make further changes to my work?

jocase answered on 04/16/06:

The file is probably corrupted, or the floppy is defective.

Select text, copy text, and paste text to notepad.

Then try saving it to a new floppy.

If that works, select it from notepad, copy it, and paste it to your word processor.

If none of that works, start typing on yet another blank document in your word processor, and save it to a new floppy.

missyb1980 asked on 01/09/06 - IP address

Here's a question for you ScottGem. This is missyb. I had the question regarding getting back into a chat forum. Here's kind of a strange question for you. you are the expert here. I don't have a whole lot of computer knowlege just a little bit. If a site has blocked not only your name but your ip address (which is what I suspect is what happened). Is there anyway to change or hide my ip address? Don't laugh if it's stupid question I was just wondering. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Missyb1980 :-)

jocase answered on 01/10/06:

Or try signing up as a new member with a different name.

missyb1980 rated this answer Above Average Answer

missyb1980 asked on 01/09/06 - What are registry keys?

What are registry keys? I did a system scan earlier today and it detected 2 registry keys and i had to delete them. I don't know too much about computers. Can anyone clarify this for me? Thanks :-)

jocase answered on 01/10/06:

Be careful making any changes to the registry. It is a place where you can do a lot of damage.
Always back up a registry before making any changes. You can then restore it to its prior state if necessary.

benzir rated this answer Average Answer
missyb1980 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 11/17/05 - World Wide Web or Internet?

What exactly is the difference between the world wide web and the internet? Is the internet a part of the world wide web or is the world wide web a part of the internet? Which came first, the chicken or the egg, and what's the difference? I think I'm right in saying that although very similar, they're not exactly the same thing...


jocase answered on 11/17/05:

This short paragraph illustrates the difference. However, the words
"internet" and "web" are used interchangingly in ordinary speech.

"While the web (primarily in the form of HTML and HTTP) is the best known aspect of the Internet, there are many other
protocols in use, supporting applications such as electronic mail, Usenet, chat, remote login, and file transfer."


denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 09/17/05 - My cut and paste doesn't work

I've just done a document and want to cut and paste it...I can't get it to go with Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V...nor do the two buttons on my keyboard do anything. What's wrong?

jocase answered on 09/17/05:

Do This:

Click Edit (upper left)

Click "Select All"

Click Edit Again

Click Copy

Click Edit Again

Click Paste after you have put your cursor where you want it to paste to.

Using kbd shortcuts only you would have to

Ctrl +A

Ctrl + C

Ctrl = V


denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 09/07/05 - Standby

I was cleaning my keyboard and rubbed across the top and apparently pushed the standby button, and eventually the computer screen went black, yet was running. So, what is standby, how to get out of it without having to unplug the computer?? Any other info appreciated.

jocase answered on 09/07/05:

Without knowing the exact model of your computer and the operating system you use it is difficult to give you a keyboard solution.

You don't need to plug the plug, if you have a surge suppressor with your computer plugged into the strip.Most strips have a switch. Turn the switch off and leave it off for at least a minute. Then turn the switch back on.

You may get a "scary message" about how your computer was shut down, but it is not anything fatal.


Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 08/21/05 - Accessing home computer from an at work computer

I'm looking for a program (for a PC) that allows you to ck your E-mail and perhaps other things on your home computer while you are at work, using a different computer.

Do these work pretty well??

Appreciate comments and suggestions,

George in SF

jocase answered on 08/21/05:

Another way to get mail is to to go to
Use your e-mail address and whatever password you use on you mail at home. Works from any computer with access to internet.

I don't know how secure these web mail programs are. You should ask you ISP if they have a web enabled mail access in their own network. Verizon has one called net mail.

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

frankiee asked on 06/02/05 - Take laptop apart to clean it or not

I take my desktop computer apart and clean it out once in a while. There is dust and other stuff that I clean out.
I have an IBM laptop 600E that I have not yet dared to take apart and look for dust.
I have never taken a laptop apart before.
Are there sites I can go to for step by step?
Do you think that a laptop is difficult to take apart and put baaack together.??
Do you think that I should take it to a pro??

jocase answered on 06/02/05:

It is not difficult to take apart, things are just smaller. Dust does heat things up and that is more critical in a laptop.

Search IBM's page and find out if you need to take it apart to clean it.

If you do, search IBM's page for your make and model and look for disassembly instructions.

If you have cleaned desktops you can clean laptops.

frankiee rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 06/01/05 - Copying

Say, I want to copy some interesting information opinion from a site and paste it onto a Question Board here at AW like everyone does.

How would I do that?

jocase answered on 06/01/05:

Go to the web page you want.
Select the text you want, by clicking and dragging your mouse over the desired text. The text should now be highlighted with a blue background.

Click Edit (upper left in IE Browser) and next click Copy which will appear in a dropdown menu.

Now go to Answerway. You can have IE browser opened twice, once for the page you want, and a second time for Answerway. Or, you can simply close the web page you have copied from.

Place your blinking cursor wherever you want the text in Answerway.

Click Edit and next click Paste.

The text that you have copied stays in memory on your computer until you shut the computer off or until you copy something else.

Please write me back if you have difficulty.

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

DTHEMAN asked on 05/31/05 - deleting cookies using Mozilla firefox browser

I have been unsuccessful at finding out how to delete cookies using mozilla firefox browser.

Anyone now how?

jocase answered on 06/01/05:

Tools>Options>Click Privacy tab on the left.

DTHEMAN rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

DTHEMAN asked on 05/30/05 - setting configurations back

I think there is a way to set the configurations on my computer back to a certain date and time. Can someone tell me how?

jocase answered on 05/30/05:

In Win XP

Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Restore

I suggest you read up on how it works before you use it. Check your Windows Help File first.

DTHEMAN rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

stiletto_5 asked on 05/04/05 - fixing loose laptop plug socket

my laptop power socket is loose. I jiggle and wiggle it a little to get the power cord to work, but no luck. Anybody know how to get the power socket to work, other than taking it back to the maufacuturer? Sometimes, when i plug in the adpater, it works, but then the socket gets loose again. Will soldering it work. I have not try it becuase it sounds too risky. Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated. thank you

jocase answered on 05/04/05:

The power socket needs to be replaced. Laptops are not easy to work on because of their small size.
If you want to attempt the work yourself, you need to get documentation regarding disassembly.

I would send it out. I work on desktops, but not laptops.


stiletto_5 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jpollardsmith asked on 05/03/05 - Computer warrantee question

" Hi,

About 2.5 months ago, I bought my first computer. I bought an entry-level Dell desktop. It consists of a computer tower, a CRT monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Installed on it is Windows XP, WordPerfect and various software related to photography and music. And I'm signed up with Netscape for an ISP.

The 3 month Dell hardware warrantee will expire in 2 weeks and I'm not really sure what to do afterwards. I was thinking that I could extend it to one year (for $19) or just let it expire.
Down the road Dell offers more warrantee extensions for higher prices.

What would you recommend that I do about extending the warrantee?

Thank you,


jocase answered on 05/03/05:

Since this is your first computer, I would recommend that you buy the $19 warranty. If something is wrong it probably will go bad in the first year.

Some warranties ship you the part after determining which part is bad over the phone. Then you install the part. Some warranties send someone to your house. Others have you ship the computer tower back.

Other than that, things wear out. I have had few hardware problems over the years, the problems occur with software. I have needed a new part from Dell and I had no problems.

Be sure you have good virus protection and good adware protection. Also be sure your computer is plugged into a surge suppressor.

If you have any questions about this, just write them in the comment box. Good luck!


jpollardsmith rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 05/01/05 - Error message Re: Missing DLL File

My wife's computer is running WIN 98 with IE.

Just recently, I get a message that says:

"A required DLL File,
ASWAUX.DLL, was not found."

Does anyone know what this is and is there a place I can go to to Download it??? (If that is the appropriate step I need to take)

Appreciate any ideas/suggestions... and Thanks
HeadRanger George in SF

jocase answered on 05/01/05:

First do a complete virus scan with a virus program that has been updated with the latests definitions.

DLL files can be downloaded, BUT I don't know this one.

Do you have antivirus and spyware, adware removal tools on your computer?

Write back.

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer


As suggested by fredg, I downloaded spyware doctor but had to uninstall it and remove all the software from my computer because it would not allow me to use my computer. It was causing my computer to slow down significantly and that is probably why it sent the last question I sent to this board earlier 3 times--I was trying to make a window that appeared to not be working to work.

After uninstalling and removing all of the SPYWARE DOCTOR software, my computer is back to normal.

people shouldn't recommend software to us without the recommender having experience with it.

Too many "experts" at websites like this one just do searches on the internet in order to answer questions and get stars.

jocase answered on 04/13/05:

I have used Spyware Doctor for about six months. It installed without a problem and works well for me.
As with any software, you get successes and failures. It is best to only recommend software that you have used, but there is software that is well known and has been reviewed in tech journals. I have not used McAffee antivirus, for example, but it is one of two top rated antivirus programs on the market.

Spyware Doctor will slow a computer down when it detects spyware. If you had it set to scan on bootup, it would be running trying to find spyware each time you booted up your computer.
Since there are many ways to setup Spware Doctor, and since the condition of your computer is unknown, it is impossible to know if you had a corrupted copy of the software, or if the configuration of the software causes a slow computer.

Sorry for your trouble, but I would have recommended Spyware Doctor to you also, based on the good results I have had with it.

DTHEMAN rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jpollardsmith asked on 04/13/05 - Surge protector question


I recently bought a Rayovac Surge Protector (1162 joules) and I hooked up my computer to it. I plugged my tower, monitor and computer speakers to the surge protector.

I have a question however, does the surge protector need to be on only when I use my computer? Or does it need to be on 24-hours/day?

Thank you,


jocase answered on 04/13/05:

Leave it on 24/7. However,if you plan to not use your computer for several days, you can unplug the AC plug attached to the cord on the surge protector from the AC power.

I just leave my surge protector on 24/7.

jpollardsmith rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

DTHEMAN asked on 04/11/05 - sorry, don't know how my question got sent 3 times

Sorry, didn't mean to send question 3 times. Must have left the mouse on the button too long.

jocase answered on 04/11/05:

You probably inadvertently clicked multiple times.It happens.

DTHEMAN rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jpollardsmith asked on 04/02/05 - Surge protector question


I just bought my first Dell computer. It's a tower, older-style monitor, keyboard, speakers and mouse.

I've seen surge protectors in several department stores.

Could you explain briefly what a surge protector does and whether you recommend one for my system?



jocase answered on 04/03/05:

You get what you pay for. Be sure it says it is a surge protector and not just an extension cord that looks like a surge protector.

Check out

This is from a Dell page. I like to buy a surge protector from the same outfit that I buy the computer from. Then if there is damage, you had your 'puter protected with what they recommended, Just a thought...

jpollardsmith rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 04/03/05 - New PC

If I were able to score a new PC by some means, how would I exchange my old one with the new one. I'm thinking unplug the old one(:D), and plug in the new one to my monitor and printer. Then?

1. Are the inputs marked clearly on all new pc's?

2. Would I have to install Windows? This worries me;I have some discs to install, but no confidence.

3. What about the ISP?

4. Anything else I may have forgotten?

Thanks in advance. Mary Sue

jocase answered on 04/03/05:

1. Are the inputs marked clearly on all new pc's?

There are markings, but they are tiny. Not bad, as a good flashlight will do the trick. As long as you do not force a connector to fit, I can't see a way to damage things. If it is wrong it just won't work. If you get a new monitor, keyboard and mouse, they will probably be color coded. But don’t get a new monitor, etc. just for the color coding.

2. Would I have to install Windows? This worries me; I have some discs to install, but no confidence.

If the new computer does not come with windows, you would have to install it. I recommend getting a computer with windows installed. Most all of them do anyway. The discs you have may not be a complete windows version/ Get win XP home or Professional.

3. What about the ISP?

If you already pay money to an ISP, then you can make a new computer work with your ISP. You may have to know a User name and password. You need to be sure that at least a dial up modem is installed in a computer. There are other options but lets not get too complicated.

4. Anything else I may have forgotten?

Windows is just the operating system. It allows stuff to “talk” to your hardware. You will need applications, such as Microsoft Office which contains Word, Excel, Publisher, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint. You can buy these separately but if you but them already installed, it is less expensive .Microsoft offers different office suites that have different uses.

You will need a browser, like Microsoft IE, Netscape or Firefox so you can get onto Answerway and other web sites.

Most people ask you what you are going to do with your computer so they can advise you what software to get. I just threw everything in and you may not need a full Microsoft Office Suite of Applications.

Last but not least, do you have data, on your old machine that you want to transfer to your new machine? “Data” is stuff you created, such as a letter to Aunt Tillie, your old e-mail, your favorites; bank statements, your e-mail address book of folks you send e-mail to.

Reading this over, it sounds like more work than it is. It takes a while to get a new computer to act the way your old one does.

I hope this will get you started and I invite others to chime in.

aquaris rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer


Each time I attempt to type something in any search engine, a WINDOW pops up that seems to display the code for the entire webpage while automaticly opening another window.

How do I get my search engine to work again?

jocase answered on 04/01/05:

Sounds like an April Fool's question to me. have spware,adware, and/or malware.

DTHEMAN rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

venus55 asked on 03/29/05 - I found a site called pc pitstop

I guess its suppose to tell you whats wrong with your computer and tell you how to fix it ect. Has anyone ever used this site before? Is it recommended or will it start all kinds of more problems after you use it.Is this a good site or a bad don't go there site.


jocase answered on 03/29/05:

Yes, I have used it many times. I have had no problems with it. You will learn much about your computer at that site.
You do have to know how to interpret what you read on the site. Read everything!
If you have questions, come back here.

venus55 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

purplewings asked on 03/21/05 - Posting a link

Hi Voiceguy,

Every time I attempt to post a link to a website, when I later click on it, it has added "" to the beginning of the url. What am I doing wrong? I would want the person clicking on the link to go directly there - not to answerway.

Thanks for your attention.


jocase answered on 03/21/05:

Go to this page

It is almost impossible to show on an answerway post.


purplewings rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 03/19/05 - Installing Win XP Service Pack 1 and 2

I am running Win Xp Home edition::

Is it generally a good idea to install Windows XP
Service Pack 1 and possibly Win Svc Pack 2???

What are the advantages if any???

Appreciate any suggestions/comments/ideas

HeadRanger George in SF

jocase answered on 03/19/05:

Service packs should be installed as they contain fixes to the windows software. Many of these fixes are bug fixes and many are security fixes.
Be sure to install them letting you computer do the work. Follow directions exactly and allow plenty of time for this task.


headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
ScottGem rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Greenlea asked on 03/16/05 - formatting CD-RWs

Please help.
It's me again.
About a year ago when my computer was new, I thought I had to format my CD-RW discs before i could use them for data.
I just bought some new ones, and though it doesn't say so anywhere on the package, they seem to already be formatted.
The new ones are Memorex, 80 minutes, 1X-4X.

So, do you think i can skip manually formatting them before use ?....I hope, I hope.
Thank you.

jocase answered on 03/16/05:

You do not manually format a CD-RW. The "preparation" of the disk is done by your computer.

Way back, floppies came formatted and unformatted. They were cheaper unformatted. I have never formatted any type of CD, so you got the answer you hoped for!

Greenlea rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 03/12/05 - Trouble Bringing up Webpages w/o having to Refresh

Just recently I have been experiencing a small problem when I try to bring up most web pages.

I am running IE6, OE6 and WinXP Home (Broadband)

When I click onto a hyperlink or even click onto a shortcut icon on my desktop to get to major (and small) webpages I get first the MS page that says "This Page cannot be Displayed"....I then hit the refresh button and the webpage comes up OK. This occurs 80% of the time.
I am thinking somehow I need to adjust a setting perhaps on my IE Browser??

I welcome ideas/suggestions and so on,

HeadRanger George in San Francisco

jocase answered on 03/12/05:

I would first clear out temporary internet files.
Tools>Internet>Options>Delete Files>OK

Or, If your broadband connection is DSL, Disconnect the power from the modem, and shut your computer completely off. Wait one full minute, reconnect the modem, to power again.Trun on computer and allow a few minutes for both the computer to reboot and the modem to reset.

Let me know!

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Greenlea asked on 03/11/05 - Saving pictures to CD-RW

Please help !

I am using RecordNow! that came with my PC. It is one year old. I am using WinXP. I am trying to save jpeg photos to a rewritable CD (CD-RW).
I first prepare the pics in a folder on my hard drive. I arrange them in the order I would like them to appear when the CD is opened…but….when I open the CD, the pics are NOT in the order I arranged them.

The pics came by email from many people over a span of a year. Some pics have titles, some have numbers, some have dates, etc. I have tried clicking and having the sub menu drop down giving me a choice of *Arrange Icons By> name, size, type, modified, etc. *

No matter what I choose, when they are moved to the CD, they are not in the order I have arranged them.

What am I doing wrong?
What else can I try?

I am new at this task so please be forewarned :)

Thank you

jocase answered on 03/12/05:

My two cents...
Rename each picture and give it a number starting with zero. You can also include a text name. For example:

Select arrange by name. The pictures should sort in numerical order.

To rename, right click the picture name, left click Rename and change the name Do not change the extension leave it whatever it is .jpeg, .bmp or whatever

Do this with about 5 pictures and see if it works.
Let us know!


Greenlea rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Greenlea asked on 09/21/04 - Maximize Windows

Please help.
Hi, Scott !
Recently I have to maximize every window I bring up on my screen by clicking on the center button on the toolbar in the upper right hand corner.

How can I make them *stay* maximized ???

I am using WinXP.

Thank you very much!


jocase answered on 02/26/05:

If a window opens smaller than you wish, drag the lower right corner to make it the size you want. It will stay that way.

Greenlea rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

PLUTUS1947 asked on 01/15/05 - Yahoo Groups - Audio

Is it possible to place an audio file on a Yahoo Group Message Board?

If so is it easy to do and can you please explain how?

Thank you.

jocase answered on 01/30/05:

If you have an audio file on a web page that you want on a Yahoo group, you need to type the complete URL to that file. It is in the area where you can load pictures of yourself.

From what I can tell, the audio file must exist on another web page, so it cannot be done the same way you upload a picture.

PLUTUS1947 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

davushka asked on 12/30/04 - Disk cleanup

Hi all cant seem to be able to get my disk clean up programe to work it starts but just stops after a few seconds disk defrag is working ok thanks for any help

jocase answered on 12/31/04:

Try disk clean up in safe mode.
To start the computer in safe mode
You should print these instructions before continuing. They will not be available after you shut your computer down in step 2.
Click Start, click Shut Down, and then, in the drop-down list, click Shut down.
In the Shut Down Windows dialog box, click Restart, and then click OK.
When you see the message Please select the operating system to start, press F8.
Use the arrow keys to highlight the appropriate safe mode option, and then press ENTER.
If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot system, choose the installation that you need to access using the arrow keys, and then press ENTER.

fredg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 10/30/04 - Cookies

I want to clean out my cookies, but I forgot how. I have Windows 98. I need step by step instructions. Thanks for any help.

jocase answered on 11/17/04:

I have found that the best way to deal with cookies is by using a spyware/adware program and deleting those cookies that it identifies. These cookies track surfing habits and can be safely deleted.


Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Choux asked on 11/08/04 - Heartsick

I have been having problems with my ISP for a couple of days, so I found that they had an update. So, I installed it, and now, my service is a mess; it is like aol, I can't access all parts of AW stuff is blocked and rerouted. Does anyone have a simple ISP? Or, can anyone recommend a good simple ISP? And a phone number. I'm in blocked out hell and other undesireable stuff.

jocase answered on 11/09/04:

Look and see if your local phone provider has an internet service. Then use internet explorer as your browser. This is the simplest way. If you have trouble, the phone company can determine if it is the phone line or their own ISP. This prevents you from dealing with two different vendors who can "blame" each other for problems.

John...Write back if you need to...

Choux rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Greenlea asked on 09/21/04 - Maximize Windows

Please help.
Hi, Fred !
Recently I have to maximize every window I bring up on my screen by clicking on the center button on the toolbar in the upper right hand corner.

How can I make them *stay* maximized ???

I am using WinXP.

Thank you very much!


jocase answered on 09/22/04:

Usually when a window is not maximized, you can do so by resizing it and it will remember its size.

To resize, hover your pointer over the lower right hand corner of the window and drag the window making it the size you want.


Greenlea rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

SCOOBY asked on 07/30/04 - IP Address

Hello Scott
Where on my computer can I find my IP address is? Thank you

jocase answered on 09/05/04:

If you can get to a DOS screen (type command in the run line) then when the black dos screen comes up type ipconfig
You may see more than one listing, but the one you want will be called "ip address"
To exit the black DOS screen type exit


venus55 asked on 09/04/04 - index.dat and history.dat folders

Whats the plus side of emptying these two folders and is there a down side to doing this? Will emptying them create any problems?


jocase answered on 09/05/04:


I advise that you do not empty folders with a .dat extension unless you know exactly what they do.

The best way to find out what can be deleted is to use windows Disk Cleanup in Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Cleanup.

This will give you a list and you can check off the type of files you want deleted. Clicking on the file type will give you a description of the files.

I use disk cleanup about 3 times a week.

This is part of general maintenance that any computer user should do. You will stay out of trouble this way.

John...Write back if you need to...

venus55 rated this answer Average Answer

Chouxxx asked on 08/30/04 - Computer Tool Bars

My right hand fell on the keyboard again, and I have tool bar hell. I can't seem to get the problem straighted out. I think there is something basic that I don't know about how to move around toolbars or retrieve them when they accidently get deleted. Thanks for any additional help. Choux

jocase answered on 08/31/04:

Right Click on a blank space on any toolbar you see. That should give you a list of tool bars with a check box next to the ones that are activated. Check or uncheck what you want.
If that doesn't work, tell me in which application you find toolbar hell and I can assist you further.

Chouxxx rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 07/27/04 - Adjusting the brightness of my monitor

I know this sounds stupid but I can't change the brightnss of my monitor. On the bottom right corner of the monitor are 2 controls. The first is an on/off button. The second is a very large circle divided into 4 quadrants. North is marked MENU, South is EXIT, West is plus and East is minus. It doesn't matter how hard I press any of them or how long I keep them depressed, nothing happens. Also, the screen edges are in very slightly.

There are no other buttons or rollers or controls of any kind that I can find on the monitor. I've never had problems with it before, but when I switched on today the screen is very dull.

What have I done wrong, and how do I fix it? And Yes, I have read the handbook - it just says, PROBLEM:SREEN BRIGHTNESS:ADJUST BRIGHTNESS CONTROL.

Many thanks.

jocase answered on 07/28/04:

When you attempt to adjust, It is best to be at your desktop. You may nt be seeing the on screen menu if another program or document is showing.

Be sure that there isn't a tiny button on the monitor or a small door that opens with other controls.

Also, the type of button you describe takes some getting used to. It is called a joystick and has as you describe, has four positions.

You need to get to the menu. Press and hold the north and hold it until you see an on screen menu.

If you don't get an on screen menu, the button is busted. If you can tell me the make of the monitor (model would be useful also), I can probably help you with contact info.


denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 07/16/04 - Thanks that's done the trick BUT...

Thanks that's got rid of the one I didn't want as a desktop setting but I still can't "recover" the original one that my PC was delivered with, the plain light blue background. It doesn't seem to be in the menu of backgrounds to choose from?

jocase answered on 07/17/04:

I don't see a plain blue one. the closest one is Windows XP. Provided you are running Windows XP.

If you visit the web site of the manufacture who sold the 'puter to you, you may get some info that way.
You could also do a search for computer wallpaper and see what you get.

John...Write back if you need to...

denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 07/16/04 - A really easy question on setting your desktop background

Here's a really easy question, I used to know how to do this but I've forgotten.

I've just bought a new PC which has Windows XP and I logged onto a site and without really thinking about it, on a whim, set a certain photo as my desktop background, the one that comes up first of all when the PC has completed its bootup and you get all the icons shown on the left of the monitor. And guess what, I've changed my mind and want to go back to the one that the manufacturer had set as desktop background.

What do I do?

Many thanks.

jocase answered on 07/16/04:

Place your mouse pointer on a blank space on the desktop.

Rignt click your mouse.

A screen appears Titled "Display Properties".
Click the TAB "desktop".

Select with your mouse the title you want under the box called "Background".

Click Apply.

Click OK.

Rate Me!


denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Flanker asked on 07/15/04 - Faxes

Just connected for the first time my phone line to my computer in order to send and receive faxes . It's been easy enough to send a header sheet but it's been quite a different thing trying to send , say a word document attached to said header sheet without the need of scaninning the doc. Can you give me some guidelines in order to be able to do this . I'm using Windows XP and the fax program that came with the system is called simply FAX ! Thx

jocase answered on 07/15/04:

I have used Simply Fax. It has been a while but try this.

Create your document in Word

Click File > Print and look at the box called "Name" Click the drop down arrow and click "Simply Fax". It should appear as if it were another printer connected to your computer.

You then may get a message saying sometheing like "Do you want to switch to "Simply Fax now?" Click "Yes" or "Ok" and you will be sent to probably the address book form.

From that point on, follow the on screen directions, and when the fax is sent you will see a message that it have been sent successfully.
I think the header is part of the Simply Fax program you have. You will have to poke around a bit.

The idea is to think of your fax software as a printer and switch to it as if it were another printer when you want to send a fax.

John...Write back if you need to...

Flanker rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
ScottGem rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 06/08/04 - Problems with "My Documents" Folder

I'm running Win98 with IE6. I keep most of my work related docs in My Documents folder.......A few wks ago, all of a sudden when I went to My Documents file, it had made 2 copies of each document. I went through and deleted the copies and kept the original. Now, when I go to retrieve some documents I get a message that I am low on resources or the machine freezes up. I have lots of hard drive left (40% of the total). I am thinking about putting the vital documents on a floppy and deleting the whole folder. Then I could work from the floppy, or, I could use the floppy to import the docs back INTO the My Documents file. Does any of that make sense?? Anything else I can do. All of my Norton AV, scanning etc is always up to date and current. Appreciate your comments and ideas. George in SF

jocase answered on 06/08/04:

I know you said that Norton is up to date but it sure sounds like a virus or worm to me.

Is your Win 98 up to date? Microsoft has had many security updates over the last few months. Many of them affecting Your browser.

Check Help file and search for updates. Install those marked critical.

Update your virus definitions and run a full system scan

You system is slow probably because of all the deletions you have had to make. (or, the presence of a virus or worm). Use defrag to find and correct a defragmented drive.

You could copy files to a floppy and work from the floppy, but if your machine is infected you may have the same problem.

John...Write back if don't know how to perform any of these tasks...

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

HANK1 asked on 06/05/04 - Screen too large for desktop!

I have to use the scroll bar at the BOTTOM of my screen in order to see all the text, pictures etc. What can I do to make it fit? Hope you can help! Thanks.


jocase answered on 06/06/04:

To change screen resolution, right click on any BLANK space on your desktop. a small screen will appear. Left click on "properties". A dialogue box will appear. Left click on the Settings Tab. A screen will appear. Move the slider until you see the screen resolution suggested in the other experts answer (numbers will change).
John...Write back if you need to...

HANK1 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

MAHASHA asked on 05/22/04 - when startup or rebooting pc slow winXP home edition

Dear sir
My computer very slow when startup or rebooting (window XP home edition).On internet no problem.

jocase answered on 05/22/04:

To check which programs are being launched at startup, go to Start>Run Command and type misconfig then click OK. A screen called System Configuration Utility will appear. Click the Start Up Tab.
Uncheck any program you don't want to automatically begin at start up. If you don't know what the program is don't uncheck it. Follow screen prompts to complete tasks.

John...Write back if you need to...

MAHASHA rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Greenlea asked on 05/07/04 - Symbols in Word

Please help.
Where do I find the symbol that stands for degrees; as in, preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Thanks a lot,

jocase answered on 05/08/04:

After Insert you can find that symbol in "normal" text. It cannot we displayed here.

Greenlea rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 04/14/04 - Looking for a Good and Free Pop-up Stopper

The constant pop ups on my computer are really begiining to annoy me.

Does anyone know of a good and simple free Pop-Up stopper software?? Preferably one they have personally used.

I welcome all suggestions/ideas
Thanks, HeadRanger George

jocase answered on 04/14/04:

I use a Google toolbar. It is designed as a search tool that allows you to use Goolge search engine. The tool bar remains visible when you click on your browser.The pop-up blocker is included in the tool bar. The download is free and requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. Go to Google Toolbar There are other pop up blockers but I found this one to be the best.


headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 04/01/04 - Question on Installing Norton Anti Virus Software

My friend had been using Norton av which came with her computer. The subscription expires in 10 days. She went out to Office Club and purchased a new Norton AV 2003 software package. (It was on a good sale price)

Is there any reason she can't just install the new Norton AV? Should she wait until the current program expires? Is there any reason to uninstall anything at this point?
Appreciate your thoughts & Suggestions.
George in SF

jocase answered on 04/03/04:

I successfully installed ver 2004. Call Norton if you have a doubt. Or, go to there page, you may be able to e-mail them.

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

headranger asked on 04/01/04 - Question on Installing Norton Anti Virus Software

My friend had been using Norton av which came with her computer. The subscription expires in 10 days. She went out to Office Club and purchased a new Norton AV 2003 software package. (It was on a good sale price)

Is there any reason she can't just install the new Norton AV? Should she wait until the current program expires? Is there any reason to uninstall anything at this point?
Appreciate your thoughts & Suggestions.
George in SF

jocase answered on 04/02/04:

Do not uninstall the old norton. Just install the 2003 version.

headranger rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/29/04 - Floppy Disc

Where is the best place to learn introductory level stuff about floppy discs?


jocase answered on 03/30/04:

On the more serious side, it is always a good idea to save your work to your hard drive (The C drive) whose icon is found by double clicking My Computer.
If you need to put the saved file in a floppy the do that last. I do not advise writing directly to a floppy and not to your Hard Drive first.

The reason is that a floppy disk is much slower that a hard drive (The C drive). Also a floppy drive has a shorter live than a hard drive. Both types of drives wear out because they are mechanical devices with moving parts.

Just when you learn all about a floppy disk, you will discover that the will probably be come obsolete. People now use "flash drives" that plug into your computer's USB port (hole) and have more capacity than floppy disks with the advantage of no moving parts.

Take a look at Flash Drives

And see for yourself.

You asked "can I put more than one file on a floppy and how would I know which is which?" You can put as many files as will fit, and you give them different names to tell them apart.
So the best page to learn about floppy disks is Answerway!

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/29/04 - ???

What does it mean when the only toolbar at the top has a black rectangle at the right, and wierd icons toward the left? Something is screwed up. Thanks.

jocase answered on 03/29/04:

Which application has the toolbar?
A black rectangle to the right of what?
Clarify "weird".

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/29/04 - Floppy Disc

Where is the best place to learn introductory level stuff about floppy discs?


jocase answered on 03/29/04:

Ok, Xchoux, it's my turn.

A floppy is a device that is used to store computer files so that they can be taken to another location. For example, you write a letter and you want you buddy down the street to review it and make changes. You could print out the letter and give it to him, or you could copy the letter onto a floppy, stick it in your shirt pocket and run down the street. Your buddy inserts the floppy into his drive, clicks "my computer" icon and then double clicks on the "A" drive icon. The letter appears on his screen and he can save your copy, and can revise your copy. He can then put the floppy in his shirt pocket and run up the street to you house and you would have his revisions WITHOUT RETYPING.
Or... If you want to back up a file or document to a floppy and put it in your fireproof box, then if (God forbid) your house burns down and your computer melts you would have the floppy to put in your drive of your new computer and this sensitive file would be preserved.

Voiceguy explained just about all you need to know about a floppy.
My contribution was an application that hopefully clarifies his explanation.
So, how did I do?

CeeBee rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/28/04 - Desktop

I want to clear my desktop of the following icons. How do I do this? I am assuming I can access these items elsewhere.
My Desktop
Oulook Espress
My Documents
Neighborhood Network
Windows Media Player

Thanks so much, Chou

jocase answered on 03/29/04:

I would caution you about deleting anything unless you really know what it is and want to get rid of it.
Sounds from you questions that you are cleaning up. Do you lack hard drive space?

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/28/04 - Microsoft Works 98

Existing Documents.

I wnat to get rid of some existing documents. How do I do this?

Thanks, Chou

jocase answered on 03/28/04:

Go to My Computer, find the document you want to delete, do not open it. click on it once to highlight it and strike your delete key.
There are several other ways.

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/28/04 - Correction(see below)

That should be My Computer not My Desktop!

jocase answered on 03/28/04:

see my clarification

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/28/04 - Desktop

I want to clear my desktop of the following icons. How do I do this? I am assuming I can access these items elsewhere.
My Desktop
Oulook Espress
My Documents
Neighborhood Network
Windows Media Player

Thanks so much, Chou

jocase answered on 03/28/04:

There are two types of desktop icons. One type is a shortcut and one is an icon directly belonging to a program.

You can safely delete shortcuts, which have a tiny curved arrow on the lower left hand side of the icon. DO NOT DELETE icons that have no tiny arrow unless you want to delete that program.

I don't know what version of windows you have so I can't answer directly. Write back and tell me is you have win 95, 98,ME, 2000,or XP.

ScottGem rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/26/04 - Lost Back Icon

I have lost the bar with the back icon on it. How can I retrieve it?


jocase answered on 03/27/04:

Chiming in with a guess...
Maybe some of your problems are that you browser screen is not completly showning on your monitor.
Click and drag the bar at the top (blue bar, unless you changed colors)To the right and to the left. make sure it is centered. Also try clicking the maximize, restore button upper left of screen. Just a guess.

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/25/04 - Address Bar

I found the address bar, but it is too high and there is no "go" icon. It's broken.

jocase answered on 03/26/04:

It is not broken, it is...

hidden. Even if you can't find it, you don't need it. Use the enter key instead of clicking the "GO" icon. The Address bar can be moved and sized horizontally by hovering you mouse over just the right spot and then clicking and dragging.

So you can use the "enter" key or experiment with your mouse. Ain't technology wonderful?


XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Akitil asked on 03/19/04 - ScottGem & jocase- Not a ?? just a thank-you!!

thanks! between the explanations and the clarifications the 2 of you gave me, I found and installed the "Photo Editor" in Office 2000 STANDARD!!
now I just need time to go play with it!



jocase answered on 03/19/04:

Glad to hear that! Check out that tutorial link I had in one of my answers.

Akitil rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Akitil asked on 03/17/04 - MS Photo Editor, where are u??

Hi experts!

have WinXP, Office 2000 STANDARD.

have read that Microsoft has a "photo editor" (incorperated with Office) and since I just got a new digital camera, I am trying to fing it on my comp.
I don't want to buy a photo editor just yet. so I want to FIND this MS product that's suppose to be there.

how do I do that?
I checked the CD, can't see it there - although I am not too sure how to check around.

thanks, again!

jocase answered on 03/18/04:

Go to My pictures and double click on any sample picture. Samples are shipped with new computers in Win XP Pro. The image will appear in Microsoft Photo Editor. If it doesn't, hold down the Ctrl key and strike "E". A tiny window will appear. Maximize the window and you are there.

If this doesn't work, use Scott's solution.

Other help is at:Tutorial


Akitil rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

XCHOUX asked on 03/13/04 - Notepad

I would like to write on the notepad and transfer my opinions onto Answerway.

Wold anyone be able to give me a step-by-step procedure? Easy language. Loke:

1. Get notepad up on your screen

Thanks to anyone who wants to take this on. Chou

jocase answered on 03/13/04:

1. Get notepad up on your screen
2. Type the text you want.
3.When finished click Edit, next click "Select All". Your text will be highlighed.
$. Click Edit again and click "Copy"
5.Minimize Notepad
6. Go to Answerway and RIGHT CLICK in the space where you want your answer. Select "Paste" from the small menu that appears.

How did I do?
You may want to do this in Word if you have it because Word has a spell check.

XCHOUX rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

SCOOBY asked on 03/11/04 - Dell Computer

I am looking into the possibility of purchasing a Dell Computer and wonder if anyone here can share your experience with them and with the company. Does the company actually send representatives to the purchaser's home when the computer is still under warrantee.

jocase answered on 03/11/04:

I bought a Dell for my sister, a new computer user, about a year ago and we have not had to call support. No problems. Any problems we had we just because of her inexperience.
Some companies sell warranties that allow for a tech to come to your house and install a part that has failed. This usually cost extra. Micron PC offers this and they have a good product.

Dell's web page doesn't seem to say much about on-site support but you might want to read it at

Hope this helps!

SCOOBY rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

gss30 asked on 03/07/04 - URL

It may sound foolish,but what does URL mean?Is it the link to other sites?What is the definiton for each letter??

jocase answered on 03/08/04:

Or, in other words, it is what is commonly called the "address" of a web page.

gss30 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jessicaa asked on 02/07/04 - error

when i try to go into my bank to check my account,when i put the address in the address bar,which i put it in correct, the same way i always have it comes up on the address bar empty%20 reference,what does this mean and can i do something else to get into my bank

jocase answered on 02/08/04:

It doesn't keep you from getting into anything else because there is nothing wrong at your end, or with the other servers that you can get into. The bank has the problem. It may be just with your account. You need to call them and have you walk you through it.
You are paying them a fee (I assume you have home banking with some bank) and they are there to get it right.

Don't hesistate to call. I have had to do it many times!

jessicaa rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

davushka asked on 02/05/04 - USB speed

Hi all, I have just bought a Iomega CD-RW 52 x 24 x 52 x USB external drive. For copying some music cd's. My pc seemed a little slow when copying so I also bought a Belkin Hi speed USB 2.0 notebook card to see if this would make copying a little faster than the 1.1 but it is still the same should I notice a diference. Pc is Dell inspiron 2650 Pentium 4 windows xp thanks for any help.

jocase answered on 02/07/04:

The speed of the buss that the new card is plugged into will have something to do with the overall speed. If that is the case not much you can do.

coco331038 rated this answer Poor or Incomplete Answer
davushka rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jessicaa asked on 02/07/04 - error

when i try to go into my bank to check my account,when i put the address in the address bar,which i put it in correct, the same way i always have it comes up on the address bar empty%20 reference,what does this mean and can i do something else to get into my bank

jocase answered on 02/07/04:

With something like this, you should call your banking on line tech support. They will know the meaning of their own error messages. It is possible that their server is not working at the present time, so be sure to try again before you call.

jessicaa rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 12/07/03 - The age of a page again...

Re my last question, I've tried right clicking on any number of pages that have been online for some time, and then going to properties, and in each and every case it says today's date for the "page created" and "page modified."

That wasn't what I expected. How do I find out when the page was actually put on the www for the first time, originally?

jocase answered on 12/07/03:

I don't think the original date is published. The dates you get reflect the fact that the page is loaded every time you download it for that day.
The webmaster is the on who would know when pages were first put up.

HOWEVER,don't take this as the last word, other experts will answer if I am wrong!

denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

justdilly asked on 12/01/03 - Computer icon in taskbar tray (internet connection)

Hi folks, I'm trying a new internet connection service and they put their own icon in the tray at bottom right of screen. Is there any way to add the green computers icon also so I'll know when I'm connected to the internet? Thanks

jocase answered on 12/01/03:

Try hovering your mouse pointer over the new icon whwn you are connected. Most of them will then show a connection and rate of speed. Let me know if this works.


justdilly rated this answer Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 11/30/03 - What are the clicking noises on my PC?

I don't mean anything is wrong, I just mean what are the ordinary clicking noises my PC makes when I click my mouse on a hyperlink? What's happening inside the tower to make things click? What's physically doing the clicking?

jocase answered on 12/01/03:

The only moveable parts are the hard drive, a CD drive(s) floppy drive, zips drive (optional) and a fan in the power supply. You may also have one or more small fans to cool the processor.

Hard Drives can get pretty noisy as they are written to. That is a normal sound as the platter of the hard drive spins at about 7500 R.P.M. and a mechanical arm "floats" above it.
That is the "wheel" rotating inside.

Please rate.

coco331038 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 10/06/03 - My PC clock keeps losing time

My PC clock in the bottom right hand corner keeps losing time. I've done all the normal things in the manual and reset it correctly, but it still loses about 5 minutes a week and 15 or so minutes a month.

Any suggestions anyone?


jocase answered on 10/06/03:

There is a battery called a CMOS battery in your computer that is probably going bad.
They last about three years.

If you go to

Read up on this because can't just yank the battery out and slide in a new one. The battery saves CMOS settings and you have to restore those settings after installing a new battery.

You will find instructions on how to replace it. The batteries are sold where you find cameras and watches sold. Target usually has them.

If your computer is less than 3 years old, you may have a different problem. If so write back.


coco331038 rated this answer Above Average Answer
denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
ScottGem rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 09/15/03 - Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses...

What exactly is the difference between:
3/Trojan Horses?

jocase answered on 09/15/03:

A computer virus is a program that is designed to replicate itself and spread from file to file, usually attaching itself to applications. When this application is run, it can infect other files on a user's disk. By definition, human interaction is necessary for a virus to spread to another user's files. This can be performed by downloading files, trading diskettes with others, copying files to/from file servers, or sending e-mail attachments. To combat a virus, be sure to use anti-virus software like McAfee's VirusScan or Norton Antivirus from Symantec.

A computer worm also infects other computers, but it is spread to other computers on a network automatically and without the action of humans. This allows computer worms to spread more rapidly than computer viruses. A worm doesn't alter or delete files but instead they reside in memory, eat up system resources, and slow down your computer. To protect against a worm, networked users must keep up with operating system patches and updates and be aware of any suspicious traffic.

Trojan Horse
A Trojan Horse is a program that initially appears useful or benign and fools a user into running it. But while it runs, it could be allowing "back door" access to your computer by hackers or destroying files on your hard disk. For protection a gainst a Trojan Horse, users must be suspicious of any unknown program and be sure it is safe before running it.

That is a brief rundown.

Please rate.

coco331038 rated this answer Above Average Answer
denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
marge0227 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 09/13/03 - Retrieving secret pictures...

OK everyone at Answerway - here's a topical question that I want several sensible answers to:

Over the past couple of years I've worked in several police stations in the UK and I've had numerous arguments with numerous computer engineers, consultants and police officers. Some claim that they can "wipe" their PCs so that no-one would EVER be able to retrieve something that they didn't want found...others say that they could find anything that had ever been on a computer, no matter how clever the previous owner had been.

Somebody doesn't know what they're talking about...

Sensible answers only please,

London UK.

jocase answered on 09/13/03:


Formatting a HD and then writing to it with nonsense data is what is normally done to
remove data permanently.
However, it all depends upon how much you trust the software to do this.

Go to for a description of how this works.

To be sure all is gone, you remove the HD and physically destroy it. Of course you would need to reinstall a HD with an OS and all Applications.

Less drastic is the use an external drive and take it with you when you are on the run!

If you have a high interest in this also go to
and read what a security expert has to say.

denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 09/08/03 - Finding square roots on a calculator

I have a calculator without a square root key or a handbook. How do I find square roots? What keys do I press and in what sequence to find that the square root of 16 equals 4?

Many thanks.

jocase answered on 09/10/03:


To find the square root of 4, press 4 then press the square root key.The answer will appear on your caculator display.

Also go to

And check your answers with the square root caculator there.

Please rate and comment.

denberg asked on 09/09/03 - Finding Square Roots on a Calculator

I have an advanced scientific calculator but no handbook. It doesn't have an ordinary square root key of the type found on cheaper calculators. It has a key called "tan" and underneath the key are the letters x then a square root sign then y then XOR. There is also another key called 1/x and underneath it are a square root sign and the letters XNOR.

QUESTION: How do I find square roots on this calcutor?

If I want to find that the square root of 4 = 2, what keys do I press and in what order?

Many thanks.

jocase answered on 09/10/03:


To find the square root of 4, press 4 then press the square root key.The answer will appear on your caculator display.

Also go to

And check your answers with the square root caculator there.

Please rate and comment.

coco331038 rated this answer Average Answer
denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

denberg asked on 09/09/03 - Finding Square Roots on a Calculator

I have an advanced scientific calculator but no handbook. It doesn't have an ordinary square root key of the type found on cheaper calculators. It has a key called "tan" and underneath the key are the letters x then a square root sign then y then XOR. There is also another key called 1/x and underneath it are a square root sign and the letters XNOR.

QUESTION: How do I find square roots on this calcutor?

If I want to find that the square root of 4 = 2, what keys do I press and in what order?

Many thanks.

jocase answered on 09/10/03:


To find the square root of 4, press 4 then press the square root key.The answer will appear on your caculator display.

Also go to

And check your answers with the square root caculator there.

Please rate and comment.

coco331038 rated this answer Average Answer

denberg asked on 09/07/03 - I'm embarassed to ask this, it's so elementary!

A relative has given me a disc entitled "CD-R Recordable" with some wedding photos on it, but I haven't been able to run it on my PC!

Here's what I did:

Desktop>My Computer>D>

Then a pop-up box appears saying "D:is not accessible. The device is not ready."

HELP!!!What have I completely misunderstood? What should I do to see the pictures?

Many thanks,


jocase answered on 09/07/03:

Right click the D drive, select properties, left click properties and clear any check mark that says read only.
Now double click the D icon and see if it runs.

If that doesn't work, copy the picture file from the CD to the desktop, right click the copied icon on the desktop, select properties, left click properties and clear any check mark that says read only.

Now try to open it. I think the disk is set to read only and you need to remove that attribute. By moving it to your desktop, you are placing in the desktop folder on your machine where you should have more control over it.
Other answers you got are also possibilities.


denberg rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

lizaro asked on 06/10/03 - Flash drive

Hi Expert,
Is flash drive the same as flash memory


jocase answered on 06/14/03:

Flash drive and flash memory drive would be the same. If you use the word "drive" you are referring to the small USB device that adds another drive to your computer.
Other devices use the word "flash" which indicates that a device (not a drive) has a chip that can be reprogrammed. A common example is flash BIOS which is a BIOS chip that can be reprogrammed (updated).
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coco331038 rated this answer Above Average Answer
lizaro rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Harmonyhill asked on 05/31/03 - Printing


I can't seem to get my printer to print anything. It worked before so I haven't a clue what it wrong. When I click on print, I get a screen that says to click ok for one copy........

click on it, it goes to a FAX. I don't have a fax and I'm not trying to send it to a fax I want to PRINT.

What am I doing wrong?


jocase answered on 06/02/03:

OK, Glad you got it working!

Harmonyhill rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

maranel asked on 06/02/03 - mouse freeze

my mouse freezes up everytime i go into delete cookies
ctr dlete dont work what else can i do besides shutting off the computer and why does my mouise freeze up

jocase answered on 06/02/03:

Does your mouse freeze when you try to do other tasks?
Have you recently installed new hardware?
Have you recently installed new software?
Are you using win 95 or win 98 or win ME or win 2000 or win XP?
Write back so that I can assist you!

maranel rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Harmonyhill asked on 05/31/03 - Printing


I can't seem to get my printer to print anything. It worked before so I haven't a clue what it wrong. When I click on print, I get a screen that says to click ok for one copy........

click on it, it goes to a FAX. I don't have a fax and I'm not trying to send it to a fax I want to PRINT.

What am I doing wrong?


jocase answered on 06/01/03:

Don't uninstall anything yet. Just see if your printer driver is set as a default. Sounds like a fax driver is set to default.
Tell me what version of windows you are using and the name of your printer and I will give you step by step instructions.

If you write back, make it a new question and it will be placed in my e-mail. That way I can respond faster.

Harmonyhill rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer
ScottGem rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

Harmonyhill asked on 05/13/03 - DSL

Is DSL way better than AOL? I got a new computer and today had a disagreement with AOL and their billing practices, long story short, I had the phone company and AOL on the phone at the same time one company blaming the other for a mix up and I ended up agreeing to drop AOL in favor of DSL which I will get later this month. I know practically nothing about computers and am wondering if DSL is worth the extra few dollars a month.


jocase answered on 05/13/03:

Hi Harmonyhill,
I have had DSL with Verizon for about 3 years. I had AOL before. I think it is well worth it. It is faster for downloads but not faster for uploads. Web pages load much faster and I would never go back.
Since Verizon is my primary phone carrier, I bought their DSL to avoid the finger pointing of two different companies.
I have a little trouble in the first few weeks after it was set up but it got fixed. It has been trouble free since.

I guess you are already checked out to see if you are close enough to the phone company's switch.

After it is set up, you visit the Internet directly through Internet Explorer or Netscape. Delete all AOL files.
Please rate,

Harmonyhill rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

grayeagle_50 asked on 03/27/03 - Viewing more then 1 page?

Everytime I use my online Bible,I have to leave answerway and then come back.How can I open another browser without losing the other?.In other words I want to view two different sites.....Jeff

jocase answered on 03/27/03:

IE allows you to launch two or more browsers at the same time. Click on the E icon as you leave the original one open.

grayeagle_50 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

jennylynn238 asked on 02/11/03 - Computer issues...

What are some signs of a bad motherboard?

jocase answered on 02/11/03:

Anything from erratic operation to an inoperable system.
The question has so many possible answers that it is difficult to give a specific answer.

coco331038 rated this answer Excellent or Above Average Answer

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